That Red Balloon...

532 13 0

⋆ฺ。*:・ Stanley Uris ⋆ฺ。*:・

I won't cut my beard and I won't change my hair

"Hey Stan! Wait up!" You heard Richies voice. Bill and Eddie had already gone their separate ways, so you were just about ready to walk home when Richie started calling for you.
"Can you come over my place tonight? I got some sick new magazines in the mail." He said happily. You just nodded. Spending a night at Richies home wouldn't be so bad. His parents weren't terrible, his twin sister was a bit annoying but she was alright.
(Yes, y'all remember the book I made that I took down? It's gonna be slightly in this book but remodeled.)
"Great! Then tomorrow we can go down to the Barrens with Eddie and Bill."
You smiled.
"What's up Stan the Man?" Richie asked, taking notice of your weird silence.
"N-nothing Richie." But your eyes were glued on Beverly and some other girl you faintly remembered.
"Woah Stan, I didn't know you like Beverly. Everybody knows she's a—ahem—slut." Richie teased you.
"Nah, it's not her." You said quickly.
"Y/N L/N? The weirdo?" Richie laughed. "The girl who missed a full week of school, just because I was her science partner."
"Y'know Richie. Anybody would do that just to get away from you." You said. Grinning.
"Not to mention she's one of Greta's goonies. She'll probably beat you up or...break your arm or something.
You just shrugged.
You guys kept walking. Richie kept playing soccer with random rocks he found on the street.
"And he shoots—" he kicked the rock into the bushes. "He scores! The crowd goes wild! C'mon Stan. Be my crowd!"
You laughed and made some audience noises. "Hahhh! Hahhhh!"
"Woah, woah, woah. Look there." Richie pointed upward.
You followed his finger and saw the Neibolt. You guys were a couple streets away, but it was very visible. He was pointing to a bright red balloon drifting upward.
"That's weird. Didn't know there was a carnival in town." You remarked.
"Play soccer with me." Richie said quickly.
"No. These shoes are new. Not getting them dirty."
You guys continued walking, taking in the fresh summer air. The sun was out.
"Hey, is that Greta?" You asked Richie, noticing the blonde girl strutting down the street, looking very distressed.
"Hey Greta? Is something wrong?" You called out to her.
She looked over at Richie and you. Richie winced, half-expecting her to get all snippy and go off on you two. Instead she looked both way, and crossed the street.
"What's wrong?" Richie repeated.
"C-Chloe's missing. I can't find her anywhere." She said quickly.
"What about Y/N?"
She gave a small, dry laugh. "Y/N? That bitch is off with the slut Beaverly. She probably did it though."
"So what happened. Maybe we can help you find her." You suggested.
"She's not a pencil case or car keys. She's a person." Greta said. She sighed, shook her head and started explaining. Turns out, Chloe and Greta were walking home from school after Y/N ditched her. They then found Y/N and Beverly Marsh walking past the Neibolt house. According to Greta, Y/N was daring Beverly to go inside the house. They both went in to talk to a junkie, and when Greta went to make a joke with Chloe, she was missing. Greta began searching wildly around the house, but all she could find was a lousy red balloon. (At this point you and Richie became very surprised to hear this news) when Greta came back to the front, she found Y/N and Beverly looking around. Beverly began pointing into a tree, and Greta told Y/N off.
"That's where you lost her?" You asked her. Greta nodded.
"I'm worried. I lost two friends in a matter of minutes." Greta said, swallowing.
"Let's go back to the Neibolt and look around." You suggested.
"No! That place gives me the creeps. I only go down there because Chloe lives near there." Greta argued.
"But where else could she have gone then?" Richie said. "Unless she just went home."
Greta snapped her fingers. "That's it! I'll go to her home. She might have just gone home. Thanks Trashmouth. Thanks Jew boy. Later." Greta then scurried off to go to Chloe's house.
"That was weird." You said, sighing.
"Do you wanna go to the Neibolt?" Richie asked you.
You shook your head. "Let's just go to your place so I can call my dad and ask him if I can stay the night."
Richie grinned at you. "You got it Stan the Man."
"I'm not a man yet." You reminded him.
But you both resumed walking, talking along the way.

780 words (not including this shit)

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