In The Middle Of Summer

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⋆ฺ。*:・ Stanley Uris ⋆ฺ。*:・
All was golden in the sky! All was golden when the day met the night.

It had been weeks since the Losers Club broke up, and you had spent most of it with Y/N.
She had a major falling out with Bev, which was sad because Bev was her first friend she'd made in the losers Club. She was still sort of upbeat, but according to her it was hard ignoring Bev, since they lived right next door to each other.
Richie's sister had gone missing as well. You passed him on Costello the other day and he started crying. About how he'd never joke again, about how it was his fault. You weren't mad at him like you were mad at Bill, so you hugged him. He seemed to calm down slightly.
Chloe's Mother, Vanessa, has commuted suicide as well. The pain of losing her daughter was too much that she couldn't even care about her son. Jared was put in custody of his uncle.
You knew that Ben was spending more time at the Quarry now, because last week when you went you found him; and two weeks ago Y/N found him.
Eddie hadn't come outside of his home. The day after the break up he called you to ask if you wanted to hang out, since you were the only one your mother trusted, but you told him you couldn't. Then he asked if Bill or the others were free and you had to break the news to him. You swore you could feel him frown through the landline.
You hadn't seen Mike since the break up however, and you were curious to know what was happening with him on the farm, or if the Bowers Gang has found him already or something.
As for the Bowers Gang, you haven't seen them at all much. Did the infamous rock war drive them out? Would they finally start respecting you and your friends? Or, wait a moment, not your friends, people who you saw sometimes that you used to have a connection with.
Today Y/N and you were going to hang out at her apartment, since she was bored and wasn't feeling like talking or making things up with Beverly yet.
You climbed up the fire escape, a feeling you were used to as it felt every Monday she was bored. But after your started thinking about the other Losers, you got sad, and you paused on the third step. This was the fire escape that started it all. From here you would bike in that street, and find Mikes bike, and take part in the Rock War, and then go to the park, and Bills garage and then...the house. If you had known that from going to Bev's apartment it would mean the falling out of your friends, you would've gone in a heartbeat, and you would try to make every second count. From when Eddie would clutch his aspirator, from when Bill would stutter, when Richie would push his glasses up his nose, when Ben would cock his head at something stupid, from when Mike would clear his throat to get everyone back on track, from when Y/N would give you an unsure smile, and from when Beverly would take charge of the group.
You could feel hot tears coming down. Sure, you were mad at Bill, but you missed him. You missed his perseverance, his honesty. You missed him as a friend for God's sake.
"Hey, Stanny? You okay man?" It was Y/N, standing in front of you.
You gave her a small smile. "I'm okay Y/N/N."
That's when she gave you the unsure smile. "Nobody's called me that in weeks."
Your smile bled into a grin. "At least you didn't call me 'Stan the Man'"
She laughed. "What do you want to do Stan the Man."
You laughed too. "Quarry?"
She nodded. "Race you there!"
She jumped off the fourth step and hit the ground running (sOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME) laughing as she ran.
You chased after her, laughing as well. But you couldn't shake the way you felt. You liked Y/N. That's what these last few weeks have taught you. But they've also taught you that no matter the smiles and laughs you two would share, you'd have to go back to the house.
If you had stayed at the fire escape a little longer, you would've heard the fight between Beverly and her father, and you would've seen something, a wisp maybe, go into her house and never leave. But you didn't. If you had stayed just a little bit longer, you would've saved Beverly from...IT.

772 words (not including this shit)

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