Chapter 25

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In a flash Grant was pushed off of me and wound up in a ball on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Nicholas asked me in a hurry. Hobbling over to me. Where the hell are his crutches? What is he doing here?

"I...I'm sorry." he is going to hate me now.

"Samantha, are you alright?" he asked again.

"Thanks to you."

Satisfied with my answer he turned his attention to the guy on the floor. "What the hell do you think you were doing to my girl?" the way the words came out of his mouth scared even me.

"She's my girl." Grant stated it like it was fact.

"Think again." then Nicholas kicked him in the stomach with his casted leg. "She is mine."

He was about to kick him again but I stopped him, "Nick stop please. I don't want you to get hurt more." his leg can't be doing that, it cannot be good for it healing wise.

Suddenly Rebecca was at standing in the door, holding Nicholas's crutches. She was in a state of shock as she took in the screen in front of her. That is when I happened to look down at myself. Noticing my shirt was all ripped and bra taken off and jeans undone. Great, I'm sure I look like a hussy now. No good for her son. I quickly covered myself up the best i could.

Nicholas's attention was still on Grant, making sure he didn't move at all. He didn't notice his mom in the room until she finally spoke through her shock. "What is the bloody hell is going on here?"

"Mom, call Brandon and tell him to get down here now." he said never looking away from Grant.

She listened to him and grabbed her phone. Just then Nicholas turned to me and took his sweatshirt off and helped me into it. Then he really looked me over. "Did he hurt you?" his voice full of worry.

"I don't think so. I'm sorry Nick I..."

"Babe , no need to apologize. I saw him attacking you with my own eyes. This is why I didn't want you going anywhere alone."

"How did you know where I was?" Tears started to threaten to fall again.

"Krissy said she sent you like ten minutes ago to get more Jack but that you hadn't returned and she was really busy to come check."

"If you hadn't come, oh God Nick. He would have." I couldn't even get the rest of that sentence out. He immediately pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

"I'm sorry babe. You don't deserve this. He just held onto me and let me cry into his chest.

"Okay, Brandon is on his way. Can someone please explain to me why my son's girl friend is half naked with some other guy, and my son is walking on his cast when he is not suppose to?" she sounded like one mad mama.

Nicholas turned his attention to his mom. "This guy." he pointed to Grant who never moved from his spot on the floor. "Tried to rape my girl. I guess he thought they were still together."

"Wait. What do you mean still together?" she asked. Shit, here we go. I'm going to look like a whore to his mom. Maybe I am a whore! No, you are not...

"Well after we left for Atlanta, Samantha never heard from me at all. She also got picture text messages and also an envelope full of pictures that had me and many other women. She thought that I left her. She met this guy and started hanging with him. So when you think about it, I understand."

All Rebecca could do was to nod her head. Brandon had shown up at that moment.

"What's up Nick?"

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