Episode 48: Sinful Passion

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Episode 48: S i n f u l  P a s s i o n


I stood there, swaying side to side on my unbalanced feet right beside a rigid and angry V.

"That's how it is." He told me. "They'll look at you and fear you for who you are."

"Oh man, just shut up." I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to drown my ears into the music instead.

"Why did you bother coming here?"

I stood quiet. Honestly, I didn't want to hear him. I was doing my best to shut him off. Maybe if I thought about vanishing for long enough I'd disappear somewhere far away from him.

"You're an idiot. You should've known this would happen to you."

"Just shut up!" I opened my eyes. "Damn it." I looked away rubbing my tears off. "Don't talk to me!"

"You're drunk?" He sounded surprised.

"So what?!" I stumbled forward, walking off on my own. "Just leave me alone! I didn't ask for you to come!"

"Where are you going?" He grumbled. I twirled around, maybe twice in a confused circle, but I still managed to face him in the end, presenting my furious face.

"To have fun! Like I should be having! Because I'm not a sad, lone, loser, freak who's going to spend the rest of her youth locked up in a room crying!"

"Listen. It's taking every bit of energy in my body to not rip that kid's arms and then drag you back home. So you better cooperate with me right now and leave before it gets out of hand."

"Stop threatening me with your instability!" I found myself screaming back at the top of my lungs. I have never felt so much anger in my life. Man, was I ready to explode.

His eyes widened a little, almost looking hurt.

"Well, I wouldn't have to make you feel threatened if you just make my life easier!" He yelled back. I froze, taking in a soft gasp. For once, V lost his cool. Not like typical crazy losing his mind, but like normally losing it. Not irrational cool, but emotional cool.

"Who do you think makes me so angry all the time?!" He lashed out on me, pointing with a finger. "It's you! You think you're making it better by acting the way you are. You honestly think you're trying your best to help me. Always making yourself the victim and, oh, of course, I'm the asshole as always! But every time, every damn time you really manage to push me to my limits, you know! You never fucking listen to me! You just go off by yourself thinking you know it all!"

I stood there in the middle of the blaring music vibrating again my bones. A few people stared at our fight probably thinking it was a typical dramatic couple on a Friday night. But it was more than that.

I think, for once, maybe we were finally communicating. Probably not in the best way that civilized people usually do, but in a way where he was finally allowing himself to speak up about how he really felt. And he wasn't holding back. Now that's what I call progress.

"Well...why didn't you tell me earlier, jerk face! You never say anything!" I yelled back. "What? Am I supposed to somehow guess your feelings too? Am I'm psychic?"

"You never give me a chance, you idiot!" He viciously pronounced my common nickname. He frowned and grabbed my arm. "You know what? I don't care. We're leaving right now."

"No! I want to stay!" I cried, pushing him back.

"You're not staying here!" He grumbled back, tugging hard on my arm.

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