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The day followed after the tiring night, made Sebastian seem frustrated. He can't reach Annie by telephone and he's getting done by Steve's paranoid behaviour.

"STEVE FREAKING HASHY DOUGNUT LISTEN TO ME!!!" Sebastian is done, angry, frustrated. He has to bring Steve to his senses.

Steve looks up, big eyes filled with ultimate fear dancing around as it's tracing ghosts around his friend.

Sebastian facepalms, he sighs dramatically as he looks in the tracing lost eyes. "Bud... I can't reach Annie, I know she can help you deal with your little situation."

"He's called Jarel.." 

"..pardon?" Sebastian is confused.

"I asked his name..." Steve says quietly. Eyes dancing paranoid.

"Who?" Sebastian asks.

"The guy in my head..." Steve looks down.

"Why did you name him Jarel?" Sebastian sighs. "I don't want you to get emotional attached to your problem."

Steve went silent for a moment of time "He said it .. I didn't do it.."

"Impossible you fool."

Steve shakes his head, the edges of the blonde hair covering his eyes, pinching a little, making him blink rapidly.

Sebastian sighs. Annoyed... tired... Done, he's moody. He smashes his hand on the bed before leaving the room  pissed off.

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