Take Me Back

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⋆ฺ。*:・ A Memory ⋆ฺ。*:・
The men all played along to marching drums and boy did they have fun behind the sea

Y/N L/N was staring out her window as rain beat against it. She lived in a small red house near Costello, with her mother, father, and her older sister. Her younger sister, Mariah lived in a nearby correctional facility, due to some mental problems.
"Y/N. Go to bed." Her mother called from the door. "You have school tomorrow."
"But mom!"
"Y/N. I mean it. Now."
Y/N sourly complied, rushing under her comforter.
"When I'm older, like twelve, I'm never going to sleep."
"Okay babe." Her mom kissed her forehead goodnight.
Before she would lose everything, her sister, her friends, her sanity, her husband. She was just five years old. And this would be the last couple years of her life when she'd be happy

Stanley Uris
Stanley was laying on the grass in his backyard, hands folded underneath his head as his elbows stretched out. To any passerby, it would appear that he was relaxing, but to his friends they knew he was bird watching. His brown eyes aimed up at the trees above as he spotted a blue jay flitting about.
"Stanley! Dinner time!" His mother called from the glass door.
Stanley pushed himself up from the ground, feeling content and relaxed. This would be a time before he would lose it all, and he was happy.

William Denbrough
"Peek-a-boo!" William said to his three year old brother, George.
His brother broke out into a fit of giggles.
William resumed the action, and he received the same response.
"Bill." His father said, leaning against the door frame. "Time for bed."
"But dad!" Bill complained. "I-I was p-playing with Georgie!"
His father shook his head, smiling at his eldest son. "Sorry Bill, but Georgie has to go to bed too. Maybe tomorrow."
Bill shrugged. He waved goodbye to his brother, and raced up the stairs to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for bed.

Richard Tozier and Quinella Tozier
The twins were in the room they shared, telling jokes. Quinella was on her back, lying horizontally across her bed, Richard was sitting on his bed upside down, having his legs on the wall.
"Alright, so, why do Mormons hate halloween." Quinella started.
"I dunno Quinnie, why?" Richard asked.
"Because they hate random people knocking on their doors and asking for stuff." She said in a low voice. They had to be quiet, they were supposed to be asleep.
Richard laughed silently, shoulders shaking.
Margaret Tozier was walking pass the twins room, she could hear their giggles. She sighed. She loved her kids.

Beverly Marsh
Beverly was sitting on the fire escape, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as she stared up into the inky blue sky. A wind blew past, pushing her hair behind her like a fan. Not a single star was out, and the trees and buildings seemed to be shadows, black against the dark blue sky.
She sighed, it was so peaceful right know. She could hear the sounds of distant cars rumbling along, and they only added to the peace. She loved it right now. The calmness, the stillness of it all.

Benjamin Hanscolm
(Idk where he moved from so let's just say Wells)
Benjamin was on the beach, his mother took him out to see the sunset, but now that the sun was just a purple area, they were packing up their things slowly, not really wanting to leave at all. The sounds of the beach and buoys clanging. The distant seagull squawking, and the spray of sea salt. It was so beautiful here. Ben hardly wanted to head back to the house, closed away from the sea. But he would have to. He climbed in his mother's Ford, and they drove off.

Micheal Hanlon
Young Micheal Hanlon was leaning against the wall, feeling the harsh heat of the orange flames. His parents were trapped in the other side.
They were calling his name, he could feel his little heart pounding at the speed of light.
A fireman dressed in yellow cleared his way to mike and picked the child up.
"Mommy! Daddy!" He said to the fireman.
"We have a team on the way kiddo."
"MOMMY! DADDY!" He then started coughing wildly.
"Shit. Quick, get him on the bed. Quick!" The fireman barked at another.
Mike closed his eyes, the image of the burning house would stay in his memory forever.

But all at once, each kid looked up, wether it was from their bed, the dinner table, the bathroom, the bedroom, the fire escape, the sea, and from the emergency vehicle. At the exact moment they all looked up, IT stirred in its sleep, not fully awaking up yet, but give it five or more years and it would be. Then, it would eat.

834 words (not including this shit)

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