Chapter 28: Goodbye

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Kylie's POV

"Hey Taylor." I said as I walked towards her locker where she was taking textbooks out.

"Hey Kylie, where's Nina?" she asked me as she looked around.

"I don't know, I called her this morning, but she didn't answer her phone. I even stopped by her house, but nobody was there." I said, getting a little bit worried. "Where could she be?"

"Hey, don't worry, she's probably on her way over here. Maybe she'll even bring you something..." Taylor said as she nudged me in the side.

"You think?" I asked, smiling at the thought.

Taylor hummed a yes and linked arms with me. "Don't worry." she said as we walked towards first period.

We entered the classroom and soon the bell rang, signalizing the start of first period. I kept looking towards the door, waiting for Nina to finally walk through those doors. Each passing second I was getting more and more worried. Nina was an excellent student, she never missed a single class, not even for fun.

20 minutes had past and still no sign of Nina. We had to work on some exercises, it was silent in the classroom until a teacher entered and walked to our current teacher. They whispered to each other and afterwards I heard a cough. "Kylie, Taylor, you two need to go to the principal." our teacher said.

"But we didn't do anything." Taylor said, already defending us.

"Yeah, why do we need to go there?" I asked, helping Taylor here.

The teachers both had a sad look on their faces which made me even more worried. "Just follow Mrs.Johnson to the principal please." our teacher said, afterwards she looked down.

Both me and Taylor decided to just follow Mrs.Johnson. On our way over there, Taylor and I kept looking at each other and at Mrs.Johnson. We really had no clue what was going on here.

Once we arrived at the principal's office, Mrs.Johnson knocked on the door and entered. We entered too and that's when I saw my parents.

"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged them.

"Oh Kylie..." mom said as a few tears left her eyes.

"W-what's going on here?" I asked the principal. This whole situation was making me more and more worried and anxious. Did something bad happened? I wanted to know... and fast!

"Kylie, Taylor, sit down please." the principal said as he motioned to the chairs behind us. We sat down and looked at him. He looked down before looking back up at us, but he looked more at me than at Taylor. "This morning I've received a terrible phone call." he said and took a moment to breath in and out. "It's about Nina."

At this my eyes widened. "What happened to her?" I asked, raising my voice, standing up. I just really needed to know everything, what's taking them so long to tell us?

"She... Last night, she was hit by a car." the principal said which caused me to sit back down. I had to sit back down because I thought I would faint.

"H-how is she doing?" Taylor asked, afterwards she gulped.

The principal looked down before answering us. "She died."

That one sentence broke my heart and everything that existed to me. I didn't cry, I didn't blink my eyes, I didn't move, I did nothing. It's like everything around me was put on hold, everything except me. I looked around and saw Taylor crying, my parents were too, although I think they were more sad for me than for Nina. Even the principal had some tears. But I didn't.

I gulped, looked down and took my phone out of my pocket. I looked at the picture on the background, it as a picture of Nina and me. It was taken yesterday, before she walked to her house. It's all my fault, if I would've brought her home, this wouldn't have happened.

I stood up and walked away, not wanting to stay in there. I think they shouted after me, but even if they did, I didn't heard them. I kept walking and walking, I wanted to be alone right now. The only person I wanted with me was Nina, but she was gone. She was really gone, forever. How's this possible? I saw her yesterday, I saw her walking away...

I walked towards the lake, to our spot. I layed down on the grass, Nina always told me this would be her second home, being here made me feel closer to her. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of nature. It was all so peaceful, just like her. How could this have happened to her? She didn't deserve it, everybody, but not her.

I placed my hand onto my chest, I felt my heart beating, but I knew it was broken. I lost my girlfriend. I didn't even got to tell her I love her. I wanted to do so many things with her and yet she's taken away from me, like this.

I opened my eyes again and looked at the sky, wondering where Nina was now. Could she hear me? Could she see me? Thinking about her, about us, I finally realized what I lost, who I lost. I started to cry, I cried so much, I want her back, I need her back. How can I continue this life without her? She's my girlfriend, my love, my person.


I stayed here for awhile until I wanted to see some important people... Nina's parents. I walked towards her house, I looked around, knowing Nina died on her way over there.

Once there, I knocked on the front door. Her parents opened the door and once they saw me, they pulled me in for a hug. It was so tight and warm, I could really feel their pain. I did my best to hug them back, showing them I was there for them.

"Where is she?" I asked as we pulled apart from the hug.

"She's safe. But we'll bring you to her." Jessica said, still crying. Michael wrapped his arms around Jessica's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. Afterwards they drove me to were Nina was.

"You can visit her, if you want." he said to me. I didn't hesitate for a moment, I quickly got inside, but in front of the door, I waited. I was debating internal, do I really want to see her like that for the last time? What if she's... injured?

I looked down and suddenly felt and arm around my shoulders. I looked back up and saw Camilla. She looked at me and pulled me in for a hug. "She doesn't look bad at all, it looks like she's sleeping." she whispered to me, afterwards she let go of me and got back to her room.

I took a deep breath and entered the room. There she was, my love. She layed down, sleeping forever. I sat down next to her, looking at her. I can't believe she won't ever wake up again. How I longed for those beautiful blue eyes to look at me, to hear her cute laugh when she's nervous or just how caring she is.

I felt some tears but whipped them away, I didn't want to cry near her. I wanted her to feel good, I wonder if she had suffered when she died. I quickly shook that thought away, I didn't need nor want to know that.

My hands reached forward to her face, I caressed it and looked at her. I kept wishing for her to wake up, to look at me and telling me this was all just a joke. But nothing happened.

I looked at her and remembered what we did when we faced something hard or super cute. I leaned in closer, some tears fell onto her face. I kissed her forehead and whispered to her: "I'm yours."

Nowhere is safeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora