"He got angry?" I asked knowingly.

"Yeah...angry. V, he....he beat me till I was unconscious" she admitted.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

"He made me believe it was my fault, told me deserved it for being so uptight. I confronted him and he punched me multiple times. One night he showed up at my house drunk and tried to have sex with me but I pushed him off and ran outside until he left. It went on for about a year" she shivered.

"I'm so sorry B. You should've told us. Does Jughead know?" I asked.

"No and he won't. As far as he knows I didn't date anyone between the time we broke up and now. I'm not going back to square one again"

"B, he deserves to know" I soothed.

"No V. It's my decison. Hayden won't come near me, I threatened that if he came after me I'd call the police and tell them everything. When I came back to Riverdale I didn't hear from him again" she explained.

"You should've called them anyway! He deserves to be locked up!" I shouted.

"I can't! I can't go to court and re-live it all!" she cried.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry for shouting. I'm just worried about you" I admitted softly. She nodded and hugged me tight before we walked, linking arms, to class.

*That evening*

3rd person

There was a celebration at the Whyte Wrym that night for Betty becoming Jugheads' Queen. Speeches were said, drinks were raised and everything was going smoothly. So smooth that the two lovebirds had sneaked off into the bathroom and were currently making out. Jughead lifted Betty onto the sink counter and placed his hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He started to trail kisses down her neck, leaving light marks. Betty let out a muffled moan but was interrupted by the door swinging open. The couple pulled apart to see Hayden stood there with a look of disgust on his face.

"Oh uh...I can leave" he spoke.

"No, no it's fine" Jughead spoke helping Betty down.

"Go ahead Juggie. I need to fix my makeup" Betty explained and pecked his lips before he left. She started to reapply her lipstick when she saw Hayden behind her in the mirror.

"What do you want?" she asked turning around, pressing her hands against the edge of the counter.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"Jughead" she spoke bluntly.

"The ex? Now the serpent king"

"Yeah and I'm becoming the queen today" she smiled proudly.

"Perfect little life huh?" he asked smugly as he walked closer to her, backing her into a corner.

"Hayden, I told you to stay away. Why are you here?" she asked shakily.

"I'm just travelling. I thought I'd stop here and then I heard about some sort of party at a bar" he excused. He then backed her right into the corner and lifted his hand to stroke her cheek.

Betty's POV

I flinched and pushed my head to the side.

"Betty...come on. I've missed you" he whispered tucking a piece of hair behind my ear harshly.

"I can't say the same. Now please let me go" I spoke calmly but stern.

"Why would I do that? I want you all to myself" he smirked as his hand travelled down my sides.

"My friends will wonder where I am, if they catch you you're dead" I spoke. I tried to scream but he caught on and shoved his coarse hand over my mouth. Tears started to run down my cheeks as his free rough hand started to brush my hair out of the way. He yanked my head to the side and started trailing kisses where Jughead had, though his were rough and vicious. Jughead's were soft and sweet.

"Please" I tried to croak out as I closed my eyes sobbing. I felt his hands start to move down but then there was nothing. I opened my eyes and through the waterfall of tears I saw him on the floor, Toni kicking him continuously. My body wracked with sobs as I slid down the wall in the corner. I then heard a bunch of voices, Fangs, Sweetpea and Cheryl. Then another one.

Jugheads POV

"Jughead! It's Betty!" Sweetpea shouted. I ran into the bathroom and my eyes widened at what I saw. Betty was curled up in the corner with Cheryl and Fangs trying to comfort her, Toni and Sweetpea were beating up the new guy.

"What the fuck?" I shouted.

"Jughead. This guy was touching Betty, I came in and he was all over her" Toni panicked. My blood boiled and my eyes filled with fire. I stormed over to Hayden and punched him over and over again.

"Jughead! Jughead stop! We need you over here!" Cheryl shouted.

"Jug, Betty needs you" Sweetpea said pulling me away.

"Fangs, Toni, Sweetpea take him down to the basement and tie him up. Cheryl shut down the party" I commanded knowing Cheryl had the power and confidence to order everyone around. I then rushed over to Betty who's face was in her arms and she was tucked up in a ball sobbing.

"Betts...Betts I need you to look up. I need you to breathe" I spoke softly. She shook her head rapidly making my heart break at the sight.

"Please baby...you need to breathe. You're going to faint" I admitted softly. She lifted her head slightly to reveal her puffy red eyes and damp face. I took her hands in mine and helped her breathing pattern go back to normal before she threw herself into my arms. I sat against the wall and put her on my lap, letting her cry into my chest.

"I'm gonna kill him" I cursed.

"N...no J...Juggie" she coughed.

"Betty, he could've...he could've...." I trailed off.

"You don't understand!" she sobbed.

"Understand what?" I asked confused.

"He's my ex"

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