Did You Just Lick My Elbow?

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Dedicated to Redconverse99 for being the first to comment:) THanks so much!!!


I sat quietly in the principals office with my legs crossed beneath me. Dean was to my right looking pretty much at home, and James was to my left sitting red faced in his chair as he tried to refrain from laughing.

My eyes followed our pacing principal across the room,"Twenty-four," I whispered quietly enough that only James could hear me.

He snorted, causing the principals head to snap towards him. He instantly straightened up stiff as a board and erased all emotion from his face within seconds. Dean snickered and I saw him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.

We had been in the principals office for the last 15 minutes or so, and the only thing that had been accomplished was me making James almost piss himself as I counted the number of times Principal Collins had paced around the room.

"I..." he paused,"am very upset with you. All of you,"

I was sitting Indian style in my chair with my hands in my lap. I nodded my head solemnly.

"It was very..." he paused again,"reckless what you three did. Reckless and unacceptable,"

I nodded again, exaggerating the movement just a tad bit.

"Purposely pulling the fire alarm-"

I sprung from my seat,"OBJECTION YOUR HONOR!"

The three of them all jumped at my sudden outburst.

"This isn't court Miss Parks,"

I stood up and crossed my hands in front of me,"Your Honor," the principal opened his mouth to say something and I held my hand up to shush him,"My friends and I did not, have not, and never will purposely pull a fire alarm. It was an accident,"I paused and locked eyes with Dean-who was smirking-for just a moment,"Yes, only an accident, and as you know we have all apologized repeatedly for what we did. It would be wrong to punish us for something we didn't intend to do,  therefore your Honor, I plead Not-Guilty!" I banged my fist on his desk.

All three of the guys stared at me in shock as I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs, a triumphant smirk on my face.

 Um... Ok then," Mr. Collins said.

Dean was staring at me like I'd grown two heads, and James was literally rolling on the floor laughing at my little outburst, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I stuck my tongue out at Dean.

"Did you just stick your tongue out at me?"

I grinned,"Um... no?"

"You did! You actually stuck your tongue out at me!" Dean stood up from his chair and I flew up from mine.

Mr. Collins chose this moment to chime it,"You did stick your tongue out at him Ms. Parks,"

"You really think you can get away with that Jay?" His eyebrows were raised, a small mischievous smile tugged at his lips as he walked towards me.

I slowly backed up, walking around to the other side of the principals desk,"What are you going to do about it?"

He smirked and chased me around the room. I squealed like a girl and jumped up over the desk ninja style before running over to the door, but was blocked by a brick wall also known as James.

I crossed my arms in a pout,"Well that's no fair!"

My eyes went wide in horror as I was lifted off the ground from behind and thrown over King Kong's shoulder!

Ok, just kidding, it was Dean.

My forehead smacked against his back when he flung me over. I balled my hands into fists and started to beat his back,

"Put me down Shrek! Good god where is Donkey when I need him?"

I grabbed a fistful of a startled James' shirt just as Dean tripped over a chair leg; I screamed as we all came toppling down to the ground.

We landed in a tangled heap on the ground.


I had an elbow obstructing my view, so I stuck my tongue out and licked it.

James screamed,"Oh my god did you just lick my elbow?!"

"AH HA! So people can feel it when you lick their elbows! I always wondered about that,"

The elbow moved out from in front of my face to reveal the fuming principal. I grinned sheepishly before grabbing Deans leg and hiding my face from view.

"DETENTION! All three of you! Now GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!"


Ok guys this is super short I know, but i haven't uploaded in awhile and I didn't want to completely leave you hanging!

ALSO!!! I finally found a cast member for Janyalee:) She is being played by Shenae Grimes

If you guys have any suggestions on who you want to play the other characters leave a comment and let me know!!!


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