Chapter 31

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When we arrived back at what use to be the safe house, it was just a smoldering shell of itself. The firemen had taken care of the flames and were still there looking into what might have started this whole thing.

We walked up to Brandon, Jake and Anthony who happened to be talking to the fire chief.

Jake saw us first and instantly pulled me into a hug.

"Any ideas yet?" Nicholas asked.

"They are looking into it all now. I did have the video from my camera sent over to the department. I haven't looked at it all yet. Just sent them the past few days up until the fire now."

"Too bad we never did get around to installing those cameras here like we had talked about." Brandon came over and joined our conversation. The guys all nodded in agreement with that statement.

We all took a look around the outside as the firemen were finishing up their part of the investigation.

Never would one think a fire would happen to them. Bless anyone that has to go through this. I hugged myself as so many thoughts crossed my mind. We were lucky enough not to have been here and we didn't have a whole lot of our personal belongings. But why did this happen? I know we left nothing on....

Just then the fire chief Hanson came up to us. "We believe this was the cause if the fire." He held up what looked like it could have been a gas can. "Does this look familiar to either of you?"

Both Nicholas and I looked at each other and shook our heads, "We have no use for a gas can, the department keeps up on all yard work and that sort of stuff."

"I figured so. Well we also found something else of interest to you." He started toward the back of the house. As we rounded the back we saw broken glass that was from the basement window. "We found this gas can under this window on the floor in the basement, which happened to be close to the furnace which is what really got the fire going. So we are looking at arson."

I stood there in shock. After months of nothing happening...this...this happens. "She's back isn't she?" I spoke the words quietly but all the guys heard me. Nicholas wrapped me in his arms.

"We don't know it's her for sure." Brandon said as if trying to calm me down in his own way. But really I think we were all thinking the same thing, that she was for sure back.

We headed to the department and were immediately pulled into another room where they had a video pulled up that showed the street in front of Jake's house and you can clearly see the safe house in it. There was also many pictures on the wall of Grant, Victoria, even Derek and different buildings, houses and motels.

Nicholas pulled a chair out for me and sat right next to me, Jake on the other. Brandon and Anthony soon joined us as two other officers that I have never seen before stood in the front of the room.

"Detective Telabow." he shook Nicholas's hand. "Officer Hannon." Nicholas greeted back.

He then introduced himself and his partner Officer Smith to me.

"We are very certain that Ms. Victoria Wilson was in fact the cause of the fire." He then played the video from Jake's camera. "This was about ten minutes before you can see flames come shooting out the basement windows."

In the video you can see a car pull into the driveway and someone walk to the back. They were back there for many a minute at most, then they get back into their car and pull onto the street. Giving us the perfect shot of not only the license plate but of the driver. There she was right on the screen. If I would not have seen it with my own two eyes I would not have believed it.

Twist of Fate (18+)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora