The Fourth

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⋆ฺ。*:・ Stanley Uris ⋆ฺ。*:・
She said she won the world at a carnival

"Wait, todays the fourth?" Y/N asked you a, small smile on her lips as the losers entered Main Street.
"Yeah!" You smiled at her as well. "You didn't know?"
She shrugged. "Guess I haven't been keeping up with my calendar lately."
You laughed, and then you felt something on your hand.
Y/N was holding your hand gingerly, and when she caught you looking at her she dropped it in surprise.
"Oh!—um...s-sorry." She fumbled to stick her hand back in her pocket, cheeks and the tips of her ears flushing a dark crimson.
You grabbed her wrist lightly and soon placed her hand in yours again. "It's okay, Y/N/N." You teased.
"W-what is that?" Richie wasn't joking around like he normally did whenever she opened his mouth. He was pointing to a missing sign in an alleyway. Your lips parted slightly as you saw it too.

Quinella Daisy Tozier
Age: 13
Last Seen: 12th Costello Avenue
Last Seen Wearing: Ripped overalls, blue shirt, black shoes
Description: Black hair, brown eyes. Twin to RICHARD TOZIER
Any information please call: Derry Police Department

Richie stared at the paper in wonderment. Y/N flinched when she saw it, Beverly gave her a worried stare.
"What the fuck okay? What the fuck?!" Richie was almost yelling. "My fucking sister. My fucking sister! Holy shit. Oh my fuck...shit!"
Eddie ran over to him and slapped his hand away from the missing sign, Richie gave him an angry stare.
"Rich! Don't! Okay, don't. Look."
The missing sign didn't read the name Quinella Daisy Tozier to the rest of the Losers however. It read Chloe Sophia Fuery
Richie was now staring at Chloe's missing sign in confusion.
"B-but I read it as—."
"Rich, want an ice cream? C'mon, I'm buying."
Eddie took Richie away to go get an ice cream.
"I didn't know he was related to the Chloe girl." Mike said softly.
"He isn't." Y/N said sharply. You started running a circle on the back of her hand with your pinkie to try and soothe her.
"Then why'd he freak out like that?"
Nobody responded. Bill slowly lifted Chloe's missing sign to reveal.
Edward Corocan
"It's l-l-like he's b-been f-f-forgotten with C-Chloe g-gone." Bill said softly.
"I hear they found a part of his hand all chewed up near the standpipe." You said softly. Y/N let out a groan.
"Chloe isn't just missing though." Y/N's Voice was thin and it was softer. "She's fucking dead."
"Do you think it'll ever stop?" You asked her, not stopping your motions.
Ben nodded. (I straight up forgot what he said here lmao let me make shit up again)
"I actually think it will end." Ben said softly. "For a little while at least."
"What do you mean?" Bev asked him. Eddie and Richie returned. Richie seemed to be calm again, and the missing sign remained Chloe's.
"So, I was going over all my Derry research. And I charted up all the big events. The Ironworks explosion in 1908, the Bradley Gang in 1935, and the Black Spot in 1962. And now kids being...I realized that this stuff seems to happen—."
"Every 27 years." Bill finished for him.
You were in Bassey Park now, Y/N was sitting on the bench next to you, Mike and Eddie sat together, Richie, Bill, Ben and Bev sat together as well. Eight you mused to yourself like the infinity sign upright
"So let me get this straight, it comes out from wherever to eat kids and then it goes back into hibernation every 27 years?" (That's not right idc) Eddie asked.
"Maybe it's like...oh what do you call it...cicadas! Y'know, the bugs that come out every 17 years." You suggested.
"My grandfather thinks this town is cursed." Mike said. Carnival music was playing in the background, making his words less terrifying. "He says that, all the bad things that happen in this town happen because of one thing. An evil thing that feeds off the people in Derry."
You flinched. "But it cant be one thing. We all saw something different."
"Maybe." Y/N said. "Or maybe it's just...I don't know... finding what we fear most and taking that form."
Mike gave her a strained smile. "I was just about to say that."
She returned his smile, and you felt something in your chest. Idiot Stan. She likes Mike, not you. Or Eddie, or Richie, or Hell, even Beverly. But not you...
Woah! Where'd that though even come from! I don't like Y/N like that! She's my friend. You don't date your friends.
"I...I saw a leper. It was like a walking infection." Eddie said. Y/N nodded sympathetically. You and her both saw that too. But...
"But you didn't." You said. "Because it isn't real. None of this is! Not Eddies leper! Or Bill Seeing Georgie! Or...or the woman I keep seeing!"
"Is she hot?" Richie asked, smirking. Glad you have it back Trashmouth
"No Richie! She's not hot! Her all messed up." You paused, feeling a tear coming on. "None of this makes any sense! They're all just bad dreams."
Now it was Y/N circling the back of you hand. You understood how calming that motion was now.
"It's not a dream. I know the difference between a bad dream and real life okay?" Mike said softly, but sharply at the same time. Like a teacher, welcoming new students into a class.
"What did you see? You saw something too?" Eddie asked him.
"Yes. You know that burnt down house on Harris Avenue?" Everyone nodded. "I was in it when it burnt down. Before I was rescued my parents were trapped in the next room over from me, they were, pushing and pounding on the door, trying to get to me. But it was too hot! When the fireman finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone. We're all afraid of something."
Y/N took a gulp and then spoke. "I had a sister. Named Mariah. Mariah was two years younger than me, we used to live...where Stan lives right now. One day, Mariah died. She had a sudden heart failure, that was common for girls with what she had. I forget the name, since it's really long but it killed her. I loved Mariah, more than I lived anyone else. I still love her. And now I lost Chloe. A girl I've literally known since birth. So, Mike's right. We're all afraid of something."
"Alright, what are you afraid of Rich?" Eddie asked Richie.
Richie pushed his glasses up his nose. "Clowns."

1128 words bitches! (Not including this shit!)

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