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C H A P T E R 14: Love Collar

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"So what happened?" Dean asks me and I explain everything.

"Let me get this straight, you kissed Crowley?" Sam says in disbelief.

"It was to save Kevin! I wouldn't do it willingly." I protest.

"We should get back to Camille and Bobby, they're probably worried about us," Dean says and we leave the diner. We dropped Kevin off at a bunker Sam and Dean were practically given to by the Men Of Letters. When we arrive at Bobby's we explain everything then I head upstairs to Bobby's spare room. I decide to take a long, hot shower.

'Elizabeth..' A voice rings in my head loudly.

'Who is this?' I ask, not recognizing the voice. I turn off the shower and dress as I wait for an answer.

'I am Hale, this is a warning. Give me Castiel or we will kill you,' Her voice says so softly, it doesn't sound like a threat.

'Why?' I ask, biting my lip to stop from crying.

'We gave him another chance but he lost it. Castiel has broken the rules and betrayed heaven more ways then an Angel has ever, starting with falling in love with you.' Her calmness infuriates me so I clench my fist, spin around and punch the wall. A cracking sound echoes through the room as my fist connects with the wall, puncturing a huge hole in it.

'Why?' I cry. 'Why are you taking everyone I love?'

'I'm sorry Elizabeth, your mom knew too much about the Angels and threatened to expose us to the world and Castiel has failed to protect you. You have until tomorrow at 1:00 to make your choice,' She says, finalizing the conversation.

'Fuck you Hale! If you want to kill me then come down and do it yourself.' Anger takes over me and I punch the wall again, and again. Hole after hole made into the wooden wall. I keep letting my anger out unti a pair of muscular arms grab my waist and pull me away. I turn and punch the person in the face.

"Ow, fuck!" Dean says and holds his face.

"I'm so sorry!' I apologize and tech to reach his face. When my hand hovers above the bruise Dean gasps in shock. I pull my hand away, thinking I hurt him. I look at the bruise and see its gone.

"Did you just...?"

"Heal you? Yeah... I'm an Angel, remember."

"So you want to tell me why you were punching the crap out of Bobby's wall?" He asks as we walk down the creaky old stairs.

"An Angel named Hale told me to surrender Castiel or she would kill me. I practically told her to go screw herself." I shrug as we enter the kitchen.

"So Dean, did you figure out what was going on?" Sam asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Yup, she was punching Bobby's wall and then socked me right here." Dean says to Sam and points at the spot I punched him. "Then he healed it and didn't even know."

Sam and Dean sit down at the table and I reach I to the fridge to grab a beer. When I turn around, I'm face to face with an Angel. Hale, I presume.

"I warned you," She says and sends me flying backwards. I bash into the cupboard's, not getting hurt as much as I thought I would.

"I was told I was being protected because I am the only one of my kind. You can't kill me, as much as you want to, you won't. If you kill Castiel, I will have no choice but to kill myself so I can be with him. Castiel and I are one and you can never seperte us." I step forewords. She blinks, and in that second Dean throws his Angel blade to me and I stab her in the heart. Rays of light shine out of her and she falls to the floor.

"We need to find Cas," Dean says and starts to walk outside.

"Wait!" I call and try both turn around. "I know where he is, I can fly us there."

"You can fly?" Sam asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, Castiel taught me," I tell them and place my hands on their shoulders. "Just a warning though, this is only my second time flying with people," I say before zapping out. I appear in the bunker and see Castiel and Kevin.

"What the hell did you do Cas? The Angels are after you again!" Dean says and throws his hands up dramatically.

"I... I didn't protect Elizabeth the way the Angels wanted. I also didn't stop my feelings towards her," He says and looks down at the ground like he usually does.

"You can't stop the feelings you feel Castiel," I say and step towards him. I embrace him in a warm, secure hug.

"What the hell is happening?" Dean says loudly. I open my eyes and see that Castiel and I are glowing.

"I don't know." I pull away from my Angel and the glowing disappears.

"We cannot risk Castiel dying, like you said to Hale. You are one and if he does you die with him. Everything you two touch, Heaven will know and each time you do that we will take power from Castiel." An unfamiliar voice rings in my head. I look at Castiel and he gives me a knowing look.

"Cas, do you know what that was?" Sam asks. After Castiel and I explain everything, Dean and Sam are blown away.

"So what you're saying is the god squad put a bark collar on you?" Dean asks and I roll my eyes as he says 'god squad'. What is it with these boys and nicknames?

"Pretty much. We can't touch each other unless Castiel wants to become human... again." I look at Castiel then lean into the boys. "I don't think he'd last as a human." I whisper and Sam chuckles lightly.

"I'm stumped with this one. How the hell are we suppose to stop this?" Dean starts to pace.

"We can't, unless..." A brilliant idea pops into my head and I grin.

"Unless what?" They all give me the same look but Sam talks.

"Unless we have something they want. The Angel tablet perhaps."

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