I look...different. I actually like how I look. But Draco has never seen me in make-up. What if he doesn't like it?

As I descend the stairs, dad begins snapping photos furiously. Damn, today is going to be unbelievably embarrassing! Why in the world did I even invite Draco over?!

"How old is the boy, De?" dad asks, as he continues snapping photos.

"18," I murmur back.

"Oh! He's Dudder's age!" mum thrills, looking like this little piece of information just saved the day.

"Now, Dudley, we want you to impress the boy. Can you handle that?" dad instructs clearly. Dudley grins wickedly and nods his head.

Poor, poor Draco! He's about to meet the Adam's family!

Just then the doorbell rings, and mum actually giggles like a teenage girl! Oh my god! I shake my head a couple of times, and give my family some time to arrange themselves in their perfect poses.

Mum stands in front of the doorway to the kitchen, ready to curtsy, dad sits on his armchair, smoking a Cuban and Dudley is on the exercise machine pretending to work out.

I get the door, and my perfect boyfriend stands framed in the doorway looking like God's gift to humankind. His platinum blonde hair looks trendily messy. His cheeks are slightly pink from the cold, and he's wearing this dashing suit that simply reeks of designer!

His eyes rake over me, looking a little surprised. But he grins at me, his hard face warming up immediately.

He pulls me into an embrace, and I simply melt into his chest. Ah, it's been way too long!

Before he loses his self-control, he pulls away, grinning even wider. He holds out a bouquet of white roses for me.

"Draco! They're so beautiful! Thank you!" I peck him on the cheek, his pale cheeks colour slightly, and he chuckles softly. "Come in," I usher him in, closing the door behind him.

"Mum, dad, Dud...this is Draco Malfoy! And Draco, these are my parent's and my older brother, Dudley," I introduce, grinning.

Draco smiles haughtily just like I told him to, and just like I thought, I can see approval in my father's face. Draco walks confidently up to dad, he's easily half a head taller. "Mr. Dursley, thank you for having me over," he holds his hand out and dad takes it, giving him a firm shake. Draco half-smiles and reaches into his coat for something. He pulls out an expensive box and grins at me before turning back to my father.

"My father sends his compliments along with the finest Cuban cigars anyone could ask for," Draco murmurs arrogantly.

"Thank your father for me, son," dad booms, a huge smile on his face. Woo! He called Draco 'son'! I knew Draco would win dad over, but I didn't expect it to be this fast!

Draco smiles then walks over to my mother. She holds her hand out, and Draco raises it up to his lips. Mum giggles highly, utterly embarrassing me.

"Mrs. Dursley, I now know where Deidre gets her looks," Draco murmurs in a sickeningly sweet voice. Good God! I hope he didn't mean I look like her! I pride myself that I don't look like my family at all!

Draco holds out a box of chocolates for mum, and she takes it gratefully.

Dudley stands in the middle of the room, staring in disgust at Draco.

"Dudley, take the boy's coat," dad commands.

Dudley stares in shock, his mouth actually hanging open. Draco grins at me and winks. I giggle.

He pompously hands his coat to my brother, holding his arm out for me. I take his arm happily and we walk into the adjoining parlour, where we usually entertain the higher class guests.

"Deid? What's an exclusive brand for guys clothes that your dad admirers?" Draco whispers into my ear.

"Prada?" I shrug.

"Be careful with that jacket, will you. It's a Prada," Draco calls over his shoulder at my brother, whose shock increases even more.

And obviously just as Draco had wanted, dad's ears suddenly prick up. I can almost see my dad dying to check out the coat.

And to his credit, even Dudley looks impressed. He hangs Draco's coat up carefully, staring at it longingly.

"Take a seat, my boy," dad invites.

"Take his armchair," I whisper to Draco. I'd like to see how dad reacts to that. Usually he'd chase the person off his chair.

Draco nods and walks to the armchair confidently. He sits down, crossing his legs. He looks around the room, his eyebrows raised.

Dad and mum stand opposite him, watching him appraise the room. I can see them actually tensed up for his verdict! Woo! They love him!

"You have a beautiful house," Draco murmurs nonchalantly.

"This old place? Pfft! It's nothing. We just don't want to call too much attention to ourselves," dad murmurs, trying to pretend he's more important than he really is.

Draco shrugs, a ghost of a smile on his handsome face.

Mum and dad stand awkwardly in the doorway and a strained silence pervades the room.

"Are you hungry, Draco?" mum asks, giggling a little.

"Food sounds great, Mrs. Dursely," Draco says sweetly, before shaking his head a little. He shoots me a worried look, and I just grin. That is so adorable! Draco is worried that he was sweet! How much more adorable can he be?

"You can call us Vernon and Petunia," dad volunteers, obviously very taken up by my perfect boyfriend.

Draco nods and follows mum and dad into the kitchen.

"How am I doing?" he whispers into my ear, taking my hand.

"I think they're ready to adopt you," I giggle back.

"I'm fine with that. I'm bunking with you," he grins and kisses my forehead.

I grin back and by then we're already in the kitchen. Dad insists that Draco sit by his side, so I sit beside Draco, holding his hand under the table.

Draco is as good as part of the family already!

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