Chapter 22: Texting

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Kylie's POV

"Taylor, I need to talk to you, alone." I whispered to Taylor while we walked towards the cafeteria.

She looked at me and afterwards at Nina, she immediately knew what I meant. "Let's talk now, we'll ask Nina to get us some lunch, she'll be busy for awhile." she whispered to which I nodded.

We walked to an empty table and looked at Nina. "Hey babe, could you get us lunch?" I asked Nina to which she smiled, she loved hearing me say 'babe' to her.

"Sure, I'll go now." she said, but kissed me first before she walked away.

I watched as she walked away, she was so beautiful. Not only her body, but also her personality. I was brought back to reality when a hand waved in front of my face. "Huh?"

"You really like her, don't you?" Taylor asked as she smiled at me.

"I do, I'm so happy." I said still smiling towards Nina, who smiled back at me and waved at me so I waved back.

"Alright Romeo, talk to me." Taylor said to which I looked at her.

"It's about Elizabeth." I said to which Taylor came closer.

"What about her?"

"Before Nina and I went on a date, I broke up with Elizabeth but she was hurt." I said to which Taylor nodded. "And this morning, the dark figure choked me and smiled about it." I said, placing my hands around my neck.

"She smiled because she was hurting you?" Taylor asked as her eyebrows raised.

"Yes, she's crazy. And I'm afraid she'll do something to me." I said as I hugged myself, protecting myself from everything.

"She won't kill you, that would be stupid since you're her perfect match." Taylor said, thinking about something. "Maybe she just wants you to know that she's not tolerating this behavior..."

I looked at Taylor for awhile, thinking about what she said. "She's punishing me?"

"I think so."

I looked down and that's when I saw the necklace. "I don't want to wear this anymore. It reminds me of Elizabeth and all the bad things that came along." I said, but didn't took off the necklace.

Taylor looked at it. "You can't take it off, remember what happened the last time?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I can't wear it forever, can I?"

"No, but I wouldn't certainly take it off now. You told me yourself she's hurt and angry, the last thing you want is making her even more angry." Taylor said to which I nodded.

"Hey, I'm back." Nina said as she sat down and gave us our lunch.

"Thanks Nina." Taylor said and started eating.

"Thanks babe." I said and started eating as well.

"You're welcome, the both of you." she said, afterwards she kissed my cheek, which caused me to smile.


The rest of the school day flew by, mainly because all three of us had such an amazing time together. Even English wasn't as bad as I thought. Elizabeth kept her distance, she didn't even look at me nor talked to me. But I've noticed she's been more introvert lately, I wonder why but didn't thought to much about it.

After school we walked to detention, we saw the classroom was empty and smiled.

"So it's just us three? That's nice!" Taylor said as she sat onto a table.

"I hope the teacher is a nice one, maybe someone who's relaxed..." I said as I sat down at a random table.

Nina came to sit onto my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Or no teacher at all."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "I don't think the school is going to let us have detention all by ourselves."

"I don't think so either, they're not that stupid." Taylor said to which we all laughed.

Suddenly the teacher entered and at that moment I could smash my head into the wall, it was Elizabeth. She was going to be the teacher who's watching us, really? She's the last person I wanted to watch me, my friend and my girlfriend.

I groaned and looked at Taylor, who was already looking at me.

"Alright, I don't want to hear anything, just keep yourselves busy." Elizabeth said and went to sit down. Her face was buried into her hands while she looked down. Something was definitely wrong.

I looked at Nina and saw her doing her homework, afterwards I looked at Taylor and saw she was looking at me too. I got my phone, discretely, and sent her a text, saying: 'Look at her, she doesn't seem alright.'

Taylor looked down to her phone and started typing her answer. While she was busy doing that, I kept my eyes on Elizabeth so I could warn Taylor when she would look up.

Suddenly I got a text from Taylor, saying: 'I know right. Look at your necklace, what does it say?'

That was actually not a bad idea. I looked into my shirt, I always hid the necklace underneath my clothes because I didn't want people to see it. I saw the necklace wasn't lighting up, so Elizabeth was hungry, she was weak and needed energy. I looked back at her and saw she was having difficulties to keep herself straight. At that moment I felt like I needed to help, and I wanted to but it's also at that moment that I remembered that Elizabeth didn't deserve to be helped. She's a bad person and not to forget what she did to me, maybe this is for the best. But do I really want to have someone's death on me?

I looked at Taylor, who was already looking at me. I send her another text, saying: 'She's weak and needs energy.'

Taylor's eyes widened as she read it, she looked back up at Elizabeth and afterwards she started typing again. 'This is the moment you could win this game.'

'What do you mean?' I looked at her while she was typing, I definitely wanted to win this game.

Suddenly I got a text, finally Taylor was ready, sometimes she's taking so long to answer my text... I took my phone and looked at the text, it said: 'Don't forget to look in front of you.'

My head tilted to the side, I didn't understand this text. I kept reading it over and over again, but I just didn't get it. I looked back at Taylor and saw she was still typing. Wait, if she's still typing her text, then from who did I got this text?

That's when my eyes widened, I turned my head slowly to look in front of me and saw Elizabeth standing right in front of me. She was looking at me with a look I never saw before. She didn't say anything, instead she motioned for me to give my phone to her. I sighed and gave it to her. She walked away with it and went to sit down again behind her desk.

I looked back at Taylor and saw her still typing. 'Damn, I need her to stop sending me that text before Elizabeth reads it!', I thought. I tried pushing her, waving at her, I even cleared my throat to many times. Nina looked at me, but Taylor didn't.

And suddenly the moment came I feared, she stopped typing and put her phone away, indicating she send the text. Afterwards she looked at me and immediately noticed something was wrong. I pointed towards Elizabeth and afterwards towards my empty pockets.

Taylor's eyes widened, she quickly got a piece of paper and started writing. When she was done, she gave it to me so I could read it: 'She can't read the text I send you! Everything we know about witches, about her is in that text! I was explaining to you how you could stop this game, if she reads that and she's indeed the witch, she'll freak out!'

I looked at Taylor, who looked terrified, afterwards back at Elizabeth, who still looked down. I wonder what she's doing underneath her desk. She's definitely doing something, I only hope it's not with my phone...

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