The only person by my side there, was Marinette. She is such an amazing person and she always stood by me in my ups and downs. The previous day, she invited me to her house and we had lots of fun there. Her mom was going out for shopping and she came to bid us farewell. She hugged Marinette and kissed her with so much affection. I felt happy for them. But on the inside, I hoped my relationship with my mom could be just like that someday.

You should know one thing about Marinette though. She is a person from whom it is impossible to hide your inner emotions. And she never buys that fake smile of mine. That day she asked me what was wrong. I told her about the fiasco regarding my mom. She was outraged. No wait, outraged would be an understatement. She was so furious at the thought of how a mother could do such a thing to her own child. Luckily, I was able to calm her down. But what caused to feud between us was the fact that I thought it was all her fault.

The day my mom left was the day when Marinette came to my hotel with a flower garland and gave it to me. "See Chloe! My mom made this for you! She made one for me as well! See!" She squealed in excitement. But I was not happy.

"Go away." I commanded her in a grim tone. My eyes looking at my feet. "What?!" She looked at me with surprise. "I said GO AWAY! This is all YOUR fault that my mom left! All your fault, you piece of trash!" I yelled at her angrily.

She nodded quietly with tears in her eyes. And went away. That left me satisfied. I had someone to blame for this whole mess I created. I was MAD at her.

And that's where I went wrong. I wasn't mad at her. I was JEALOUS of her. Jealous of her kind and loving nature. Jealous of her ability to convert anyone into a friend in an instant. Jealous of her creativity. Jealous of her adorable clumsiness. Jealous of her designing abilities and mostly, jealous of her loving, understanding, amazing family.

How I hoped of having a family like hers.

And that hope, no, desperation- I was desperate to have a family like hers- and that desperation led me to bully others and use my father's position as a mayor and threaten others, making them do what I wanted them to do. My conscience pricked me but instead of feeling guilty, I kept blaming Marinette for everything wrong happening to me.

And that is why, she was the most hated person by me. She still doesn't know why and looks at me sympathetically but I just ignore her. After sometime of repeatedly asking me what was wrong, she stopped bothering me. She is a person who never gives up. And I know that she still wants and deserves an explanation for all that. But I'm not ready to do that yet.

Marinette doesn't hate me. Not at all. She just hates the wrongs I do. She stands up for her new friends when I bully them and she and I both know the reason I 'hate' her is because I cannot manipulate her. She is way too strong. I just hope someday I find enough courage to confess to her about it.

Moving on to Adrien. As I mentioned before, I don't exactly like him. But that does not mean that I don't care for him. He is my childhood friend. And one of my first friends. The very first being Marinette. I did not introduce them as I was afraid that he would forget all about me and fall for Marinette. I mean, who couldn't? She is just so sweet and understanding and is perfect in her own imperfections. And that is also the main reason that I regret ending such an amazing friendship.

Everything was going well when one day, I met Mrs. Agreste. Adrien's mother. She was so kind and gentle and funny and comprehensive. In other words, she reminded me of a certain bluenette. She and I instantly befriended each other. We used to talk a lot and I always loved the brooch that Mrs. Agreste wore on her top.

 Agreste wore on her top

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(I know, its the same brooch Emilie wears

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(I know, its the same brooch Emilie wears. Seen in Queen's Battle episodes.)

One fateful day, she looked very ill. She called me by her side and gave me the brooch. I looked at her in surprise. "Listen Chloe, you've been a good friend to Adrien. Please accept this as a token of gratitude and remember, always take care of my son. He can be a cinnamon roll sometimes. So please take care of him. Okay?" She whispered. I nodded and accepted the brooch. I went downstairs and out of the house. Lost in deep thought as to why Mrs. Agreste was saying such things. And that was the last I ever saw of her.

Remembering the promise I made to her, I began to act as I was in love with Adrien and was determined to find someone who could take care of him much better than my clinginess. I kept looking at the brooch given to me by her.

And now when I look at Adrien with Marinette, Alya and Nino, I feel useless. My job here is done.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Agreste, I am not worthy enough. But I know a person who is." I whispered in my mind as I gave away the brooch to Sabrina.

[Was a good theory, though. Could've written it better. Also, someone please introduce the concept of spacing to past me-]
-Pearl 2021

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