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"Uuuugh.." every step that the girl took only made her leg hurt even more. Slowly, she opened the door of her room and found 2 men in black suit were standing there. "Oh .. you're guarding this door?"

"Yes, my lady." The man on the right answered.

"So you won't let me out by any chance?"

"Yes, my lady." Now it's the man on the left's turn to answer.

"Oh.. okay.. " the girl closed the door and walked back to her bed. "To the window we go.. again.." she let out a loud sigh since she found no way to get out from the room for now.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she scanned the room. Usually I would go to the window.. I already tried that one and it was a failure.. Then, her eyes caught a slight difference on a door that leads to the bathroom. She lifted up herself once more with her hands. She realized that the color of this door were slightly off, compared to the real one on her house. Little did she knew that the bathroom have a difference that will lead her to another escape attempt.

She opened the door and greeted by the baby pink interior of the bathroom. She turned on the switch and "AHA!" she shouted. She didn't put enough attention at the bathroom details before but now when she did, she realized a huge difference there.

There's another door that connects the bathroom with the room next to it. "So this is a shared bathroom.. but.." she's not only questioning the purpose of the shared bathroom but also the room next to it. "Better I check it.." passed the shower and the sink, she walked slowly towards the door that exactly in front of the previous door.

The girl took a deep breath right before she pushed the handle. The door made a sound as an indication that it's not opened for a long period of time. A huge cloud of dust barged into the bathroom and it made the girl stepped backwards in surprise. "Damn.. now that's dirty.."

She continued to opened the door wider and stepped into the dirty floor. She looked down at her feet since she's not wearing any sandals from the room. "Ughh.. ew.. gross.." thick dust sticked on her bare feet but she need to continue her search.

The room is dark but a dim light from the window helped her sight a little bit. There're several furnitures that were covered with white dusty sheets. Some of them were recognizable as sofa and table. Some are also looks like paintings and statues. The girl tried to walk carefully between those unused furniture. She didn't want to make any voice that could possibly attracts the guards outside.

She walked towards the windows. She wiped her hand on surface of the dusty window. She could see the same cliff just like from her window, but there's a small balcony next to this room and she knew that this is another opportunity for her.

Before she opened the window, she took her last glance at the room, in case there's another better option for her. Hmm.. nothing to do in here anymore.. she took her first step outside the window before she lifted up her wounded leg. Winched by the process, she tried to hold the pain.

Now, she must make a leap to the nearest balcony that she saw before. Making a jump for this distance is usually easy for her, but her injured leg made sure that it wouldn't be easy anymore. Cannot land with this leg for sure.. she took a few step backwards.

When she's ready, she pushed her body with the other leg and jumped. She bent her injured leg so at least it wouldn't stumble on the railings of the balcony. Landing on her back, she rolled a few times before finally stopped. "Ouchh! my God.." her wounds stings when she stretch her leg to get back on her feet.

Now the girl has to decide either continue through outdoor or indoor. Either way is as dangerous as it could be, but since this part of the house was facing the cliff, no guards were seen on this area. But, she knew that she won't go for the cliff for the second time. She lifted up her head and stare at the roof. The roof got a flat surface on it.

Perhaps that will do.. The girl climbed up the panels of the window, up to the roof. She used the power of both of her hands to boost her weight. Stretching her arms, she reached the edge of the roof. After lifting up her body, she crawled to the other side of the Kiyonobu manor.

The height of the manor helped her monitored the front yard. There were several luxurious cars parked there. She also could see the busy activity of the guards. Maybe they have found out that I'm no longer in my room... She looked left and right, hoping that no one see her there.

It's too risky to get down from the roof around here.. I need to find a place with more covers.. trees will do.. The girl followed the trees that surrounded the mansion. She needs to find the nearest tree, not only to cover herself but also to help her get off from the roof. Oh! The west side of the mansion is closer to the woods.. should I..?

The girl crawled her was backwards before lifting up her body. She moved as fast and silent as she could to the west side. When she get there, she took her last glance towards the busy guards before making another leap onto the trees.

She grabbed the branches with her hands to ease her landing on the grass. The branches made noises but she quickly left the place in case someone's checking on it from the windows.

Running.. and running.. it's been half an hour since she's running away from the mansion. Why is it so quiet??? It's too easy! She's took a glance around her but all that she saw is the trees that been illuminated by the sun.

Her heart began to doubt her decision. Should I stop? But I don't feel good about that.. She's hesitated in taking each steps. First, she didn't feel like going somewhere because of the trees, second, she could felt the forest was consuming her sanity.

If she's running in a loop, she would notice, but she knew she didn't. Her adrenaline was started to pump more than before. Not good.. this is not good.. she increased her speed, and she could felt warmth spread around her leg.  "Shit!" Her wounds felt worse than before. The appearance was also not any better with the crimson liquid that running to her foot.

"ARGH!" the blood took her attention. It made her forget to keep an eye on her surroundings. She fell down because of one of the tree's root. She rolled on the grass and ended up laying helplessly. "Uhh.. hurt.. damn.. never thought that it would be this bad.." she's covering her eyes with her hands from the sunlight that penetrated from the trees.

"You should do a better preparation, lady.." a mysterious voice replied to her statement. By the time she knew, she's already surrounded by mysterious people in a black fedora.


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