Episode 21: Our Secrets

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Episode 21: O u r S e c r e t s

"I can't believe you still choose to go to these boring institutions," Jimin mumbled, as we got out of my final class of the day.

"I can't abandon my duties as a human just because I'm living with you guys. I still need something to ground me down to this earth." I clutched my head in one hand and buried my face behind my hair. So, how did my night go? Not a wink of sleep. You'd thought I'd be clubbing until I collapsed like any normal college student but instead I had my incredibly detailed fortune told and saw myself dying just about three million times.

Not to mention, I couldn't even go near V now. I thought it was bad before, but it's worse now. There was some kind of imprinted fear in me after what I saw of him do in the visions. My gut feeling told me that it was better to stay away for now, and he seemed to be fine with that as well. As long as he doesn't provoke me, then I believe we should be able to maintain mutual peace. I had thought we had at least worked on a truce about him not killing me every time he sees me, but it seems like all that progress is crumbling down again.

"Maybe it is better to have some mortals supporting you at school." Jimin agreed. "Do you have friends that you could possibly rant to?"

"Friends?" I laughed. "And tell them what? Help me, I'm living with seven demons and I think Satan's about to destroy us all? That'll be the reason for exactly why I don't have any friends."

"Well, I never said to say that. I'm trying my best to understand, you know." Okay, maybe I was being a big jerk just now.

"My bad." I sighed.

"What do you do for emotional support?" He asked, looking over at me as we walked down the University's decorative garden. "Is there anything I can get you? Food perhaps? I know female mortal love that."

I smiled and looked up at his face. He cracked a smile back and cocked his head genuinely questioning me.

"Oh...actually, there is something that used to help me." I gnawed on my lip nervously and chuckled.

"What is it? Can I help?" He readily volunteered. I glanced at him and threw another nervous smile.

"Well, I don't know if you specifically can help."

His smile wavered a little bit and I could practically see a challenge accepted sign in his eyes. "Do you need a reintroduction? I am the prince of demons, there is nothing that I can't--"

"Unless you'd like to join me as I pray at church." I cut him off. His smile deflated in a second.

"Ch-Ch-Church?" He spat out like the very word itself would be the venom that would end his life.

"Yeah. The university has a mass prayer on Mondays after classes are out, which is now. I was hoping I could attend it today, but since you and your brother are always trotting around me for that barrier issue, I wasn't sure if you guys would like the idea of me de-stressing there."

"Well, I'm definitely not going into that place even if it was the last thing I'd do. And I believe my brother would also agree for with me once." Jimin agreed. "But I doubt you'd have to fight a demon off in there either."

"So, does that mean I can go and meet you guys after?" I perked up.

"I..." He blinked and shook his head with confusion. "I just don't understand how a church would exactly make all your problems disappear. That place is a hoax!"

"Blasphemy!" I mumbled.

"Try saying that again." Jimin's eyes burst red when he glared back at me.

Book 1: Seven Demons' Sins (BTS FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora