The Intruder and the Confession

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I smiled happily as I flopped down on my bed with my Algebra 2 book to get started on my homework. No, seriously, I was so happy that not even the fact that I had to do homework could make me grumpy.

Dean had just dropped me off at my house a few minutes ago once we realized that my parents would be arriving home any minute.

Right on cue, I heard the front door open just as I opened my book to my assignment.

"Jaynalee? We're home and we brought dinner!"

"Food!" I screamed as I flew off of my bed and down the stairs, all ideas of homework completely forgotten. But, being the clumsy person I am, on the 2nd step from the bottom I tripped over my own feet, sending me flying forwards onto the ground. Now eye level with my dads black dress shoes, I looked up with a grin on my face.

"Hi Daddy!"

Dad smiled, shaking his head at me,"Hi Pickle," he said, using his nickname for me he'd been using since before I was born. Apparently my mom had said she was 'in a pickle' when she found out that she was pregnant with me. My dad had replied with 'No actually the pickle is in you!' and well, it had just stuck.

I climbed up off of the ground,"What's for dinner?"

"Chinese!' Mom called from the kitchen.

I fist pumped as I skipped into the room, kissing my mother on the cheek when she handed me my amazingly wonderful cashew chicken. I plopped down on one of the bar stools and started shoving food in my face. I nearly moaned at the taste, I could seriously live off of Chinese food. It was the best.

Dad sat on the bar stool next to me, and Mom stood at the counter with her food.

"So," Dad asked around a bite of food,"what did you do last night?"

I choked on my food, banging myself on the chest to try and regain my breath when I realized he was just asking. He didn't know what I had really done.

"Sorry, wrong hole," I muttered when I could finally speak,"Nothing really. I watched The Breakfast Club again and got ahead on my homework."

My mom shook her head,"Do you have that movie memorized yet? You watch it like 5 times a week,"

"Six actually," I mumbled, taking another bite.

"Well, since you've taken your grounding so well I've decided to let you off early," Mom said.

I dropped my fork,"Really?!"

"Yes, and I got us two tickets to go see Magic Mike tomorrow night!" she said happily.

I grimaced,"Uh, which theater?"

"The one downtown!"

Damn. I definitely couldn't show my face there again after yesterday. I don't think security or the manager would be very happy to see me. We weren't exactly best friends after my little, erm, incident.

"Oh, cool," I said nonchalantly.

Dad looked back in forth between my mother and I with his jaw hanging open,"You have got to be kidding."

"What?" Mom asked innocently.

"You're taking our innocent little daughter," I snorted at this, earning myself a frown from Dad before he carried on,"to the theater to watch a movie purely based on male strippers?"

I couldn't hold in my laugh at the appalled look on his face.

Mom looked back at him with an equally appalled look,"What? You think I'm not responsible enough to know what I should and shouldn't let my daughter watch?"

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