Episode 20: Drowning

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Episode 20: D r o w n i n g

As soon as she whispered those words my eyes shut by themselves and when they opened again I was sinking into a black sea with minimal force.

My hands thrashed around as tiny air bubbles escaped my mouth. It would've been great if I had learned to swim, but I, unfortunately, didn't take any lessons before since the last time I had tried I was at risk of dying by the hands of the ghost children
at the kiddie pool. Now, I was stranded in the deep sea and I didn't know what the hell was happening except that fear was ringing against my throbbing neck and any minute I'd be run out of oxygen.

My mouth released the air I had trapped inside like a deflated balloon and my weight felt heavier as I continued to sink into the endless pit of darkness. I couldn't do it anymore, my body was giving out and my arms ceased movement. I felt myself submitting into the cold water willingly.

"Hanul." A voice called out to me. It was someone I knew, a voice I recognized, but I couldn't really match it to who right now. "Hanul!" It called out to me more urgently this time.

My vision started to blur and I fought against the urge of my closing eyelids when two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. The fluidness of the water allowed me to twirl around and face the man who was calling me.

"Jimin." I silently mouthed staring at his concerned face from the small slits my eyes could open up to. Instantly my hands went up, resting against his face as his brown hair waved across it like seaweed.

I nearly choked on water when his hair turned black, horns growing out of his forehead, and suddenly I was looking into the Lustful eyes of his demon smiling back at me.

I panicked, trying to push against him while using his chest to boost me away, but his arms were tightly holding me in place. I shook my head with fear and clutched my neck looking up to the nonexistence surface of this sea, feeling the burning sensation come back to me.


I looked back down and it was Jimin again, but this time he looked devasted. Red tears slowly bubbled from the stream of tears flowing down his face. They floated away in the water like small spheres of a jelly-like substance before they dissolved into the deep darkness.

My head snapped back to him but now it was V. His blond hair pushed away from his face revealing insanity in his eyes and a mad grin. "Dalia."

But what I hadn't noticed was how he had a beating heart in his claws. My heart. My mouth spurted out a cloud of red blood, obstructing my vision of him, and slowly my eyes faded into black.


When I woke up, I found myself staring into a blue sky, blinded by the heat of a yellow sun shining directly into my eyes. I sat up and gasped for air, quickly patting around my chest. There was no hole. I pressed my palm against it for reassurance. My heart was still beating inside.

Sitting on the grassy plain and taking a moment to register my surroundings, my hand flinched at the green grass stalks grazing it. A soft wind breezed through my hair, tickling the bare skin of my chest. I was wearing a laced black vintage dress that portrayed a rather busty image of my chest. My brown hair rested down to my hips as I stood up looking at the clear view ahead from what seemed to be a simple farmhouse on a hill. Across were neighboring huts forming a tiny village that stretched down to a path where noise from a busy market and a few rowdy kids seemed to travel over with the wind.

Where the hell was I?

I grabbed the length of the dress in the clutches of my hand, lifting it up so I wouldn't trip as I jogged over to the door, past a grazing horse who didn't seem to mind my presence as it munched on the grass gracefully. There was a small white puppy that seemed to be nestling beside it as if the two were good animal friends. Apparently, neither of them minded my presence. It was as if they both were familiar with me.

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