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C H A P T E R 11: Mortal

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"You're not Castiel, are you?" I say slowly, trying to process it.

"You mean the Angel? No he's long gone like I should be," He says, his voice even different than Castiel's, more sarcastic.

"What do you mean?" Camille asks. My heart breaking every time he says something.

"My wife and my daughter, I have to see them. I've been gone for many years," He says and stands up. That's the moment my heart shatters.

"Who are you?" I walk up to him and scrunch up his shirt in my fist, lifting him off the ground.

"I-I'm Jimmy. J-Jimmy Novak." He stutters and looks at me, fear in his eyes. I let go of him and step away.

"Castiels vessel." I whisper and run out of the living room. I run up to Bobby's spare room and cry. Once I stop crying I sit up and clutch the pillow to my chest then tune in to 'Angel Radio' as Dean calls it.

"Don't worry Elizabeth, Castiel is safe and we're helping him get back to earth." A soft voice whispers.

'How the heck do I reply?' I think to myself.

"You just did." The voice laughs lightly.

'Oh, thank you for helping Castiel getting back to earth. It means a lot to me,' I say to the Angel.

"You are welcome Elizabeth. Half Angels like you are rare so we have been watching over you ever since you were born."

I think back to my childhood and realize that if Angels weren't watching over me I wouldn't be here.

On my 6th birthday I was at the park with a few of my friends and I tripped then hit my head off of the metal ladder. I was in coma and the doctors were surprised when I came out of it.

Another time when I was 12, I was kidnapped and stabbed just below my heart, I survived that too with no scars

'You saved me.' I think in awe.

"We need to protect rare things like yourself. I have to leave now, Castiel will be back soon. Very soon," It says then I hear nothing. I sigh and throw the pillow on the floor and pick up my laptop. I check my email to see a message from my mom. I check the date and see it was the day she passed away. I quickly click the message and read it.

Dear Elizabeth,

I apologize for not emailing you sooner. I have been on the run for the past 3 months, running from Angels. I'm sorry about James, he was a good kid. I hope your first kiss was wonderful, you can tell me all about it when I see you next. Balthazar was your father and the best Angel I had ever met. I loved him too, I still do. You should keep that fallen Angel of yours close.

The Angels can't risk me being alive so they are trying to kill me. I know a lot more than a mortal should, including where the Angel tablet is. I'm going to take a guess you don't know what a tablet is so I'll tell to quickly. It's a stone tablet that only a prophet of The Lord can read. They are the word of god and there are many different ones including Demons, Angels, Leviathans, Vampire ect. If you get your hands on any of those tablets, hide them somewhere safe. Somewhere an Angel nor Demon can get to. I love you Elizabeth.

Love always,


I wipe the tears away as I read the email. I sit and re-read it a few times before the flap of wings startles me. I look up from my laptop to see my father, hoping to see Castiel.

"Crowley is after you and Castiel's vessel, you need to leave," He says to me.

"Where should we go?" I ask and get off my bed.

"Where Kevin Tran, the prophet is," He tells me then snaps his fingers, leaving me alone. I run downstairs to see Jimmy attempting to sneak out while everyone is in the kitchen talking. I appear in front of him and he gives me a startled look.

"You can't see your family Jimmy, I'm sorry. There are demons after you because you're an Angels vessel and they will torture to once they get you. If to go home they'll hurt your family to get at you, do you want you family to get hurt?" I tell him and he takes a few steps back.

"N-no. I just w-wanted to make s-sure they're alright." He says and backs away again.

"The Angels are watching over them Jimmy," I say softly and he stops stepping back.

"You.. I kissed you," He says in disbelief and stumbles backwards.

"No, it was Castiel who kissed me," I say sadly and look at the ground.

"He loves you, you know," He says and at that moment my father appears.

"You need to leave now, there are at least 25 demons after you," He says then flies off again. I run into the kitchen and tell Dean, Sam, Bobby and Camille about it. Each of us packs a bag then we drive to Kevin's including Jimmy. It's isnt a long drive to Kevin's hideout.

"Are you Kevin?" I ask him after knocking on the door.

"Who's asking? I know Sam, Dean and Cas, but who the hell are you guys," He opens the door and lets us in.

"Well I am a half Angel, my name is Elizabeth," I say and step towards him, extending my hand. He shakes it then looks to the others.

"I'm Camille, human. I'm Elizabeth's hunting partner." She smiles.

"I'm bobby, these boys didn't tell you about me?" Bobby says and glares at the Winchesters.

"They did, I just never knew what you looked like." He shrugs and sits back down.

"Nice place you got here. Does it keep demons away?" I ask and walk around, looking at all his notes.

"Yes, for now," He says and I look back at him to see he's looking at a tablet and scribbling down more notes.

"Demon tablet?" I ask and walk over to him.

"Only half, thanks to Castiel and Crowley of course," He says and looks up at Jimmy.

"That isn't Castiel. It's his vessel, Jimmy Novak." I sigh and look over to Jimmy who looks utterly confused.

"Oh, what happened to him?" Kevin asks and puts his pen down.

"I think Crowley drew a sigil that drained the rest of Cas' power so he had to return to heaven," Dean says and looks at Sam. Everyone is silent as Dean walks over to the fridge as opens it.

"Have you stopped eating again Kev?" Sam asks and shakes his head disappointed.

"No, I eat hotdogs now and then." He shrugs and goes back to his tablet work. The door to Kevin's boat is knocked down and Crowley stands in the door way with his signature grin.

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