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C H A P T E R 6: Demons and Angels, Oh My!

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I kill the rest of the demons and turn back to Dean, Sam, Camille, Bobby and Castiel, breathing heavily.

"For a beginner, you sure seem to know what you're doing," Sam says with an shocked look.

"It just came to me." I shrug.

"We should go in the panic room." Camille suggests.

"That would be a good choice," Dean says. I look at Castiel who looks confused. I let everyone go in front of us and stop Castiel.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I-.. Yeah, I guess. I was just shocked that you could do that. It took me a millennium to master that." He scratches the back of his neck as we head to the panic room. As I reach to open the door Castiel stops me. He grabs my wrist and holds it lightly. I look from where his hand is holding my wrist then back to him. He blinks a few times before leaning in. Is he trying to kiss me? I close my eyes and feel his lips touch mine, sending electricity coursing through my body. Just as I'm about to kiss him back the panic room door opens with a creek. Castiel pulls away and we look over to see Dean.

"Found them," Dean calls to the rest. Castiel and I follow him in but I stop as soon as I get to the door.

"Angels can't come in," I say.

"You're a half angel, you can probably come in," Bobby says. I step in and they close the door.

"How long do we have to stay here for?" Camille asks.

"Until we're sure the demons are gone. We have food, water and entertainment," Bobby says and gestures around the room.

"Glad I brought my laptop." Camille and I say at the same time. I pull my laptop out of my bag and sit against the wall. I open my laptop in and put in my password. H-U-N-T-E-R I type in. Once my home page comes up I decide to change my password. I change it to A-N-G-E-L and smile to myself. I decide to email my mum since I haven't talked to her in a while.

Dear Mum,

I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. My friend James was possessed by a demon then killed and I just had my first kiss about 10 minutes ago with a fallen Angel. On the topic of angels, I am a half angel, which means dad was an angel. What was his name? We're you guys in love? I'm just curious. We also have demons after us and I'm not sure if we'll live so I wanted to say I love you.

Love always,


I close my laptop and walk outside of the iron panic room to see Castiel. He rests a hand on my knee as we sit at the table.

"You have this whole human thing down don't you?" I ask with a grin.

"Kind of, it comes naturally I guess." He sighs. "I miss being an angel though." He frowns.

"You'll get your power back." I assure him. He looks at me, his blue eyes full of curiosity.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks, in a non rude way.

"Your eyes are beautiful." I admire his eyes.

"You are beautiful." He blurts out then blushes and looks away.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Gag, you two are gross," Camille says.

"I'm sorry that our affection disgusts you," Castiel tells her, sarcasm playing in his voice.

"Can we check to see if they're gone? It's boring down here," Sam says to bobby.

"Stop your complaining boy. We haven't even been in here for an hour," Bobby tells him and sits down on the small bed.

A day passes and we still haven't left this room. Honestly it's irritating being in an enclosed space with the Winchesters.

"Can we leave now?" Camille asks.

"I guess, we haven't heard anything from the demons." Bobby opens the door and we all rush out. We walk upstairs and check out the windows to see if we can spot any demons. I see nothing so I sit at the table in Bobby's kitchen.

"I wonder if alcohol affects me..." I think out loud.

"Let's test," Camille says and sets a shot of whiskey in front of me. I take the glass and pour it into my mouth and gulp it back. I've had about 15 shots and I feel nothing.

"So this is how angels feel when try drink?" I chuckle to myself. It's terrible not being able to drown your sorrows out with anything.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Castiel asks me.

"Sure." I nod and we step outside.

"I have never felt anything when I've been around mortals, except you. Even when I was still an Angel I felt a strange feeling. I think our hearts have been branded," He tells me.

"Uh.. I-..." I can't seem to find any words.

"I think I'm in love with you," He tells me. My heart flutters and I smile.

"I think I am in love with you too Castiel," I tell him and embrace him with a hug. There's a clapping from behind Castiel and we pull away.

"How romantic." A guy wearing a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans says.

"Who are you?" I ask and it comes out rather rudely.

"I am Balthazar." He bows.

"He's an Angel." Castiel tells me.

"Look at you two! And here I though you were with Dean Winchester! Wasn't I wrong." He laughs.

"What do you want Balthazar?" Castiel asks.

"I wanted to help you, since demons have been nipping at your ass since you got out of the hospital." He shrugs and steps towards us.

"We are fine thank you," Castiel says and turns away from him.

"Suit yourself." He says and disappears.

"First demons now Angels, what's next?" I ask and throw my hands in the air.

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