Chapter 33

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"WHAT?" Nicholas and I said in shock together.

Dr. Whitman laughed, "Yes twins. And by the measurements that I just took you are about ten weeks and three days along. I would like to start you on a prenatal vitamin right away. We can also schedule another appointment for two weeks from now just to double check over things given your trama in your past and the fact that you are having twins. What I see here tho, everything looks very healthy in both of the babies."

We finished up the appointment and headed back home. I think we were both in a bit of shock at learning we were going to be having twins!

Nicholas looked over at me, "We should probably go and get matching stuff of those things we bought the other day."

The thought never even crossed my mind but once he said it my face lit up and he knew my answer.

Shopping at the store this time around we started to look at some of the bigger items we would eventually need. "Twins huh?" I said out loud.

"We will get through this babe. It will be some extra adjusting but we can rock this!"

"I'm glad you have all the faith because I am really getting scared and nervous now."

He wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him. We picked out another matching onesie, teething ring and blanket like the ones we got a few days ago. "What if something happens to one or both of them? What if Victoria tries to hurt us? Nicholas I am really starting to panic here."

"Babe, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise you this. If something happens to one or both of the babies, God forbid it but we will cross that bridge if and when we need to alright? I don't want you to stress over things that we have no control over. Now is there anything else you would like to look at and maybe get for our babies?" he said with a big smile.

"I would like that." and so we went shopping at not only but three other stores. We got a few burp cloths, baby hats, little mittens so they don't scratch themselves and some material so I could make both babies their very own tie blankets. The material was light colored tie dye with white backing. It was a little of what I liked to give to the babies, and would give me something to do while I sat around doing nothing.


In the month since moving in with Brandon and his husband Tim things have been pretty mild. We had to go to court for the things against Jake. It wasn't easy being in the same room as him when I testified, but I kept my gaze off of him. The police department found even more evidence against him. Things on his computer about how to kidnap someone, places where you would be less likely to be found. A second bank account under the name Steven Hamlin, along with a whole new identity to go along with it like passport, drivers license; the whole works. But the thing that was very horrific to me was he had a whole new identity ready for me too; Maci Hamlin. He had put a lot of time, thought and effort into this whole thing. Lucky for me he got thirty five years in jail. Knowing he could get out on parole in about seven years scared me; but I will cross that bridge when the time comes.

No sign of Victoria again since the safe house fire, which is an uneasy feeling in itself too. Not knowing where she is at. When she will show herself again. What she has planned next. I know I am safe with all the security Nicholas has on me now a days. Ever since we found out about the twins he has been even more protective of us. I go to work with at least two armed security guards plus him most night. Mr. Hale even upped security at the bar and hired a couple bouncers that we really had no reason to have before.

The police have kept an eye on the place they knew was her hideout but she has not been back since. They have no leads as to where she might be either, tho the hunt for her is never ending.

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