Chapter 8: Haunted

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Kylie's POV

"I swear Taylor, something strange is happening to me." I said as we were walking to the cafeteria.

"What do you mean?" she asked as we went to a table and sat down.

I gave Taylor a look before answering her. "Really?" she nodded. "Look at everything that's happening to me... This creep in front of my house, the tattoo on my back, this strange feelings inside of me..."

"I can explain all of them." she said while she took a bite of her sandwich. I gave her a look to which she started explaining. "That creep is just a creep, you can't think that's strange. The tattoo is obviously a fake one that someone put on you or you got it when you were drunk. And those strange feelings you're feeling are for Miss Moore." she said, taking a bite from her sandwich. "Really Kylie, it's not that hard."

"You have to be kidding me?"

"Nope. It's the truth and you can't handle that, clearly."

"That's not the truth!" I said, raising my voice, but keeping it low enough so no one could hear us.

"No? How so?" she asked while she gave me a look.

"Because... Well... It's just..."

"The truth."

"It's not the truth!" I said, again raising my voice.

"Whatever. What are you going to do about you know who?"


"Really? You're going to keep doing this?" she asked as she finished her sandwich. "Miss Moore." she whispered.

"I already told you, whatever it was between the two of us, it's over." I said, and right then, I saw the dark figure in the background standing and watching me. It's really following me! What does it wants from me? And why doesn't it wants to answer my questions? Before I die, I at least got the right to know the reason why. "Let's go."

"To where?" she asked as we both got up and walked to the hallway.

"Anywhere but here."


For the rest of the day, I didn't felt safe. Of course I had Taylor to keep me company and I made sure I used that. Every single minute of the day, I stayed with her. When she would go to her locker, I followed. When she would go to the restrooms, I followed. When she would go to a teacher to ask something, I followed.

Of course throughout the day, I saw the dark figure a few times. It followed me everywhere, and I mean literally everywhere. When we went to the restroom, I got into a stall too, and I saw it waiting outside my stall, of course I waited for Taylor to get out of her stall first, because I discovered it's weak spot...Taylor.

Somehow when Taylor was around the dark figure disappeared, got away as quickly as possible or just stayed on a safe distance. Sometimes I think it's afraid of her, but maybe it's just because Taylor is another person...

Anyway, last period had arrived, the one I feared the most actually. Especially because Taylor wasn't in this class with me and she wanted to be early in her class, so I had to go early to my class too. Taylor had just dropped me at my classroom and walked to hers.

I walked inside and saw no one, this is what I'm used to. I walked to my seat and sat down, waiting for this class to finally start. I looked down for just a second and when I looked back up, Miss Moore was standing right in front of my desk. I jolted away because I got surprised to see her there when I didn't even heard her entering the classroom.

"Oh Kylie, did I make you scared?" she asked in a tone I really didn't like.

I got back behind my desk and looked at her, she went to sat down right in front of my desk. "No Miss, I just didn't hear you entering this classroom, that's all."

"You sure that's it? I mean, you look like you're..." she paused, looked at me with a certain look before continuing. "Haunted."

When she had said that word, that particular word, I got kinda scared. Why did she had to say that word out of all words. It's like she knew something. I decided to play along, maybe she really did knew something. "Don't we all feel haunted sometimes?" I asked as I folded my arms over my chest.

"Maybe, but some people deserve it, others don't." she said as she came closer to me.

"Maybe, but everyone, even the people who deserve to be haunted, deserve an answer as to why they're being haunted." I said, keeping my eyes on her face.

She gave me a smile that indicated she liked what she was hearing. "Unless the person who haunts them isn't willing to say the reason."

I leaned forward, being only a few inches away from her. "That's bullshit."

She kept smiling. "Maybe, but that's what they get." She said and stood up, she went to sit behind her desk.

My eyes followed her every move, I just know she knows something. She literally confessed in front of me. I wonder what she knows, how many she knows and maybe if she knew before or after our moment during detention.

I kept thinking about all this stuff, it really kept haunting in my head, ironically isn't it? Until I got called by Miss Moore.


"Huh what?" I asked and looked around, everyone was looking at me. Great, did I daydreamed again in class?

Miss Moore folded her arms on her chest while she was leaning against her desk. "Kylie, why don't you stay after class for detention?" she asked, but it clearly wasn't a question I should answer to.

"Yes, Miss Moore." I said and payed attention the rest of the period. I really needed to step up my game in this class, my grades weren't that bad, mainly because school just started a few days ago. But also because I was pretty good in English, and I wanted to keep it that way.

After the bell rang, everyone stormed outside, besides me and Miss Moore. 'Please don't act weird, please don't act weird...', I thought.

"Kylie, what's wrong? You're an excellent student in all the other classes except in this one. Is this you're way of showing me how much you don't like me? Because I understood your words, they broke my heart." she said as she buried her face into her hands. Alright that made me feel really bad, I didn't want to make her this sad, but I couldn't lie to her nor to me about my feelings for her, could I?

"Miss, I'm so sorry about that but I had to tell the truth and about being not a great student, I just have a lot on my mind, that's all." I said, looking away, I don't like to see people sad, they make me feel sorry for them and sometimes they use that against you.

"Kylie, look at me." Miss Moore said, so I looked at her. She was sitting right in front of my desk, really how the hell could she be this fast and without any kind of noise?

"Wh-What are you doing, Miss?" I asked, trying so hard not to look into her eyes.

"Kylie, I know you told me - and yourself - that you didn't had feelings for me, but look at the way your behaving right now, when I'm standing this close to you. You can't deny having feelings for me when you're behaving like that." she whispered towards the end and started leaning in.

I know where this is going. "Miss, listen to me. I already told you I don't have feelings for you, accept it or not but nothing will change my feelings." I said, still not looking into her eyes.

"Something will..." she said. "Kylie, can you look me in the eyes when I talk to you?"

I did and immediately got lost into her green eyes again, they were really beautiful, they had this twinkle inside them. "Miss, did I already told you you have beautiful eyes?" I whispered.

"No, you didn't, thanks for the compliment." she whispered and smiled afterwards. I saw her leaning in again but, just like last time, I didn't move. Our lips touched again and did the sensual dancing they already did before. We kissed and grabbed at each other before her tongue found it's way into my mouth. I wanted more, I wanted way more. I pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Miss, can we get out of here?"

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