Chapter 30: Hang out

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Kylie's POV

Enjoying the autumn breeze, I sat outside the school on a bench. I currently had a break and was waiting for Taylor to get here. While I was waiting I kept thinking about what Jessica had told me during Nina's funeral, which was a week ago.

'She loved me... she loved me... she loved me...', that's the only sentence that was on my mind. Nina loved me and she didn't got the chance to tell me, neither did I. It was so unfair, why did she had to go? At this point I wanted to find out what happened to her, and I knew there was only one way how to... Elizabeth.

I didn't wait for Taylor, I stood up and walked to Elizabeth's classroom. I first checked to see if she had a class, and luckily she didn't. She was sitting behind her desk, marking papers. I took a deep breath and entered the classroom.

Elizabeth looked up and smiled. "Hey Kylie, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

I think Elizabeth noticed my behavior because her facial expression quickly changed. "What's wrong?"

I looked at her, preparing myself to finally confront her with what I knew. But should I really tell her that I know she's my witch? I do really need her, but maybe there was another way... "I need your help."

She raised her eyebrows and looked at me. "With what?"

I sighed and looked down. "Look, I know it's kinda awkward to talk about Nina with you... But I really feel like I can talk to you about everything and I feel like I can rely on you for anything. So I'm asking your help to find out who did this to her." After I had said that, I looked back up into her eyes. She had a look I knew, a look I could easily imagine on the dark figure.

"I'm glad you feel like that and I'd love to help you." she said to which I smiled big. "But how can I help you?"

I had to think about my answer now, I couldn't just tell her about her being my witch, I wanted to think about Nina now, not about witchcraft. "Well, you're an adult, so people will listen more to you than to me." I said to which she nodded.

"Makes sense..." she said and looked around, showing she was thinking about something. How I wished to just know about what she was thinking. After a few minutes she looked back at me. "Alright, I'll help you, just tell me what and when you want me to do something." she said and smiled at me.

I smiled big. "Thank you so much, Elizabeth." I said and walked around the desk and pulled her in for a hug.

"You're welcome." she whispered in my ear which gave me the chills. Although I didn't love her like I loved Nina, she knew very well she had an effect on me. That's why I never stayed to long alone with her, who knows what she could do to me...

"I'll get going now." I said as I pulled away, ready to walk away.

But suddenly Elizabeth held me by my wrist. "Kylie," she said so I turned around to face her. "Can we hang out sometime?" she asked to which my eyebrows raised. "Just as friends, I promise."

I looked at her, thinking about it. Was it really a smart idea to go hang around with my former lover? Not to forget, she's my witch... "I don't know."

"Come on Kylie, it'll be fun." she said, still not letting go of my wrist.

I sighed and looked at her, she was smiling at me, it made her look so nice and caring. "Alright, when do you want to hang out?


I raised my eyebrows. "Tonight? Where?"

"Just at my place, we'll watch a movie. I can make popcorn..." she said, smiling big.

I smiled too, knowing very well she planned all of this. "Alright, I'll be there at 7 pm."

"I'll come and get you at your house at 7 pm. Make sure you're ready when I arrive." she said and let go of my wrist.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight."

"Bye." she said as I walked out of that classroom. That was unexpected...


"What were you thinking?!" Taylor shouted as I was going through the closet, searching for a nice sweater to wear for tonight.

"Honestly Taylor, I wasn't thinking. She caught me off guard and I agreed to her invitation, after all it's just 'hang out'."

"It's good to know you know she's planning something. Why are you going to her? Who knows what she'll do to you." she said as she sat down on my bed.

"Taylor, trust me, I'll watch my back. That's why I'm wearing a sweater, it's super difficult to get this thing off me. Look, it's like it's attached to me." I said and showed her how close it was to my body. "She won't get her way tonight, she can't reach the tattoo."

"But don't you think she'll be angry because of that." she asked, making a point there.

"Maybe, but what will she do?"

"I don't know. Maybe she'll try to kill you." Taylor said, laughing but quickly stopped when she knew what she had said. "Oh Kylie, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine. And if she would kill me, at least I am back with Nina." I said, sitting down next to Taylor on my bed.

"Kylie, don't you dare say stuff like that! Nina wouldn't want you to be like this!"

"How can you know? She's dead!" I said, standing up.

"How can you be like this? You act like she never existed! Is that why you're going to Elizabeth's tonight, to have sex to forget about Nina?!" Taylor shouted and at that I lost it. I hit her across the face, her left cheek was already getting red. She placed her hand onto her cheek and looked at me. "Have fun tonight, but don't complain to me when she does something to you." she said and walked away.


"Hey." she said as I entered her car.

"Hey." I said, smiling. After that she started the engine and drove to her house, I was watching outside the window.

When we arrived we walked inside, I went to sit down at her couch while she went to the kitchen, preparing the popcorn. "Kylie, can you start the movie already?" she asked me from the kitchen.

"Alright." I said and crouched down in front of her television. I searched for the movie she had chosen for tonight but I stopped searching when I felt the presence of the dark figure close to me. I quickly took the movie and put it in and stood up. I turned around and saw Elizabeth looking at me, I noticed my sweater had gone upwards a little so the tattoo was visible for her. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, trying to laugh it of, but it didn't work, she kept looking at me like that. It's like she's another person. "Elizabeth?"

"Huh?" she said as she shook her head and smiled at me afterwards. "Kylie, why aren't you sitting down yet?"

"I was searching for the movie." I said as I sat down. "You have a lot of them."

She sat down too. "I know, I love to watch movies, certainly horrors or thrillers." she said, giving me a look which indicates she was going to try something.

"I prefer comedies or romantic movies." I said and averted my gaze to the television. "Let's watch the movie now, shall we?"

She hummed a yes and pressed play, that's when the movie started, of course it was a scary one. During the movie I did my best to held it together but when the girl in the movie got attacked by the demon, I quickly grabbed Elizabeth and buried my head into her chest. I felt her wrapping her arms around my waist, making it's way towards the tattoo.

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