Kage Ozul

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Name: Kage Ozul

Nicknames: Shadow, Blacky, Kitty, K, or Reaper.

Age: 18

Birthday: August 28th.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Gay.

Race: Neko.

Looks: Messy blond hair that spikes out, light blue eyes, cream color skin, black ears and black tail. He has a lean, but well toned strong body. He also has sharp nails. He wears a black leather collar with a silver bell. Simple yet stylish clothes. His cat form is that of a black cat with blue eyes and the collar with bell.

 His cat form is that of a black cat with blue eyes and the collar with bell

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Hight: 5'5" (5ft. 5in.)

Weight: 129 lbs.

Handedness: Right hand.

Personality: Kage is feisty. He can have an anger problem and gets into fights, sometimes over things that might seem peddie, but that is just because he is pationate about things. He is a bit of a flirt and tease as well. He will challenge the rules and authority, but with the right persuasion he could be convinced to be more obedient for a bit. He plays pranks and can be childish to the point of throwing a tantrum even, yet his anger is a scary sight to see. He will fight dirty and you best not mess with what he thinks is his. He can be territorial. He doesn't apologize well and will try to avoid it, but when he does he has trouble looking at the person. He tries to hide when he is sad by lashing out and then physically hidding when he cries.

Habits: He licks his lips when he likes something. He hisses when he is scared or as a warning when he is mad. He rubs his neck when flustered. He taps his fingers when board and whines. He is a messy eater.

Favorite Color: Black, red, blue, and silver.

Likes: Kage likes being rebelous, having fun, sports, sleeping, sunny days, aquariums, fish, cats, games, flirting and teasing, parties, pushing the limits, music, and bells. Some food he likes are: seafood, sweats, and spicy food.

Dislikes: Kage doesn't like getting wet so that includes swimming and bathing. He doesn't like following rules, getting in trouble, feeling weak, when people he cares for are hurt, when people take what he believes is his, being board, being alone for too long, and being trapped. Some food he doesn't like: Sour food, most fruit, and veggies.

Fears: Feeling trapped or cadged (a form of claustrophobia), being alone forever, and dogs (Cynophobia).

Hobbies: He plays sports, naps, and secretly likes to write.

Collections: Collars/belts, bells, and pillows.

Weapons: Claws, fists, kicks, and bitting.

Powers: Can shift into a black cat.

Occupation: High school and works at an Aquarium.

Position: Seke (switches, but also likes to be a challenge when he is being a bottom.)

Turn Ons: Dom men who he can challenge, teasing, kissing, light bites, neck kisses, bashful ukes he can make blush, riskey places, and much more.

Turn Offs: Rape, too many questions, too much pain, blood, water, borring sex, body waste (not cum), feeling too trapped, and degrading.

Family: Orphan.

Friends: Tammy Hitchens (age 17) dirty blond hair in a pixie cut and brown eyes with an upbeat personality, Carol Lankens (20) short red hair and blue eyes with a hipster personality.

Enemies: Red Dog gang- Jason 'Bloody Fist' Bowlenz (age 24) black hair and hazel eyes with a dark personality (leader of the gang).

Pets: Kage has a small fish tank of tropical fish.

House: Small one bed room one bath loft apartment with a cozy feel. Lots of pillows that off set the industrial style of the loft.

Room: King size bed with black and red bedding, bookshelf, dresser, small balcony, walk in closet, TV, and lots of pillows.

Backstory: Kage was left on the steps of a fire department when he was small. The man who found him took him to an orphanage and gave him his name. Kage doesn't even know who the guy was, just that he was the one who gave him his name. Thanks to Kage being rebelous and trouble maker no one wanted to adopt him and he bounced from homes and orphanage in early years, but he became marked as unadoptable by the age of 10. He then, just remained in the orphanage till he just turned 18 when they helped him acquire his loft and set him up with his job. He has had a few run ins with the Red Dog gang and has got on their bad side.

Other: He has put someone into the hospital from a fight.

Need to Knows: He is territorial over people, places, and things, even if he has no real claim on them.

Quotes: "Mmm~ You look tasty~"

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