From That Last Night

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⋆ฺ。*:・ Richard Tozier ⋆ฺ。*:・
Last Night, Before Stanleys call.

"Hey mom." Richie said, walking in the door. It was after he went to Bens house and Y/N stormed off. His crush, Eddie went with her, so did Stan. Weird.
"Where is your sister?" Maggie Tozier's voice was about as livid and scared as it gets. She was standing in the kitchen, hands on her hips, blotchy red spots on her cheeks, and wild eyes.
"Quinnie? Dunno." You thought this was an odd question.
Your mother began to pace the kitchen floor madly, panting. "There is six minutes left of curfew as she's not home yet. Not to mention the serial killer on the loose. Why, a young girl was found in the Barrens today! She was only thirteen years old! Wasn't your sister but still..."
Your mother began to seethe more and more. You also began to get extremely worried. Oh no. Was Quinn going to be another dead body? You crossed your fingers behind your back, praying she'd come home soon.
Quinn I know I haven't been the bestest brother in the whole world but please please please come home I know I'm a jerk and I swear I won't make a single joke or talk in a single voice to annoy you just please oh please come home Quinn.
You started to tear up, and was thankful Eddie or Stan wasn't there or else they would've been teasing you.
The front door burst open, and there stood a heaving Quinn, clutching at her sides.
"Quinn! Oh baby! Your home!" Maggie shrieked loudly and ran over to hug her, you joined in too.
"Where were you?" you asked her.
"Bassey Park. Why?" She heaved.
"Why are you panting like that Quinn?" Maggie asked her daughter, pulling abruptly away from the hug and turning her to face her.
"I...I ran to get here on time. Hey, I'm only three minutes under curfew. Not bad." She sighed.
"Oh Quinnie-bear I'm so glad your safe." Maggie hugged her daughter quickly again.
"Richie!" Your mother scolded, but really she was laughing.
"Son of a beggorah Rioch, that'd be the warst Oirsh Voice I sure a'do here!" Quinn shrieked.
"Race ya up these here ol' stairs m'lady!" You teased your sister, dashing up the stairs.
"Ey! Ey! Ya get on back 'ere!"
Quinn and you started laughing when you reached the top, all thoughts of her not coming home soon left. But at night...that was a different story.
You couldn't sleep, and judging by Quinn's uneven breaths she wasn't either, but you decided not to wake her.
What if she died today? It was a scary question, but it had to be asked. What if my sister died?
You began to write a poem in your head to keep yourself from stressing out over that question.
If my sister died today
I'd never joke again
If my sister passed away
I'd remain as solemn
As Mr. Nell who lives
Up the street.
I'm really glad that she's
Not dead
But I still need to ask a
Certain question
Would I ever joke again?
Once you were happy with the small, stupid poem your crafted in your head, your bedside phone began to ring.
"Turn it off." Quinn mumbled.
"Who's this and why are you calling so late at night, sonny?" You asked in a terrible Granny Voice.
""I-it's Stanley. Beverly wants us to meet up at her house at eight today. On the dot Rich." Stan said shakily.
Dropping the voice you asked. "Why?"
"She didn't really go into explanation, but do you know if Ben, Eddie and Bill are all up?" Stan asked, she sounded as if he shivering.
"Ed's? Eds'll be up. His mom'll probably pick up the phone though, try calling at six. As for mawsta Billiam...he's asleep the lucky bastard. Ben? I don't know about Ben. We doan need no stinkin' batches senhorr." You finished in the classic Pancho voice, hoping to light up the mood.
"I'll call Ben. Do you remember the last three digits?"
"Four, you mean? Jaysus Stanley!"
"Shut up and tell me the numbers!" Stanley insisted.
"Oh-one-nine-nine. Like oh my god Stanley. It's not that hard." You had to stifle a laugh.
"Thanks Rich. He better be up."
"May-bay, May-bay not!" You teased in your amazing Valley Girl Voice. Sounded just like Y/N to you!
You heard Stans laugh. "Shut up."
"Love ya too Stan." And you hung up on him.
"It was Stanley then? God, somebody get him a girlfriend or something so he doesn't have to call you at this hour." Quinn mumbled.
"Yeah? You wish that girlfriend was you huh Quinn?"
"Nah. Not me. Couldn't handle it."
You both smiled and went to bed.
"Plus...I'm more into girls anyway."
"Not me." You laughed.
"I knew you were gay, Rich."
You smiled. "Maybe just a little bit."

856 words (not including this shit)

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