Chapter 4

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I thought the morning rush at Java Now would help me forget that yellow bra, but no such luck. I could only think with each smaller chested lady, hummmm I wonder if that is the owner? Then my thoughts would go to how could he? What? Really? My mind just could not wrap around the whole thing.

My coffee shift came and went quickly. Not wanting to go to the condo, I called my sister. After two rings she answered.

"Hey sissy!" her voice always cheerful. "What's up?"

"Hey, can I come hang till my shift at Drinks up tonight?"

"Of course. You know you are always welcome. Everything ok with Derek?" her cheerfulness turning into concern.

"Yah. Maybe? I guess...I'll, I'll just talk to you about it when I get there."

"O-kay sissy. You know I'm always here for you. See you soon. Drive safe."

I started for the south side of town where Lydia lives. Stopping at Dunkers Soup to get some lunch for the two of us first.

When I make it to her house Lydia was standing in her doorway of her little two bedroom house. He golden hair fell in waves around her shoulders. Brown eyes looked at me sad. I make my way up the walk and she meets me halfway pulling me into a tight hug. She holds me at arms length.

"What is up? I haven't been able to get ahold of you in so long? I feared something happened to you?" her voice full of worry.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'm here now and I'll tell you a long story. But you have to swear not to tell say any of what I tell you to anyone. Especially mom and dad." I looked at her pleading to be taken seriously.

"Oh Sammy. You know you can trust me. Always and forever." She pulls me in for another embrace.

My sister took my hand and leads me into her house to the kitchen. We sit at the table and start to eat. We eat our lunch quietly. Lydia waits patiently for me to be ready to talk.

"Can you get me a wet washcloth...please?" I finally spoke.

Lydia looks at me funny, "Yes...sure?" gets up and leaves her kitchen. She comes back after a few moments with a warm wet washcloth. "Here you go sissy."

Grabbing the wash cloth from her I take a deep breath and look down at the table. Suddenly feeling very nauseous. I put the wash cloth up to my cheek and gently started to wipe off my makeup. "The first time it happened was after I got my haircut and highlights done. He didn't like that I went behind his back and changed myself."

I looked up at Lydia, the look of terror was on her face. Her eyes pooled with tears.

"Oh my God, Samantha. What? What? I'm sorry, I'm lost right now. I..."

I cut her off when I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. She took her other hand and grabbed my chin and lightly tipped my head to the side to get a better look at what I uncovered. "That bastard!" she whispered. "The first time?"

"Well other times have been when he saw some guy looking at me, I didn't even see anyone. Remember that weekend we were supposed to do the spa trip...well I wasn't sick. I got banged up pretty good because he thought I was off to meet guys. We actually ran into cousin Josh who I haven't seen in years. I gave him a hug and we chatted for a few. That's when I got this." I lifted my shirt to show her the faded four inch bruise. Tears running down her face. "Yah he didn't believe me that Josh was a cousin, said I know all your family. I broke a plate on accident while doing to dishes. He busted my lip open. I bought the wrong kind of soy sauce he slammed me against the cupboards. He said I ordered the wrong thing at the restaurant and wouldn't let me eat. Just crazy things. I don't know what to do. I walk on eggshells."

"This." I point to my cheek, "was from last night. Jason saw me talking with a male customer and called Derek right away. I have to be able to talk to customers. It's my job! And this morning there was something new. I found a small very small yellow bra in our laundry?!"

Lydia gasped. "No. What is up? Never did I ever suspect Derek to be like this. We need to go to the police and file a complaint."

"NO!" I didn't mean to shout. "We cannot do that. He has told me if I ever tell anyone or try to leave..."

"Samantha JoAnn! I honestly do not feel comfortable not telling someone. You can get seriously hurt and that scares me." Lydia said as she gathered me into another tight embrace.

"Just let me figure things out. There are a few steps I need to take first. Please just give me time."

"Okay fine, but if he keeps up much longer or does worse things I will not keep quiet." she looked me straight in the eyes.

"Deal." I said as I looked away, knowing I'd have very little time to figure out wahtever it was I needed to before she let someone else know.

After our deep conversation we just hung out and watched mindless TV, before I had to leave to go back home for the night. 

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