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"I got this, darling.." was a phrase that she heard before she felt something heavy fell on her body. The girl lost her balance and fell on her knees. Realized that something is off, she opened her eyes and saw the man in the wine suit laid limply on her. His left arm was wrapped around her waist in a protective manner. She's more surprised by him than the destroyed room in front of her eyes.

She hesitantly hold his shoulder and shook his body, yet nothing came in response. She tried to tap his back. Her palm of hand only got a weird wet of a flesh sensation from his back. She pulled her hand just to see more crimson liquid on her.

Is he.. dead? The girl then pushed the body and facing it. "Mr.. Kiyonobu?" The man's eyes were closed and he didn't respond to her calling. OH SHIT!

Sesshoumaru opened the door where the smell that he followed ended. Behind the big luxurious wooden door, also just to be greeted by a destroyed room. Yet, in the far corner of the room he found her, crying, with a man in her small arms. He soon went closer to her and stared at her helpless being. Questioning her action, yet he couldn't let out any words.

"He.. He's dead.. while protecting me.." Her sobs prevented her from speaking clearly, but he got her words.


"It means.. not only this mission is failed.. but me! as an assassin! that was saved by her victim?? Not gonna be a good explanation for Mr. Yoshihide.." she wiped her tears with the palm of her dirty hands. The stain of blood and tears tainted her cheeks and eyes.

"You want him to be alive??" His golden orbs stared at her (e/c) ones.

"Well at least.. even if he's alive and ran away, I can go and hunt him again.. we still have time for that.." the girl took another glance at the dead body. He's surely handsome if he's not wearing that sickening grin and being a jerk a few minutes ago.

Sesshoumaru also turned his gaze to the dead body. Then, he took out his sword. The girl only freezed in her sitting position, with the man's head on her lap and the rest of his body was laying on the floor. "Remember when I told you that you can't kill with the sword?"

The girl lifted up her head, waiting for what would Sesshoumaru do with that sword to the dead man. For Sesshoumaru, his sight already caught the underworld being that were gathered around the dead man, consuming his soul. He remembered this view. When he saved a dead little girl that was being attacked by a pack of wolves.

Sesshoumaru started to swing his sword and killed those underworld imp with just one swing. The girl couldn't see the imp and she's just sitting there, questioning him. "This sword was never made to kill.." Soon after that, the crimson haired man started to move his fingers, then his arms, and finally he started to open his eyes. "It's made to save thousands of life.." he continued and he motioned the sword and put it back to its case.

Hyotaro started to cough while he stabilized his breath. His vision became clearer and he could see the girl right in front of him. "Hey.. darling.. you're saved-" he's back to his sense but just to grin and being replied with a punch from the girl.

"This time.. I will make sure he's only knocked out.. not losing his life.." the girl muttered in annoyance with the crimson haired man. "Anyway.. thank you so much.. Lord Sesshoumaru.. I'm totally saved.." the girl looked down. Letting her (h/c) locks covering her eyes. Secretly, she smiled and glad to have him as a companion. "Shall we go back home?"

Sesshoumaru took a few steps ahead of her. Meanwhile, the girl was holding the man on her back and it's slowed her down. The hallway was quiet and they didn't pass anyone or even anything. Maybe all of them were already evacuating when they heard the loud sound of destroyed floors.

"How will you bring him home?" Sesshoumaru broke the silence. Thanks to his curiousity, now, the girl that haven't think about that started to think.

"Oh shit.. I haven't.. think about it.." She's mumbled. "maybe I should call Kirisagi to pick us up again.. Where's my bag?" The girl threw back a question at him.

Sesshoumaru stopped. He seemed to sneak his hands into his fluffy fur and pulled out something, but the girl's view was only his broad back. After that, he extended his left arm to her that was holding her back. The girl tried to reach it but then she remembered that she got a heavier thing on her back.

"Uh.. I cannot take it.. my hands are full.." Sesshoumaru turned at her. They shared an awkward silence for a brief moment.

"Don't tell me to use that magic mirror of yours.."

"Haha! Ups- no.. uh.. " the girl let out a giggle when she saw his cold sweat when he mentioned about her phone. She rolled her eyes while thinking for another way to hold her phone, but Sesshoumaru was already stood behind her. Then, she felt that her heavy burden were being lifted up. The teenager's (e/c) orbs automatically followed.

"N-no.. Lord Sesshoumaru.. I can take him- " Sesshoumaru cut her words by giving her bag right in front of her face. She took it but Sesshoumaru suddenly vanished from her sight. Her surprise were doubled when she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her up. Lost her balance, the girl squealed a little, but the man got her save in his left arm and she knew it.

"(Y/n).." Wind blowed as they jumped and dashed from roof to roof. The sky were already dark, yet the stars and the lights from the buildings illuminated their way back.


"How come you don't have any scent?"

"Huh?? Oh.. well I'm an assassin.. assassins shouldn't left any trace of themself in the crime scene.. that's what.. my mother has taught me.." the girl hugged her bag tighter. "Well, since The Great Demon Dog said so.. it means my attempt is success.." giggles escaped her lips. "Oh!! How's the smell of assassins from your era?? Did they get no scent like these day's assassins??"

"I don't know."

"Ohh! That's not fun.. why don't you knoww??" The girl's sulking but she's just want to tease the great demon.

"I never smell them."

"You sounded like you smell me intentionally.. hahaha"

"I am.." his short answer successfully made her blood ran to her cheecks and colored it. She took a brief moment before giving him another answer.

"Ha.. haha.. wh-why did you bring up this topic anyway?"

"It's hard to trace you when you're in danger."

"Then.. how did you find me before?" Her curiousity made her tried to turn her head to him although the angle's only made her suffer.

"I followed the smell of blood."

Surprised by his answer, she frankly speak up her thoughts with a wide smile. "Oh.. then let's make blood as my official scent!"

Sesshoumaru took a glance at her. He couldn't help not to let go a chuckle, followed by a short answer. "Okay..."


Helloo~~~ hope you're having a good day~
Thank you for reading this part hehee.. i hope you like it.. ><

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