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Down the passageway they went. The only light that they got was the torch that somehow wrapped in blue flame that appeared right after her father stepped inside. The girl never knew about this secret way, so she's only held on the man next to her tightly.

"(Y/n), do you know who built this passageway?" The middle-aged man started the conversation.

The girl answered honestly with a "no..". She turned her gaze, meeting Sesshoumaru's orbs, but she found out that he's also know nothing about it.

"Haha.. how honest of you. So Your ancestor got a daughter named Shirogane. She's the one that made this passage and wrote the story of her father." Her father explained. The path didn't seem to end soon, so her father continued his story. "Everything was explained in the scrolls. She's even painted the face of her father and mother-.. You'll see why did I hide this fact from you up until now.."

"What else did she leave besides the painting and scrolls of tales?" Sesshoumaru speak up. His orbs were getting sharper.

"A statue.. of you. Only those 3 items were the one that she left. The other documents were made by the generation afterwards. I'm still keeping that tradition up until now. I hope, in the future, (y/n) will continue this tradition too." The father suddenly stopped. They haven't reached the end of the tunnel yet her father stopped his steps. His hand reached for the wall on his right and scanned the surface. The girl and the demon dog were just watching him curiously. "The sword saved thousands of life, but none of it was my mother. The sword vowed to serve its wielder forever, yet it sealed the soul of my father. The sword was the one that united them, will it unite my soul with them?" Her father muttered the words that seemed to be a password.

Suddenly a blue bright shadow formed in front of them. The mysterious girl seemed wear a Furisode, just like her. Her head were hanging low and covered her face with her bangs. "Ah.. It would be nice to meet them.." her voice were so soft, almost inaudible, but the demon dog caught her words. She extended her arms and suddenly a door appeared behind her. As the door opened, her body were sucked into the room, but before she completely vanished, she lifted up her head and gasped when her eyes saw the girl and Sesshoumaru. Her expression turned into agony and her right hand were trying to reach them.

"That woman is your daughter, isn't she?" The man and his little helper spoken the same phrase in harmony, turned them into a complete silence just to analyze what just happened.

"Nope! That was your daughter! That crescent moon on the forehead said it all!" The girl stated.

"However, I could feel your vibe in her face. So, she's your daughter." Sesshoumaru didn't push his argument but he knew that would make her speechless.

"Hahaha! What a fight. So in other words, she's my granddaughter? What a surprise!" her father walked passed the door, leaving the two lifted their eyebrows.

The father's words surprisingly snapped something in the girl's mind. "Lord Sesshoumaru! It's a loop! That girl and also your visions! I'm not sure how did this work, but both of them were from the future and the past!"

"How does the past work together with the future?" Sesshoumaru furrowed as he walked into the chamber.

"I don't know.. " she only able to reply in a mumble. She didn't realize that the dark chamber was now illuminated by the blue flame from the chandelier. "Omg.." her sight were taken by the huge statue in the end of the room. A standing statue that looks exactly with the man next to her, not in his casual clothes, but with his gracious white kimono.

"So that's how you noticed me back on the mountain." The man signed to the middle-aged man.

Her father glanced at them. "Not only that. This painting also said it all." He took a scroll that was put in front of the statue, on some kind of throne. The scroll seemed to covered by gold because of its shining composure. Her father carefully spread the scroll, not wanting to make a single damage on it.

The dim blue light illuminated the painting that showed portrait of 2 persons. They were smiling while striking a pose that only familiar in the modern days. "Wait-wait! First, that girl somehow looks like me.. and the man looks like Lord Sesshoumaru.. Then second, they looked as if they were taking a selfie..?" The girl spoken her mind out loud. Both of the men turned their gaze to her.

"Strange.. isn't it? For a 500 years old painting." Her father stared at the hyper realistic painting with a smile. He's looking at the figures that looks like as if they're looking at a camera. "When the first time my mother showed me this painting, she told me to remember the face of the girl, for she's the one that will break the seal of The Great Demon Dog. At first, I was apathetic with that legend... at least until you're born and I had to watch you growing up before my eyes." Her father put the scroll back to the throne. He trailed around the chamber's wall that was also a big shelf for another scrolls.

"So.. you think, that persons were really.. us?" The girl asked again. She couldn't believe what her father said.

"There's no other couple in our family that looks like both of you.. Plus, I remembered that both of you got that pair of clothes.." The middle-aged man mentioned the clothes that the two figures were wearing in the painting. The girl was wearing a school uniform. Exactly the one that her daughter had. Meanwhile the man was wearing his usual turtle neck, combined with the leather jacket, not forgetting his iconic fluffy fur on his right shoulder. They were posing like a couple. The girl was in the front, her right hand was extended as if she's holding the camera. Sesshoumaru was on the back, his hands were wrapped around her waist and his head was leaning on her left shoulders. The smile on their faces were warm. They seemed to finally found their happiness in their life.

"Anyway, here's the first journal that your girl, Shirogane, made." The father took another scroll, now it got a red cover on it. He passed the scroll to Sesshoumaru. "As far as I remembered, that scroll contains the reason behind the seal of The Great Demon Dog." A slight smirk caught on the middle-aged man's lips.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" Sesshoumaru confronted the man. He smelled something fishy behind this man's action.


Sorry for another long wait for the update TwT
I was working 3 days straight during the weekends.. It was tiring af.. but the money is good tho.. xD

So.. I hope you like this part too..
Thank you for reading ><

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