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C H A P T E R 1: How I Met An Angel

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed doing some research about our next hunt. It was some sort of murder, but the ghost of the person was cremated and there was nothing belonging to him anywhere. I tapped the keyboard of my laptop as I read.

"Do you have to do that?" James asked from the other creaky old bed in the worn down motel.

"Yes, yes I do. Just to annoy you," I told him and tried to keep a straight face as I continued tapping.

"Hey, you could be a poet! That completely rhymed." He laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can you two stop flirting and actually do some research?" Camille snapped, staring at us with her hands hovering over her keyboard.

"We are just having some fun Cam. You need to loosen up." He defended and held up his arms.

"No, she's right, we haven't been doing a very good job." I admitted and went back to looking for something, anything actually. There was a sudden sound that sounded like wind and I looked up from my laptop to see 3 men.

One was wearing a beige jacket and a plaid button up, he looked to be in his 20s with brown hair and sideburns. The other one had dark brown hair, a jean jacket and looked to be around 30. I looked at the last one, he was wearing a lighter beige trench coat with a black suit underneath and a blue tie, which seems to be flipped.

"Who the hell are you and how'd you get in here like that?" James asked and held a gun to the dark haired man. This gave Camille and I a few seconds to grab our guns and hold them to the other men's heads.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Trench coat said.

"Why's that?" I asked trying to be smug. It didn't work because of his eyes. It's like I could see right through them.

"Because," Is all he said then knocked the guns out of our hands then threw them across the room.

"I'm starting to hate demons more and more," James muttered, looking at his gun that's now laying on the floor, out of his reach. 

"We aren't demons," The one with side burns told us, then with an annoyed looked on his face, glanced at the other two guys.

"Then what are you, angels?" She sneered.

"Actually, Cas over here was," The dark haired guy said with a light chuckle.

"Yes, until I disobeyed to help..." he paused to find the right word, "these idiots," He had said and looked at the boys who glared back.

"Well who are you guys then?" I asked, looking between the both of them.

"I am Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean," Sam said.

"Sam and Dean Winchester?" James asked in disbelief, his jaw wide open, looking at me and Camille to make sure he had heard them right.

"Yeah, have you heard about us?" Dean asked, slightly confused. 

"Yeah, hunters all over talk about you." Camille shrugged, clearly unimpressed with them. However, it's true. Hunters all over continuously talk about Sam and Dean, and all the shit they've been through. 

"You guys are hunters too?" Sam asked, his eyebrows furrowed and he turned to Dean.

"So Cas, why the hell did you bring us here?" Dean looked over at the Angel, his arms slightly raised in question.

"I never brought us here." He stated, looking right at me.

"Who did?" Sam and Dean berated him with questions that Cas did not seem to know the answers to.

"I'm not sure. I think it was God, or possibly another Angel," He replied emotionlessly.

"What is his name exactly? Like I know it's Cas, but that has to be a nickname, right?" I asked out of curiosity, breaking them from the quizzical stares they were giving Cas.

"Castiel." Dean almost sneered at me. I look over at Castiel and take in his appearance. When I got to his face, it was just blank and emotionless, as it had been since they arrived.

"But yeah, Cas is just a nickname, better than yelling 'Castiel' all the time," Dean said, breaking me from my trance. I blushed slightly and realized we haven't told them our names.

"I'm Elizabeth, you can call me Ellie though." I smiled and shook each of their hands. When I shook Castiel's there was something off that I couldn't put my finger on and I furrowed my eyebrows before stepping away.

"Camille," she said, folding her arms over her chest, seemingly skeptical of them all.

"I'm James," He said, trying to act smooth and cool, putting out his fist to bump them.

"Well we have to get back to our motel now, long drive tomorrow," Dean said, ignoring James' hanging fist. then looked around our room, his smile fading.

"We're in the same motel aren't we?" Sam asked Dean quietly.

"Yup," He replied, making his way to the door. I snuck a look at Castiel and saw he was staring at me, his face full of confusion, a change from his emotionlessness. 

"You okay?" I questioned, taking a step towards him. 

"No, I'm not," he said flatly and turned away. I blinked and he was gone.

"What the hell, Cas" Dean said aloud and gave Sam a look, as if Castiel did that often.

"Well we better go find him, maybe we'll see you another time?" Sam said and they headed out our motel door.

"Well that wasn't weird," James said and laid down on his bed, his ankles crossed and his arm over his eyes.

"No, not at all!" I laughed sarcastically, sitting back on my bed and pulling my laptop onto my lap.

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