Tamara Volcalen

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Name: Tamara Volcalen (Vol-Cal-en) no one knows that she has also her mom's last name of Resterling (Ester-ling).

Nicknames: Tam Tam, Tams, Undine, Siren.

Age: 17

Birthday: June 3rd.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Race: Human Witch

Looks: She has light blond hair that almost has a little red to it, long that reaches to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She has sky blue eyes and smooth peach skin. She is thin with an hourglass figure and a round bottom. Her bust is a B and 1/2, so an in between size. She is normally seen in casual clothes. When she wears a swimsuit she wears a one piece, a pail pink with floral accents to it. Her necklace is made out of a dark hard shell.

 Her necklace is made out of a dark hard shell

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Hight: 5' 8 1/4" (5 ft. 8 1/4 in.)

Weight: 146 lbs.

Handedness: Left handed.

Personality: Tamara is a sweet girl, loving the nature and outdoors. She has a fondness for water and helping people. She can be seen as as innocent by most people. She can have a very clueless expression a lot of times and bonds well with animals. She doesn't get angry most times, or well people say she is someone else when anger, hate, or disgust type of emotions take over. She tries to stay positive around people however. Some say she just has split personality, but that is a wrong assessment, since there is much more to it than what people know. She is quiet most of the time, preferring to listen to people than talk much. This makes it seem like she has many friends, but yet when people stop and think, they will realize that they don't know much about her.

Habits: Tamara swims 4 laps a day without fail. When she feels that she is getting upset or stressed, any negative emotion, she makes up some stupid excuses and is quick to leave, hiding herself away before anyone sees that part of her. For some reason when she eats, she is rather formal. When she sleeps she is deadly still, almost unable to tell if she is breathing even. When she is bored, she tends to chew on pens.

Favorite Color: Pastel grey

Likes: Tamara loves to swim and to be out in nature. She likes animals and relaxing. She enjoys listening to other people talk about stuff. Surprisingly she enjoys bluegrass music and rap music. She enjoys theater, even participating in some of the school plays. She also enjoys going on hikes through nature. She loves carnival games. She also likes pineapples to the point that she has a pineapple shaped purse, a plush pineapple the size of a throw pillow, and the sorts. She admires models for what they have to go through on daily basis just to work and live. She loves watching/reading anything that had to do with the models as well. She is a vegan. Some foods she likes are: of course pineapple, she like Cauliflower "chicken" wings, and portobello mushroom "steaks".

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