Chapter 15

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A couple short Mature scenes in this chapter too. Just so you are aware. Thanks for reading!

We got to Lydia's and she wasn't home. Oh well, not like she is my mother.

I went to 'my' room to get in some new clothes. What do I wear? I always have this problem...hummm. I stood there with my hands on my hips looking into my closet debating on what to wear. I quickly decided on blue ripped jeans, grey v-neck t-shirt and strappy sandals. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail, put on a little bit of brown eyeshadow, some mascara and pink lip gloss, grabbed my sunglasses and called it good.

Nicholas was waiting for me on the couch. When I came around the corner his eyes lit up.

"You truly are beautiful."

Wow, I wasn't going for anything special with my outfit, but he just makes me feel good about myself. "Thank you Nick."

He came and kissed me on the cheek. I think I am special to him? At least that is how he is making me feel. "Ready?" he asked breaking me out of myself wondering thoughts.

"Yes. So are you going to tell me what this surprise is yet?" I asked as we headed out the door.

"Tsk tsk, that is not being a good girl." He winked at me.

"Okay, fine I surprise me."

We drove for about an hour out into the countryside. Along the way we asked each other silly questions and some serious ones too. Like his favorite color is Red. Favorite food, wings the hotter the better. He has only been in one serious relationship that did not work out because she cheated on him. He was a drummer in the high school band and had a boy band in high school called Crazzy Boyz. He lost his dad when he was fourteen, he was also a Marine sniper killed in the line of duty by a hidden grenade. It was a nice ride getting to know him so much more. The drive seemed to go by quick because suddenly we were at a ranch. Above the long driveway was a sign Telabow Ranch.

I pointed to the sign and looked at him questionly?

"Yah I grew up on a ranch too. You are going to meet my mom Rebecca I AM GOING TO WHAT?? and my step father Richie. My mother never took my step dads last name, wanted to always be apart of her first husband, and Richie never minded."

"Meeting the parents, oh boy." my heart started to beat fast.

Nicholas grabbed my hand, "Samantha, they are going to love you! Trust me they are really down to earth people. Don't be so nervous. You've got me."

About a quarter mile down the driveway from the ranch sign we were finally in front of a beautiful white two story house. Four large pillars in front holding a roof over the wrap around porch and second story deck. Dark brown shutters hung on the sides of each window. Reminds me of a plantation style house. Nicholas and I walk up the steps to the house and knock on the door. No answer.

"Maybe they are just running late." Nicholas said. "Come on let me show you around the property." He took my hand and lead the way. "This was my father's garage and work area." He pointed off to the left of the house. It was a large wooden box is what I would say. "He would work on anything with an engine in here." We walked in the door and along the back wall was a huge workshop bench with pegboard and tools behind it. "I spent so many hours in here tinkering around with all the parts he no longer needed or wanted."

"I can just picture a cute little black haired, green eyed cutie playing in here."

"I really looked up to my dad, I miss him but he died fighting for our country." I wrapped my arms around him as he talked about his dad, giving him support.

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