Five Phone Calls

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⋆ฺ。*:・ Stanley Uris ⋆ฺ。*:・

She was drinking tea oh in a garden

Stan was laying on his bed, staring up at his ceiling. He had been woken up from his nap quite severely, as he heard a piercing scream that interrupted the dream he was having. He couldn't quite remember most of it, only that Y/N was in it. And she was younger...way, way younger. Maybe...two years ago? He wasn't quite sure about the exact date, but it could've been later, or earlier.
The scream hadn't come from his house, it had come from his mind, but he wasn't sure if he heard it or not.
It sounded as if it way far away, but in his ear at the same time. Stanley sighed. His dream was over, he guessed, time to make breakfast.
He looked over at his alarm clock and saw that, it was 1:00 in the morning.
He got up and went to his parents room, but found they weren't there. He peered our their window and saw that the cars were gone too.
"Where the hell would they go off to?" He muttered to himself.
The landline in the kitchen began to ring. Stanley became very scared. Was he about to die? Like the movies? He crept downstairs to the kitchen, panting. The phone continued to ring. His heart was pounding in his chest. BA-THUMP!
He picked the phone up, slowly, shakily. His hand was moving back and forth at the speed of light as he sighed.
"Stan? Stan?" Beverly's voice was on the other line, she sounded scared.
"B-Bev? What's wrong?" All the fear for his life dropped away, replaced with a fear for his friend.
"Stan oh my god...Stan." She sounded like she was about to cry. "H-he couldn't see it. It was all...he couldn't see it."
"Who? What couldn't he see?"
" father Stan. Blood. Blood every...oh my god. He couldn't see it Stan. It was e-everywhere."
"Beverly. What's wrong. You're not making any sense right now." He said firmly, trying his level best to keep his voice from cracking or shaking.
"Tell the others—e-except Y/N—to meet at my place tomorrow. I-it's urgent." She was stuttered so much, Stan thought of Bill.
"Wait, why not Y/N?" Stan asked her.
"Just call them! Okay? Please! Please Stan."
Stanley nodded, before he realized she couldn't see him.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll call." He said softly.
"Be At my Place today at eight Stan. 56th, where Main and Costello meet. Apartment number 16." She sounded a fraction calmer now. "I gotta go before he wakes up. See you tonight? No, later today. It's one."
Stan gave a dry laugh. "Later Beverly."
She hung up, and he placed the phone back on the wall, sighing for the fourth or fifth time that night, he lost count.
I'll call at seven he thought to himself. No, today. Richie will most likely be up at this hour. Why wouldn't he be? He's Richie.
He dialed Richies number into the landline and picked the phone up.
"Who's this and why are you calling so late at night, sonny?" Richie answered immediately, Speaking in this Granny voice.
"I-it's Stanley. Beverly wants us to meet up at her house at eight today. On the dot Rich." He said.
"Why?" Richie asked, dropping the terrible Voice in about six seconds.
"She didn't really go into explanation, but do you know if Ben, Eddie and Bill are all up?" Stanley asked, looking to his left and right in the dark kitchen, bouncing on his toes slightly. Whoo, was it chilly.
"Ed's? Eds'll be up. His mom'll probably pick up the phone though, try calling at six. As for mawsta Billiam...he's asleep the lucky bastard. Ben? I don't know about Ben. We doan need no stinkin' batches senhorr." He finished in his Pancho Voice.
"I'll call Ben. Do you remember the last three digits?"
"Four, you mean? Jaysus Stanley!"
"Shut up and tell me the numbers." Stanley heard more terrible voices. God, it was chaos with Trashmouths mouth. Hence the name Trashmouth.
"Oh-one-nine-nine." Richie said. "Like oh my god Stanley. It's not that hard!" He stifled a laugh.
"Thanks Rich. He better be up."
"May-bay, may-bay not!" Richie said in his terrible Valley Girl Voice.
"Shut up." Stan laughed.
"Love ya too Stan." Richie said and hung up.
"Two-oh-seven, six-nine-six, oh-one-nine-nine." Stan recited to himself, nodding with each number.
A dial tone, then a voice.
"Who's this?" Bens Voice grumbled sleepily.
"Stanley. Stanley Uris. This is Ben Hanscom right?"
Ben made a grunting sound that sounded like a yes.
"The hell're you doing up this late Stan?" Ben asked, laziness lacing his voice.
"Beverly." Stan opened with. He swore he heard Ben perk up.
"What about her?"
"She needs us all to meet up at her house today at eight. Be there."
"Alright Stanley. Do you know why?"
Stanley replied with a simple no.
"I'll call up Bill. At five though. We'll be there."
Stanley smiled. "Alright. Later Haystack."
Ben laughed. "Shut up Stan the Man."

864 words (not including this shit)

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