Chapter 8

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"Lydia?" I called into the house, slowly walking in. "Hey Lyd are you here?" I check room by room. Not finding my sister. Tears spring to my eyes. "Lydia?" I call out one more time. Nothing.

I ran to my room for my phone. Blue flashing light, had a message waiting.

(I came for you but your sis will have to do for now. Meet me at Pioneer Park, ALONE! Come with me and I'll set your sister free.)

I cried even harder. Derek had Lydia. I sent a silent prayer for Derek not to hurt her.

I scrolled to fine Nicholas's name, it rang twice.

"Hey Samantha." his voice calmed me a little.

Through tears I tried to tell him what happened. "Nick, Lydia's been taken. De...Derek took her and wants me."

"I'm on my way. Stay where you are."

About fifteen minutes later Nicholas and Brandon were at Lydia's. I was on the front steps waiting. When I seen Nicholas I ran to him. He took me into his arms as I cried into his chest. He rubbed my hair calming me down. He took both his hands and held my face and looked at me. Wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"We will fx this." He said softly then placed a soft kiss on my lips. Then he put his hand on my lower back and lead me inside where both Brandon and him took notes and screen shots of the text message from Derek.

We worked on a plan. Detectives Telabow, Alvarez, Maxwell, and Levitz are going to be at the park dressed as normal people you would see there.

I texted Derek back.

(Okay, I will be there at 4.)

Instantly my phone went off.

(Good girl. Come Alone.)

I felt as tho I was about to throw up.

Nicholas put his arms around me. "It's going to be ok." He gave me a long kiss before we all set out on our way to the park. Before Nicholas left me, he gave me a necklace that had a camera and mic in it.

Pioneer Park was always a popular place. Derek knows that I won't throw a fit to draw any attention to us. So he will get his way.

I got to the park about ten minutes prior. Wanting to get a feel of where everyone was. I walked through the stone arch and nerves hit me hard. I took a couple steady breaths and cautiously looked around.

To my left was Detective Maxwell playing fetch with a dog. Off further up to the right Detective Levitz was sitting in a bench with a coffee and newspaper. Detective Alvarez was running on the outside track the park had, for health nuts. And Detective Telabow was sitting in the shade with a couple others I didn't recognize playing guitar together.

The park was full of activity. Moms pushing babies in strollers, some boys playing football, an older lady feeding some ducks by the pond. Other families just having a great time together.

Then my blood ran cold and heart stopped. Just walking through the stone arch was Jason with Lydia.

"Damn." I said out loud as to make myself heard through the camera and mic necklace. "He sent Jason. He is smart Nicholas. Derek sent Jason cuz of that restraining order." my voice was shaky. My detectives had no reason to go after Jason, so it made me free to go with him.

They finally spotted me and we both started walking toward each other, closing the distance fast. About ten feet away Lydia and I ran to each other and hugged fircley.

"I'm so sorry Lyd. So sorry. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I rattled off everything so quickly.

"It's not your fault. I am fine."

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