Chapter One-A Villain is Born

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Izuku had been bullied since he was four and didn't get a quirk like everyone else. He was used to others using their powers to torture him and make his life a living hell. Today had been the worst of all his childhood friend turned bully had told him that in order to get a quirk he should take a swan dive off a roof. Then when he was heading home from school he was attacked by a villian made of sluge. He was then saved by his favorite hero All Might who he grabbed on to so he could ask him a very important question.

"Um... All Migh do you think it's possible for someone like me to become a hero. I mean someone who's quirkless." Izuku asked hope and admiration filling his voice.

"I'm sorry kid but no I don't believe that someone without a quirk could be a hero. You need to think more realistically you could be a police officer or a firefighter if you want to save people." All Might answered unsympathetically. Then he turned to rush off so his secret wouldn't get discovered but, as he turned he registered that the hope and light in the boy's eyes had left. He turned to say something only to see the boy jump over the building's ledge before he could react.

All Might rushed over to the edge and only made it in time to look over and see the boy's body hit the ground. His muscular body shriveled up as he turned into his half dead zombie like form. 'What have I done' was the only thing going through his mind. Then he ran trying to keep the image of a symbol of peace safe.


The first thing Izuku thought after hearing All Might's words was what's the point now. Then what Bakugo had told him came back to his mind as he decided it was worth a try.

When his body hit the ground he felt his bones shatter and his organs explode inside of him. He felt his skull crack and his vision blurred. But the one thing he didn't feel was the embrace of death. Instead he felt something pit his instincts into overdrive. Then the pool of his blood around him swirled to life as it covered him. He felt his body heal rapidly and then he stood up. He looked at himself in the mirror of a nearby shop and was startled by his transformation.

His body was covered in a blood red substance that had tendrils extending off of him at varying places he was also a lot taller rivaling even All Might in height. His eyes were now white and lens like (Like Spider-Man's eye's). His teeth were blood red fangs and his mouth now opened unnaturally far. He could tell that his body was now liquid like but he could condense himself and appear like he used to. Though he had the feeling his body would always be liquid like from now on.

Aside from the changes in his appearance he felt stronger, faster and smarter than before. But his instincts were what improved the most. They told him that he could bond with a host and gain powers and memories from them. Izuku realized that this ment to some degree he could permanently copy the quirks of those he bonded to.

Then something in the distance caught Izuku's attention. It was the sounds of explosions. Izuku ran towards the sounds as fast as he could. He realized that with his new powers a slow jogging pace was well over seventy five miles per hour.

When he arrived at the scene he saw his bully Bakugo being attacked by the slige villian who had been attacking him ten minutes earlier. Izuku would never wish the experience of being drowned by that disgusting thing on anyone so he jumped in to help.

He lept passed the line of hero's who weren't doing anything but watching and charged the villian. The villian noticed Izuku's charge and lashed out with some tendrils of slug which passed right through Izuku.

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