a new distraction.

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Word Count: 1565

I've been inside all friday.

It's currently 10.22pm.

Normally on Fridays you hang out and party with your friends, but since i don't have any, i stay inside, watching re runs of friends and obsessing over non-realistic situations like Leo coming back to me and choosing me instead of the life he is living right now.

I began to get ready for bed when someone suddenly knocked on my door. I walked wearily to the door, and with each step i got even more tired.

I opened the door and immediately regretted checking who it was through the small hole in the door.

" Hey Rose"
" Matilda!"

" Um. How did you find my apartment?"
" Well Leo lives below you and i remember him feeling me you lived just above him"
" Oh okay."

" What are you up to right now?"
She looked at my outfit and got an answer to her own question.

" Your not seriously going to bed at 11 on a Friday night?"
" That's what i'm doing"

"Why don't we go for a walk?"
" A walk?"

" Yes this time is always the nicest, especially when it's dark and no one can bother you"

" Okay let me get changed"


We have been walking for around 30 minutes, and to my surprise, it was quite nice. We talked about school, our families, what we want to do when we are older and the best part, we didn't talk about anything that has happened to me in the last week.

As we approached a corner, of a random street, we walked by a group of boys, who were around our age.

They began to scream and make noises as we approached them, and that's when i looked at Rose and she loved it. She loved the attention and looked as if she was going to talk to them. I rolled my eyes, and begged her that we don't stop to say Hi.

and she didn't listen to me.

" Hey Boys"- Rose responded.

" Hey beautiful ladies"

I didn't bother in the conversation. Rose was chatting them all up and she seemed to like it. I just stood, almost in the back, and felt like a piece of meat as they all stared at my body and my face.

I pulled Rose aside.

" Can we please go"
" No i like them"
"Please, i don't feel comfortable"
" Then go"

It was as if she changed into a completely different person around boys. So i walked away from her, and tried to figure out where i was.

The street was dark and full of terrors. I walked slowly, my hands in my pockets, as i began to recognise where i was.

All types of people were out tonight. The homeless, the druggies, the prostitutes, and the normal people like me.

One of the streets, that i was currently walking down, was very busy, and as i reached the end of it i fell on my face, after tripping on a persons leg.

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