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C H A P T E R S E V E N T E E N: The End

Third Person View

Crowley's face drops and doesn't know what to do now that Edna's dead. He could always bring her back... but it wouldn't be the same.

He looks at her on the ground and then to Elizabeth and Cas. "Why?" Is all he asks. "Why would you do that?" His humanity has once again got the best of him, yes.

He has been injecting human blood again.

"She was a threat like I said, thank you Castiel. I will be leaving now," Abdiel says and goes back to the other angels.

"You have ruined everything, and you will pay." Crowley warns and snaps his fingers, disappearing too.

"I don't know what to do now, he's going to come after us and we can't stop him," Elizabeth says.

"Don't be such a downer, he won't get to us," Sam says and leads her outside with Cas and Dean.

"We should go back to Bobby's and relax for a little. Take a week off maybe?" Dean suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." Sam grins to his brother. Dean and Sam get in the impala and drive off, leaving Cas and Elizabeth to talk.

"I'm worried that Crowley is going to come after us," She say worriedly and he wraps his arms around her.

"It's okay, we'll keep each other safe." He kisses the top of her head.

"We should go check on Camille and Bobby," Elizabeth says sadly and appears in the room. Sam and Camille are hugging in the middle of the kitchen where Bobby and Dean are sitting on the couch. She feels a warm presence behind her and sees Cas.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Can you teach me how to like, be in a room and they can't see me?" Castiel smiles and nods his head lightly.

"All you have to do is imagine it." He shrugs and she does.

"Where'd she go?" Dean asks and Elizabeth giggles. To her this is quite amusing.

"I'm not sure," Castiel says, holding back a smile.

"She needs to stay around the house, Crowley already sent a demon after us," As Dean says that, Elizabeth starts to worry and makes herself noticeable. "There you are, you should stay close by just in case." She nods in agreement and walks up to Bobby's spare room. She lays down on the bed and closes her eyes.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Hello, love." Crowley's voice rings through the room. My eyes snap open and I sit up, but I don't see him anywhere.

"Crowley?" I ask and there's no reply. I shrug it off, it's probably nerves. I lay back down and close my eyes, this time I feel someone's warm breath on my face. I open my eyes slowly and see Crowley. I scream, but he puts a hand over my mouth.

"You took my love away from me, you are going to pay." He scowls and raises the angel blade in the air. He swings it down and it impacts with my chest. There's a shooting pain, then darkness.

~1 Year Later~

Third Person View

Castiel sits in an apartment with Sam and Dean. Ever since he found Elizabeth dead, they've been searching for Crowley. They're waiting for him right now in his own apartment. He went off the radar since Elizabeth's death.

"Why isn't he here?" Sam asks anxiously.

"Calm down Sammy, he'll be here soon," Dean says.

"I hope so." Castiel mutters. He looks at the clock on the wall, but see's Elizabeth instead.

"It's a trap, Castiel," She says. Castiels eyes widen. He has seen her so many times, but se has never talked.

"Can you see her too?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," Sam says, just as shocked.

"I'm your guardian angel." She grins.

"I miss you so much," Castiel says, tears brimming in his eyes.

"I miss you too Castiel, but you guys need to leave. This is a trap." Castiel is the first one up and walking out the door.

"Wait." Dean says and Sam eyes Elizabeth suspiciously. "I don't believe her." Castiel stops and turns around.

"Why not? It's Elizabeth." Castiel is majorly confused at his friends.

"It's isn't her," Sam says and Crowley's laugh comes from her lips. Red smoke forms around her in a tornado and is replaced with Crowley.

"You figured it out, I thought I could fool you." Crowley is wearing a different suit, it's red with back trimming instead of a plain black suit.

"Why would you do that?" Castiel asks angrily.

"Why would you kill Edna!" He snaps, raising his voice.

"She was a threat to everyone." Sam intercepts.

"So was Elizabeth." Crowley replies slyly.

"No she wasn't, she was perfect in every way. She didn't have an evil bone in her body to threaten anyone!" Castiel argues.

"Edna was perfect too! How'd you know she was evil? She never did anything!" Crowley grumbles. "At least Elizabeth deserved to die."

"Keep your fucking mouth shut, you deserve to die too," Castiel says and throws an angel blade at Crowley. He didn't expect it, so it him him right in the chest. He glanced down at it then Sam as Dean.

"You've succeeded," He says before crumbling to the floor. They actually did it.

They killed Crowley.

"Cas, did you just swear?" Dean gawks. Castiels eyes widen.

"I did." He frowns and looks at the dead Crowley.

"You've changed a lot since Elizabeth passed." Sam observes.

"Yeah.. I really loved her." He sighs.

"I really loved you too." Elizabeth's voice rang in Castiels head.


Yes, this is the ending. DON'T KILL ME!!! I know it's short, but a few books I've read have been this short so... If you guys don't like the ending... I might change it. If you do like it, VOTE!!

I might make a sequel, but not soon. I'm actually writing a few other books so I wouldn't have time.

Once again, don't hate me!!





VOTE IF YOU LOVE CROWLEY (Sorry for killing him)





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