Chapter 17: Desire

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Kylie's POV

The rest of the school day went by pretty fast, and I didn't like that. I was dreading to got to last period, I didn't want to see Elizabeth now, what if she really was my witch? That would mean that all this time, I had slept with that creep and the dark figure. I get chills just by thinking about that. Elizabeth seemed someone completely different than those two creeps, I just don't see them being the same person...

"I'm not going!" I said as Taylor pushed me towards the classroom. I had decided I didn't want to go, of course Taylor wanted me to go to see if Elizabeth would be different, certainly now that I don't wear the necklace.

"You have to! I need to know!"

"You need to know?!" I shouted and turned around, which caused Taylor to stop pushing me. "Why the hell would you want to know whether or not she's my witch?!" I hissed.

"Because..." she trailed of, looking everywhere but me.

"Because what?" I asked, folding my arms.

"This is all just so excited, I'm curious to find out about everything and win the game." she said, pulling me with her.

I pulled my arm back. "This isn't a game. It's about my life! Do you not know how important that is to me?!" I shouted a little to loud, because suddenly Taylor looked as if she saw a ghost behind me and I also saw a shadow.

"What's important to you and why does it involves your life?" I heard Elizabeth ask behind me, I looked around and noticed we were standing right in front of her classroom.

I looked at Taylor, who looked back at me. Afterwards I looked at Elizabeth, who seemed to find this all very funny. "Let me guess, a girl secret?" she asked to which both me and Taylor nodded, thank God we both did it.

"Did you two lost your tongue or something?" she asked, looking from Taylor to me. We both shook our heads no.

"Really, what's wrong? It looks like you two have seen a ghost or something like that." she said, laughing afterwards. We looked at each other and fake laughed too, so we didn't raise suspicion.

"You two are silly girls." she said and went to sit back down behind her desk.

Taylor looked at Elizabeth and afterwards back at me. "Go talk to her." she whispered.

"About what?" I whispered back, and looked at Elizabeth, she was glancing at me a few times, probably wondering what me and Taylor were doing.

"I don't know, about what do you two talk when you're together?"

"We usually talk about... About random things, I guess."

Taylor gave a look before answering me. "You guess? What a relationship..." she said and rolled her eyes. "Just go talk to her, I'll watch it from here, it's a safe distance."

"Jeez thanks Taylor." I said as I entered the classroom.

"You're welcome." she said that a little to loud, because right when I entered the classroom, Elizabeth looked up.

"Hey, my girl." she said and smiled at me.

I kept thinking about the dark figure while I was with her, I can't get the image out of my head, I really hate it. "Hey." I said as I sat down at my desk. I felt my phone vibrate and saw I had a text from Taylor. I looked at it, it said: 'What are you doing?! You need to talk to her! Oh and by the way, keep your eyes on her, never look away.'. How was I supposed to read her text and keep my eyes on Elizabeth at the same time? Really, sometimes I think that Taylor doesn't have a brain...

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked, suddenly being in front of me, her face was really close to mine.

I kept looking her into the eyes. "I was reading a text. Shouldn't you be careful with being like this with me?" I asked, not showing any kind of fear, for all I know she could be the witch.

"Don't worry, I got that under control." she said and smiled, afterwards she looked at my lips, I know where this is going...

Right before she could kiss me, I stopped her, which earned a groan from Elizabeth. "How can you be so quick and so quiet?" I asked her, even if she's the witch, when she's with me like this, she had to answer me. Really smart idea, I know.

"It's a gift." she simply said and started to lean in again.

Again, I stopped her before she could kiss me. "Explain please."

"Why are we talking so much, I want your lips on mine." she said, and this time, she held both of my wrists so I couldn't stop her from kissing me. When she kissed me, I could feel how desperate she was, she kept kissing me again and again and again. After awhile she placed her hands onto the back of my head and pulled me towards her. She pushed her tongue inside my mouth and let it dance with mine.

After awhile, I couldn't get anymore oxygen, so I tried pushing her away from me, but she didn't let me. Instead she pulled me even closer, if that's even possible.

She started to kiss really wild and desperate, I don't know what's gotten into her. I kept pushing her away, but it won't work and that's the moment I was happy to have a back up plan.

"Hey Miss Moore." Taylor said, while she entered the classroom.

Miss Moore released me immediately when she heard Taylor's voice, it's then that I could start to breath again. I was breathing really heavily and put my face into my hands to calm down.

"Taylor, what are you doing in here?" Elizabeth asked, also out of breath.

"Kylie forgot something, so I wanted to bring it back. I'm sorry if I interrupted something." Taylor said, I didn't saw her face, but I could easily imagine her grinning right now.

"Oh right." Elizabeth said.

I heard Taylor rumble through her backpack and that's when I looked back up. I saw Elizabeth leaning against her desk, which was right in front of me.

"Here you go." Taylor said and gave me the necklace back. Really, she's given it back now? In front of Elizabeth.

"Thanks." I said, showing a fake smile and put the necklace into the pocket of my pants. Just as it was out of side, I felt it warming up. What the hell doesn't this thing do? It lightens up, it warms up, I can't wait to find out what more it can do...

I looked back up to Elizabeth and so did Taylor. Elizabeth looked down, her arms were folded while one hand was on her forehead. "Are you alright?" I asked her worried.

"I'm fine." she said, but didn't look at me.

"You sure, you seem a little bit off."

"I'm fine." she said and kept her eyes closed. I took this opportunity to show Taylor the necklace. At first she didn't understand what was wrong, but when she felt it, she knew. She took her phone, and after awhile I got a text, saying: 'Light = energy/power, warmth = desire, little noise = tracking'

Oh so it can make noise too? Good to know. So my witch had a desire, what does that mean? I text Taylor back, saying: 'What does that mean? My witch has a desire?'

I saw Taylor shaking her head no. I got another text, saying: 'No silly. She has needs. She's hungry.'

I looked back at Taylor, who looked at Elizabeth. Suddenly everything seemed to click, I didn't hesitate for a moment. "Taylor, thanks for the necklace. I'll see you tomorrow."

Taylor gave me a look, signalizing she wasn't happy with what I had just done. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, Kylie." she said, smiling. But I could see it was a fake one, she's going to kill me tomorrow.

After Taylor was gone, I looked back at Elizabeth. She was looking at me now with a look I've never saw on her face. It held nothing but pure lust.

I sighed, walked to the door and closed it. I turned around and was met by Elizabeth's eyes, she was standing really close to me now. I didn't hesitate for a single moment, I lounged myself at her.

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