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C H A P T E R 9: Trapped

Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Why did you leave?" Castiel asks me calmly as he steps towards me.

"I was upset," I tell him.

"I'm sorry about your mother." He looks at the ground then back at me.

"Thank you." I thank him.

"You've been listening to the angels." He catches me.

"Yes I have. Is Balthazar my father?" I ask.

"I don't know," He says honestly.

"Can you call him here?" I ask him sweetly.

"I'll try," He says and closes his eyes. He clenches his hands and then I see Balthazar appear behind him.

"Castiel, need my help now?" He asks.

"No, I asked for you," I say.

"My daughter," He says and steps towards me with open arms.

"So you know," I say flatly.

"Yes, the angels just told me. Look how beautiful you are, just like your mother," He says and hugs me.

"I wanted to know why my mother was killed," I say sadly and pull away from his embrace.

"She knew too much and the Angels didn't like that I presume," He says and rubs his hand over his chin.

"Thank you, Bal- father." I correct myself.

"Call me if you need me," He says and disappears into the thin air.

"So, how'd the hunt go?" I ask the handsome Angel in front of me.

"It went great actually. Dean saved me from one of the vampires," He tells me and I laugh.

"Of course he did, lets go downstairs." I smile and take his hand in mine.

Third Person View

When Elizabeth takes Castiels hand, he feels something odd. Like a burst of electricity that makes him want to pull away, but he doesn't. He can't. They walk downstairs, Elizabeth smiling to herself. When they get downstairs they see Sam and Dean talking in the living room with Bobby while Camille is nowhere to be seen.

"What exactly happened to her, Bobby?" Dean asks again.

"I told you! I left to grab a beer and when I came back a demon had her and then poofed out," Bobby tells Sam and Dean.

"You might not want to tell Elizabeth that, she's had enough problems with demons," Sam says as Elizabeth and Castiel approach.

"So you poofed out on us for her? Thanks Cas," Dean says sarcastically, though he is happy for Castiel.

"Where's Camille?" Elizabeth asks them. Sam, Dean and Bobby look at each other then back to Elizabeth.

"She was taken by demons," Sam says, trying to keep things calm.

"She was what?" Ellie yells. "We have to find her." She paces. First James, one of her best friends and now Camille?

"She was probably taken by one of Crowley's men," Bobby says and Elizabeth thinks.

"Doesn't he have this thing with abandoned warehouses?" Elizabeth asks and walks over to her laptop.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with it?" Dean asks and follows her. Elizabeth remembers looking for a case and stumbling upon an abandoned warehouse with sigils spray painted in the windows. She pulls in up and shows the boys.

"Could this be it?" She asks, proud of herself.

"Could be." Sam shrugs. They all huddle into Deans impala, except for Bobby cause he didn't want to come, and drive to the warehouse. Castiel sits in the back with Elizabeth, feeling uncomfortable because he has a strong dislike for cars.

"So what's the plan?" Castiel asks Sam and Dean. Since he is a hunter he wants to know all the attack plans.

"We'll have to see how well guarded it is," Sam says as Dean continues driving. The whole car ride is quiet so Dean puts on music, mostly AC/DC though, starting with back in black. He hums and taps his fingers along to the song.

Castiel doesn't know how to feel about everything going on with Elizabeth and the angels. Deep down he knows he loves her but the thoughts about love the Angels are putting in his head are getting the best of him.

Elizabeth wants to know what Castiel is thinking. She wants to know what he really feels, but she can't. Even is she could she wouldn't because she respects him.

Sam is worried about Camille. Sure he doesn't know her but he cares for her. When they were alone one time they kissed and after that he has cared for her.

They arrive at the warehouse, not close enough so the demons could sense then though. Castiel and Elizabeth look from the windows of the car to see the people on the outside are actually demons. There isn't many though, maybe only 4.

They go over the plan a few times before putting it into action. Elizabeth is going to distract the demons while Castiel, Sam and Dean wait and kill the demons. Once they are in everyone splits up except for Castiel and Elizabeth because she is the one Crowley wants.

Elizabeth walks up to the demons and smiles. "Hey boys," She says with her best flirtatious voice. They all turn around and look at her, shifting their eyes to black.

They walk up to her slowly and she realizes Sam, Dean and Castiel aren't there yet. She decides to take things her own way and places her had on the demons head, killing it. Just as she's about to do it to another, she's jumped. She falls to the ground, scraping her arm. She tries to stand up but the demon places a foot on her head.

"Night, night." He gives her a wild grin and presses harder on her head.

"Night, night to you bitch!" Dean says as he stabs the demon. Elizabeth stands up, thanking Dean with a nod.

"Take this Sam," Castiel says and hands Sam his Angel killing knife. "It doesn't only work on Angels." Sam reaches to take the knife, but Elizabeth stop him.

"Can you tell my what you can kill with this knife?" She ask Sam and place her mothers knife into his hand. He examines it and blinks a few times before handing it back to her.

"Anything I guess. It's made of iron, sliver and has some of the angel and demon blade melted into it." Sam takes Castiels blade and Dean looks at her knife confused.

"Where'd you get that?"

"My mother." She replies without another word. They walk in and split up, Castiel and Elizabeth heading down a hall with many sigils on them. Castiel stops walking because he senses a demon. He turns around quickly, placing a hand on the demons head killing it. They hear a scream which sounds like Camille and then Crowley voice followed by it.

"Who is Elizabeth's Father?" He asks. Castiel and Elizabeth follow the voice and arrives at an Angel proofed room. Elizabeth takes her knife and scratches it so they can enter. The door flies open and Elizabeth and Castiel walk in.

"I was expecting you," Crowley says with a grin and throws a match on the ground, lighting a ring of holy fire around Castiel and Elizabeth.

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