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Name: Shirogawa (no real last name, but might tell people its Fujioka)

Nicknames: Shiro, by the twins, though when alone they call him Shi-Shi.

Age: Unknown, but looks around 31 years old.

Birthday: May 18th

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Shrine Spirit.

Looks: He has long dark brown hair that reaches his mid back and has the front loosely tied back in an almost half ponytail, but with a small red flower clip. He has pale skin as if only bathed in moonlight. His blue eyes shine like sapphires. He has both ears pierced once in the lobes with with thin red teardrop dangles. He is always seen in his shrine robes and socks if inside, outside he has some simple sandals. He has a slight slouch to his shoulders despite his poster being straight, giving him a relaxed look, though he seems to have sharp eyes. His hands hands are long smooth and more on the dainty side, but seem to fit his form. His ribs make him appear to have more mass than he physically does.

 His ribs make him appear to have more mass than he physically does

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Hight: 5' 9" (5 ft. 9 in.)

Weight: 148 lbs.

Handedness: Right handed.

Personality: Shiro is kindest to children, hince how he ended up raising the abandoned boys. He is rough on grown men, and soft on women. He is fickle like the tenderness of a flame, he has the swiftness of the wind, can be intense like the darkness of the shadows, and he can have the weight of the earth. He is as humble like the rays of light that bless the sky.

Habits: Shiro tends to gain an air of entitlement when he feels antsy about stuff. When he is board he tends to play or teach the kids how to play Go. He doesn't eat. He will sweep the shrine or arrange a small rock garden at times. He doesn't sleep. When he gets mad he will brood around the shrine. He tends to obsess over the twins.

Favorite Color: Aquamarine

Likes: Shirogawa enjoys playing Go, either teaching it or tactical when alone. He oddly has a love for cotton candy, finding it to be an interesting food. He enjoys attending festivals at the shrine with the twins, know one knowing the truth of who or what he is. He likes when it is Fall and overcast weather the most. He can enjoy some sake, but can't get buzzed or even drunk.

Dislikes: He hates when people are abusive and hates when people get drunk. He doesn't like when people are lazy since he thinks people should work hard for things they want.

Fears: Shirogawa is afraid of loosing the shrine, the worships, and the twins.

Hobbies: He enjoys playing Go. He enjoys going on picnics with the twins at sunset. He likes coming up with reasons for having festivals, being almost the curator for them.

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