Chapter 23

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Once we were all inside with the doors locked we really looked at the contents of the box. All of us standing around the island in the kitchen. It was a SUV like the ones the boys took down to Atlanta. It was the size of those model cars that people put together as a hobby. Well this one was all smashed up just like the their SUV was. Also inside was a note saying next time I'll make sure you are finished off.

"Mom how long have you and Ritchie been here?"

"About forty minutes. No one rang or knocked. And that package was for sure not out there when we got here." she replied back.

"Okay, I got the time narrowed down. Say guys, could you do a check of the house and around quick please? Then grab my laptop for me if you would." He asked before turning to me. "You." he kisses my hand. "I don't want you to go anywhere without someone, since I cannot do it yet, one of the guys will be with you everywhere."

"Nic...." I tried to protest.

"No, please don't argue with me on this. Some psycho is out there. Your safety is so important to me. Just please ease my mind on this one." he looked deep into my eyes.

I grabbed his face in my hands, "If it makes you happy then I will go along with it." Then my lips met his in a sweet kiss, that ended up turning a little more seductive.

"Keep kissing me like that and I will have to figure out how to take you right here. I don't care who might see." he gave me his award winning smirk. I turned around ready to walk away but I needed a second.

Damn, was that fucking hot! I tried to squeeze my legs together to relieve some of the pressure I instantly felt down there. Just then he pulled me flush up against his chest. whispered in my ear "I know you are totally turned on right now, I can smell you sweet arousal." then his hand slipped into my jeans, past my underwear. He rubbed my clit a couple times before slipping a finger in me.

"MMmmmmm". A moan escaped my lips. My body pushed into his a little more. Then another finger slipped in. "Ahhhhh" this time a little louder.

"Shhhhhhh babe. I promise to take care of that once we are alone." then he nipped my ear.

Suddenly everyone was back in the house, he quickly but carefully let go of me. I could feel myself bright red. I headed off to the bathroom to try and calm myself down a little. I turned to look at him before I closed the door. His eyes never left me as I walked away. When our eyes met, he stuck both his fingers that were just inside me in his mouth and sucked off my juices. Then winked at me. My mouth dropped open in shock.

Holy shit! Holy shit! I shut the door and locked it. I am going to need more than a few minutes. I looked at myself in the mirror. The girl looking back at me looked like one who was happy. Like she was right where she was supported to be. Knowing what this girl looked like only a few months ago to what she looks like now. It is like day and night. I am truly happy. I cannot believe I have found love. I really do love Nicholas. I just gotta find the right time to tell him.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a new message.

Bing unknown number

(Hey Bitch! Did your precious little boy toy get his gift? I'm sure he did. Just know you are both still going to get what you deserve.)

I dropped the phone in the sink. Just then the bathroom door opened and Rebecca was standing there. "Honey? Is everything alright? I heard a commotion."

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "I know who it is. It just has to be her."

"They think they know too, Nicholas pulled up surveillance video. Come out here and take a look since you know what she looks like the best."

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