Way Back When

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⋆ฺ。*:・ Richard Tozier ⋆ฺ。*:・
You've never been so divine in accepting your defeat

Two years ago

"A-a-Alright Rich, where do you think the best spot will be to put it?" Bill asked you.
The losers (plus Quinn) were surrounding a group of trees, clustered near the Tozier's backyard. Summer was on, and the kids wanted a place to go and hang out, read comic books, tell jokes and just hang out. Eddie had suggested a treehouse, and everyone agreed. Bills father was with them along with Georgie.
"Awlright lads!" You chirped! "Todah, we mahke histohrah. Todah, the Losahs Club with hahve, an ahctual club to...ah...do what theah whant."
"Shut up Richie." Stan said laughing.
"Oh boyo, you want him to shut up? Ey, That ain't roight man. Ain't roight." Quinn smirked, joining you in using your terrible voices to annoy the losers and Bills dad.
"Daddy? Can I help? Please?" Little Georgie asked his dad. Zach Denbrough ruffles his sons hair and shook his head.
"G-g-Georgie. It's d-dangerous." Bill said to his brother.
"But I'm brave! Dad...please!" Georgie asked again, drawing out the "please" a lot longer than he should have, making his voice go higher.
"No son. I'd hate for you to fall and get hurt. You can break your arm falling out of one of these trees." Zach then gathered the tools and lumber he brought and asked you which tree you thought would be better.
"The thickest one you got sir." You replied. Zach chuckled and moved to a thick oak tree that was decently tall and had long, fat branches sticking out from all ends. The leaves of this tree were an emerald color, and it seemed perfect to everyone.
"Bill? Mind handing me that hammer over there. I damn forgot it."
"Bad word! Bad word!" Georgie shrieked, covering his ears.
Quinn smiled at him. "He's so cute Bill."
"He's like, eight. Eight year old aren't cute." Eddie chimed in.
"T-this one i-is." Bill said with a proud smile plastered on his face.
"Y'know, my mom told me where babies come from. It's pretty gross." You joined in.
"Ew Rich. She told us that when we were seven." Quinn crinkled her nose slightly.
"I'm turning nine in November." Georgie piped up, sad the attention was no longer on him.
"Nine? Nine?" You then screamed out. "Nein!"
Everyone looked at him funny.
"That wasn't even funny dude." Stan said, but the smile on his face proved him wrong.
"Why you smilin'?"
"Cause it was shocking and surprising. Like an explosion in a movie or something." Stan replied.
"What'd Rich say?" Georgie asked Bill.
"I d-dunno. W-was That n-n-nine in G-German?"
Richie nodded.
"Do you even speak German?" Eddie asked him.
Quinn laughed and answered for him. "No, he speaks idiot."
The losers burst into laughter, Georgie joining in.
"Yeah Quinnie? Well you speak bullshit. Ha!" You laughed.
"Bad word! Bad word!" Georgie repeated again. Zach raised his eyebrows at you while he worked on creating the steps.
"Better not be teachin' him any swears Richie." He called over.
"Don't worry! I'm not." You paused. "But aw masht shay, ya look awbsahlutly amashing in thish here shunlight."
Zach smiled.
"R-Rich, don't a-a-annoy my dad with y-your terrible V-Voices."
"Saw-RY!" You shrieked in your Valley Girl Voice. "Saw-RY if I'm just tryna have some fun! Like, oh my GOD! Can't you just let a gawrl like me LIVE?"
Eddie chucked his aspirator at you, you ducked and it went soaring over your head.
"Dammit! I missed!" He grumbled under his breath, so little Georgie wouldn't start screaming.
Georgie lifted his white palm up to Quinellas exposed knee and tapped it. He then giggled. "Haha! You're it! Haha!"
He then went bolting off.
The boys also scattered, Quinn started racing after Eddie, since he was the slowest. He left out a playful shriek as she began getting closer.
"Awh, awh! Spawh him missah! Spawh him! Take meh! Take meh!" You called over to your sister.
She waved her hand in dismissal at you, laughing.
She caught up to Eddie and sprinted off. Eddie began chasing after Bill, since he was closest.
"Oh y-you are not g-getting me Ed's!" He Screamed at the top of his lungs, circling around an oak. Stan was chilling on a rock, watching for birds.
"C'mon and play loser." You went over to him.
He shook his head, light brown hair swaying. "I'm good man, I've never really liked tag anyway."
It took Zach Denbrough two hours to finish the treehouse.

777 words ayyyyyyy(not including this shit)

Philophobia (Stanley Uris X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora