Chapter 16: Confrontation

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Kylie's POV

After the talk with Taylor, I went to the restroom before going to second period with her. She told me she was going to the classroom already, because it was almost time for second period. She told me she was going to hold on to a seat for me, so I didn't had to worry about that.

Anyway I was busy washing my hands when suddenly the lights turned off. "Great, of course that happens to me..." I said more to myself than to anyone else, mainly because I was the only one in the restroom at that moment.

I dried my hands and walked to the door. I wanted to open the door, but it won't work. I pushed and pulled, but the door didn't move. "What the hell's happening in here?" I asked, again more to myself than to anyone else.

I walked to the window, I tried reaching it but it was to high. So I decided to call Taylor. Just as I was about to call her, someone pushed me into the wall which caused me to drop my phone onto the floor.

I looked to the person who pushed me into the wall, it was the dark figure. It held me by my neck with one hand and the other hand was next to it's body.

I tried freeing myself from it's hand, because it was pushing my throat close.

"Stop this, I can't breath." I said out of breath.

At this, the dark figure pushed even harder. I didn't understand, I thought I was it's perfect match, why would it do that to me?

"Please stop." I pleaded while I still tried freeing myself.

"You took of my necklace!" it said in a creepy voice, I don't think that that was it's real voice, I certainly hope not.

"It was lighting up, I was scared of it. You never told me it could lighten up, oh wait, you never told me anything." I said to which the dark figure pushed even harder. "Please stop... Can't breath..." I said, really needing the oxygen.

"You need to wear the necklace!" it demanded, it definitely had some temperament.

"I will, I promise." I said, to which it let go a little. "What's your name?"

"That doesn't matter!" it shouted and started pushing again.

"Alright, alright, I get it." I said and kept my hands next to my head, waiting for the dark figure to let go of me, but it didn't. Instead, it came closer. "What are you doing?"

It didn't answer me, it kept coming closer until it was right next to my ear. "Why are you so scared of me?" it whispered in my ear while I felt it's hand making it's way towards the tattoo. When it's hand touched the tattoo, I felt so much energy inside me. Is this what Taylor meant by the perfect match gives the most energy?

I looked in front of me and saw the dark figure looking at me while it kept touching the tattoo. I think it's feeding, but I have no idea. That's actually very creepy to hear, someone's feeding of me. Usually, in other cases, I would die right now, but luckily in this case, it won't happen that way.

Nothing was said between the two of us, it kept looking at me, just as I kept looking at it while it was feeding.

Suddenly the dark figure turned around and that's when I saw Taylor. She was looking in shock to this, I couldn't blame her, this actually looked really creepy.

"Get away from my best friend, you creep!" Taylor shouted while she held her book high in the air, indicating she was going to use it as a weapon.

The dark figure got angry, I could feel it, I didn't want Taylor to be in trouble. "Taylor, go to class, I'll be there in a minute, don't worry." I said, afterwards I gave her a weak smile.

"But, it's doing - "

"Taylor, just go." I said, cutting her of before she could make the dark figure even more angry. Taylor nodded and left, thank God she's safe.

Afterwards the dark figure looked back at me, I think, I didn't saw it's eyes, so I had to guess. I looked at it, trying to keep the fear I had under control. I had so many questions, but I knew if I asked them it would get angry again. I wonder why it's even angry if I ask questions. Me asking questions indicates I'm interested, isn't it?

After a few more minutes, the dark figure finally let go and disappeared. The lights went back on and I could go. I let out a sigh in relieve and hurried to class.


After class Taylor needed to know everything, of course. She pulled me with her to the library, really is this going to be our hang out spot? We walked to the same spot and sat down.

She looked at me for awhile, I think she wanted me to start talking first so I did. "Taylor, I - "

"How could you send me away like that?!" she almost shouted.

"The dark figure got angry, I didn't want you to get hurt. You understand that, right?" I asked as I placed my hand on top of hers.

"I do, but I thought it was hurting you."

I shook my head. "It wasn't, I think it was feeding."

Taylor gave me a look. "It was feeding? But it can only feed of love, I don't think you like or even love it." she said, afterwards she thought it over.

"I definitely don't like or love it." I said, laughing a little.

Taylor looked at me. "Do you like Miss Moore?" she asked all of the sudden.

I looked at Taylor for awhile, trying to understand where this was going. "I think I do, why?"

At that Taylor nodded, as if I had just proven something. "She's the witch." she mumbled, but I could hear it.

"She's not the witch!" I said, standing up, I can't believe she's thinking that. When Elizabeth and I are together, that's different than when I'm together with the dark figure. I can feel it.

"How do you know? No, really, how can you be so sure? You're not even listening to everything I'm saying about it." she said, getting angry.

I sighed. Suddenly I remembered something. "Taylor, give me that necklace back." I said, extending my hand.

"Why?" she asked, smirking afterwards.

"Come on, give it back please." I pleaded, extending my hand even closer to her.

"The dark figure demanded it, didn't it?" she said, still showing that annoying smirk.

"It did, can I now have it back?"

"No." she said, taking her backpack and walking away.

I stopped her and turned her around. "Taylor, don't you understand that that thing wants me to wear the necklace?! It almost killed me in the restroom because I wasn't wearing it! Please give it to me." I said, ready to beg for it.

"Nope." she said and started walking again.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked as I walked after her.

"Because I want to see that dark figure again." she said and linked arms with me. "And if Miss Moore is it, you can see that later on."

I looked down. "I don't want to know who my witch is."

"Why not? I certainly would like to know." she said while she nudged me in the side.

"Because there's a chance that Miss Moore is it, and I think I really do like her." I said, looking at Taylor who gave me a weak smile.

"You'll find out for yourself last period."


Hey everyone, just wanting to tell you I changed the book cover. This cover was made by @BananasNBooks. I'm really thankful for this cover and I hope you all like it as much as I do :)

Anyway, I'd like to thank you all for the reads, votes and comments :)

- LxT4ever

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