Chapter 5: Detention

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Kylie's POV

The whole period, I kept thinking about what Miss Moore had said to me. How could she know about that scar on my belly? Not even my parents or Taylor knew about that, I was a little ashamed because of the reason I got it. But anyway, how could she knew? I never undressed myself in front of her, nor when she was nearby. I just didn't get it.

After she had said it, I went to sit down and wanted to ask her about it, but the other students entered the classroom. So I decided to ask her about it during detention, it's going to be her and me, alone, no one is going to disturb us, so I can ask her about it.

I wasn't really paying attention during class, Miss Moore was talking about the books we needed to read. Don't get me wrong, I like to read, but I prefer choosing my own book, not receiving a reading list with books that aren't really me. The books you have to read should at least match your personality, otherwise it won't be that much fun to read it.

"Kylie?" I suddenly heard Miss Moore ask.

I looked up at her. She actually looked kinda angry, her hands were on her waist while her weight rested on one foot. "Yes Miss, what can I do for you?". Her jaw dropped a little, as if I had just asked something stupid. I looked around and saw most of my classmates trying to keep their laughter quiet. What did she ask me? "What?"

"I'm sorry, were you even paying attention in my class?"

"I uhm...I wasn't, I'm sorry." I said, trying my best to look at her. Since she had said that, I didn't know how to behave around her. What if she knows more about me? More than that scar alone. It freaked me out to know that she knew stuff about me that she's not supposed to know.

She didn't say anything, she walked back to her desk and leaned against it. "We'll talk about this during detention, Kylie." she said, to which everyone laughed at me. "While Kylie is busy doing something else, we're going further with the lesson." she said and continued. I layed my head down on my arms, I'm already in trouble, I might as well get some extra sleep.


 "Kylie?" I heard Miss Moore ask. I looked up and saw the classroom empty. I didn't even heard my classmates leave the classroom. I must have been asleep. Miss Moore probably saw me wondering where everyone was because she talked to me. "Yes, school's over. Actually just 5 minutes ago, but your detention starts now." she said, grinning. I didn't like it when she grinned at me, it's always the cause of something bad. I've learned that every bad thing happens when she's around.

"Alright." I said and layed my head back onto my arms, wanting to sleep again.

I heard her sitting next to me. "Not so fast." she said as she tilted my head back up with her fingers on my chin. She held my face, caressing it while she looked deep into my eyes. Again I got lost into her eyes, they had something in them, something...magical.

I kept looking into her eyes, somehow it looked like they were coming closer to me. That's when I noticed, she was leaning in. "What are you doing?" I asked just above a whisper.

"Don't think about it, just enjoy." she whispered. Afterwards she closed her eyes to which I closed mine too. After a few seconds, I felt her lips touching mine. The kiss was long and soft. I felt electricity through my whole body and in some kind of way, it felt like we were connected now.

We pulled back after a few minutes because we needed oxygen. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "You're so beautiful." she whispered, caressing my face, rubbing my cheeks with her thumbs. "You can't imagine how long I wanted to do that."

I didn't say anything, I think I wasn't fully aware of the whole situation. I gulped and kept looking her in the eyes. She smiled and leaned in again. We kissed again, but this time, the kiss was far more passionate and less soft. This time she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I didn't move my arms, actually I didn't move anything besides my lips, that were moving great against hers.

We kept kissing like this for awhile, until she opened her mouth, which caused me to follow her lead and open mine too. She took this opportunity to slid her tongue inside my mouth and let it dance with my tongue. It felt so great, it felt really great. Maybe I was crushing on her, maybe there was never something else besides my innocent crush on her. But that didn't explain the choking incident... Or maybe that was because I was nervous, yeah that has to be it. Everything seemed to make sense now.

After this, I stopped thinking, I wrapped my arms around her waist and enjoyed this.


"Wait wait wait! So what happened?" Taylor asked excited. I had just told her about what happened during detention. She squeaked while I told her the story, as if she knew exactly what had to come.

I sighed and took a seat next to her on my bed. We were currently in my bedroom, Taylor came inside my house because my parents weren't there, but she was planning on quitting that routine. She told me that if I wanted to hang out after school, it had to be at her place.

Anyway, I sighed before I answered her. "We kissed."

"Oh my God! I can't believe you actually kissed her!" Taylor shouted excited.

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. At a moment I least expected it."

"But did you enjoy it?" she asked, giving me her signature smile.

"What are trying to ask?" I said, I knew she wanted to ask something else instead.

"Do you have feelings for her?"

And here it was, that question. Do I have feelings for her? I have no idea. I liked kissing her, but I didn't know if I felt something romantically for her. "I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" she asked, getting a little annoyed.

"When we kissed, it was nice, but I don't think I felt something."

"Really?" she asked annoyed. "You're getting something as hot as this, a student-teacher relationship, and you're letting it go just like that?"

"I guess I am."

"Well don't!" she shouted frustrated at me which caused me to jump a little. "At least give her chance, give this relationship a chance." I looked away, thinking about what she said. "Come on Kylie, everyone can see you have feelings for her. At least you can give it a chance."

Taylor's right, I should give her a chance. But I don't feel anything, only that strange feeling I can't explain, but it's not romantically, I know for sure. I know what, tomorrow I'm going to talk to Miss Moore. I should just tell her the truth, that's what's best.

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