Dirty Diana: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 


Before I would sit down in my cube, I– like many others– had to begin my day with a cup of coffee. If I didn't partake in this ritual, I was not guaranteed to function for most of the day. The business's office was inside of rental space, and I walked out from a side door to curve two corners. With an empty mug in hand, I sped toward my saving grace: the coffee machine.

I slipped through the open entrance and, immediately, my head tipped back. In the tiny kitchen, there was an unfamiliar but attractive figure running the sink. Being a leg man, I noticed her lower half to the black heels. The shoes weren't too tall, but enough to accentuate the calf muscles. No nylons, though. I love nylons. The rest of her had on a tight, gray pencil skirt and long-sleeved jade blouse. Her dark hair was in those pixie cuts, though I preferred my women with shoulder-length hair at the shortest. I figured, I might as well introduce myself to the new presence. 

"Hey," I greeted, approaching to the counter to queue for the sink.

Whoa. Some times you catch a hot body with a disappointing face. However, this chick was not a disappointment with her profile showing long lashes, nice cheekbones, and lips not too big or small. I'd like to see them in a pout. 

She raised her attention from the soapy mug in her hands but didn't look at me– merely in my direction. For a moment, my eyes darted around, and I repeated myself. Her attention rolled back to the cup. 

Um? Okay, I was uncomfortable, but she was still easy on the eyes, so I suppose I didn't mind. Maybe she didn't hear me... twice.

The silence curled my mouth in and I rippled my fingers over my cup. I stiffly waited for my turn at the sink as she yanked the faucet knob down and the counter vibrated. She, then, firmly pressed the lever to the paper towel dispenser on the wall until she had enough paper to wipe her cup. Aggressive much? After, she tossed the wet paper and marched out. She just left. She didn't say shit to me.

"Okay?" I scoffed.

Either she was a visiting client I was unaware of or she was a new hire in our company because our office was the only one remaining in the large rental space. I felt more positive about the latter. Great.

I briefly rinsed my cup and took a few steps to the left to the coffee station. After grabbing the lightweight box of coffee, I confirmed my morning was going to maintain the dirty habit of a rough start. I tucked my finger under the cardboard tab to the box of k-cups provided by the office and saw that someone got to the last cup. But they left the box on the counter.

Dick move.

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