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******** So…Basically this chapter is about Mayuri’s reaction to Sasuke’s disappearance. Sorry if it’s boring! (WARNING: It will be boring and if you haven’t already noticed my stories aren’t edited.) Once again sorry for all the disappointments I have caused Enjoy! RIP 9/11 victims.

I got up and felt really cold. I tried to snuggle closer to Sasuke but there was no warmth beside be. All I could feel was a super squishy figure. “Sasuke…you need to work out more” I mumbled poking the squishy figure. I heard no reply so I opened my eyes slowly and saw that Sasuke wasn’t there; replacing his spot on the bed was nothing but a pillow. I rose myself off the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.
When I came back from the bathroom I saw a note on my dresser. I smiled at the envelope. Of course..Sasuke left another note. Probably something about plans he has for us tonight or cute messages. I opened it grinning and as I was reading it my smile was fading. It read:
Dearest Mayuri,
You are the greatest girl I have ever met, and I am so glad I met you. I just hope you would be great enough to understand. I have a lot planned for the future but I noticed to get to those plans I need to be able to clear my lifes misery. The only way is to kill Itachi. And that’s what I am planning to do, sorry to tell you this but I have left with Orichimaru to seek power. Once I get the power I can defeat Itachi and I promise you that my plans will make our lives amazing. Please understand I want what’s best for us, I don’t want him to hurt you. If I lost you….I would never be able to forgive myself or anyone.
On this long journey I will always be thinking of you, please don’t forget that. When I come back I can’t wait to see your beautiful grown face that I love. Please do not come back for me. I can’t stop until I know for sure you are safe. I love you Kurochi Mayuri.
Love, hugs, and many kisses,
Uchiha. Uchiha Sasuke…

I took a deep breath and folded the letter. I didn’t eat breakfast or anything after that I just took the letter and ran, ran to the Hokage tower. I know Sasuke wouldn’t want that but hey not everyone gets what they want. Did I want Sasuke to leave me? Hell no. Sucks for him he can’t do this, this is just plain ridiculous. I bursted into the office and saw a confused Hokage sitting there resting her chin on her locked hands.
“Something I can help you with?”  She asked sofly.
“Kinda..Sasuke left the village.” I stated boredly seating myself in the seat in front of her. Her eyes shot wide open, she shot up and yelled ‘what’.
“I don’t like repeating myself, you heard me.” I slid the letter across the desk only for her to reach over and read it herself.
“Unbelievable.” She muttered under her breath putting the letter down.
“Umm its ok, We will have a couple of people go and attempt to bring him back.” I sighed depressingly and nodded. She called for Shikamaru to come in and while he was on his way we were talking more about what we are going to be doing.
“Would you like to join them?” Tsunade-sama offered. “Nah.” She looked pretty shocked on why I would pass up an opportunity to bring my boyfriend back. “Why not?” I told her its personal and she stayed quite for a moment. But then she looked at me with a soft look leaning closer. I just narrowed my eyes at her.
“Listen Kurochi-chan, I know how it feels to lose your lover. Don’t hide your emotions it makes it worse.  If you ever need to..let it all out to me. I know you love him, I know your scared, I know your worried and sad and nervous and hurt and etc. Just don’t hide it.” I scoffed and was about to retort but Shikamaru lazily made his way in.
Tsunade-sama and I explained the entire situation to him, and she told him the plan was for him to pick a team and he would lead them to bring Uchiha back. I wasn’t so sure how it would go through.
“Got it, seems like a lot of work but whatever. I will recruit my team right now. May-san come with me I don’t want to explain it to every single much work…” Shika sighed. I nodded and was exiting the office with him when hokage-sama stopped me.
“Mayuri! I know you just got up but turn off your amugan..its kinda scary….” I smirked and did what I was told before carrying on, s we were walking Shikamaru kept taking glances at me.
“Something you need Shikamaru-kun?”  I spoke softly so he wouldn’t notice the sadness in my voice. “Hm I know this is troublesome and all but would you like to be the only female in the team to help recruit Sasuke?”Wow, of course he wasn’t planning on adding any girls.. because ‘girls are troublesome’.
I simply shook my head, he looked really bewildered. “What? Why?” I know I didn’t tell Tsunade-sama but around Shika I feel more comfortable, he is one of my best friends so why not?
“In that letter Sasuke wanted me to trust him, to not worry about him. Which we all know is impossible at the moment. But If I go over there to reclaim my boyfriend..I know he is going to refuse and also, he will be disappointed that I don’t trust him if I see him.” He looked over at me and sighed shaking his head. When we made it to Naruto’s front door Shikamaru told him the news. It took a while for Naruto to actually wake up and process what he just said. Once the message was received he started panicking and started hugging me saying ‘sorry’ as if Sasuke died.
~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~
After recruiting all the other guys who were on this trip Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan, and I all went till the gates to wish the boys luck on their mission.
Sakura immediately started crying and begging them to bring him back. Hinata was just worried if Naruto-kun was going to be ok. I read her mind. I stood there emotionlessly and depressed. When the guys were about to leave Naruto-kun came up and whispered to me. “I will bring him back, just stay put. I promise I will, Believe it.”
After saying that they left, one could only hope for the best. I sighed and then Hinata offered to hang out but I was too depressed I just said no. I went to the training grounds where a whole bunch of sasuke’s fangirls were running away crying about how “their man” was now gone.
I took all my anger and frustrations out on the kunai’s I was throwing. It felt so damn relaxing. But a lot of the pain was still bottled up there. Out of nowhere right as I was about to throw a kunai a hand caught my wrist and I saw it was Kakashi’s.
“What do you want Kaka-sensei?” I sighed pulling my hand away.
“Look I have been thinking lately….a lot. About families, about yours to be exact, every time we talk I only get to hear sad stuff about your family. Not that much but still. After thinking and talking I got the adoption arranged. I think now is an even better time. Mayuri you are now my daughter.”
I was shocked by everything he just said. I always thought Kakashi would be a wonderful father figure. To tell you the truth…I always pretended he was my father. I am just astounded by the fact its official now. The only thing is…I didn’t know what to feel. Should I feel happy or sad? I know this is good news but nothing can remove the pain from the fact my lover is gone, and my best friends are risking their lives to get him back.
Kakaashi noticed my confused expression. He put a hand on my shoulder which made me look up at him. “I know you don’t know what to feel but..erm. I have always wanted to do this..” He stretched his arms out really wide. His one exposed eye looked straight at mine. “Let it all out sweetie.” I dropped my Kunai and jumped into his warm arms. I didn’t cry but I just screamed it all out. I gripped his shirt and screamed some of my pain, which to a normal person would seem like a lot.
“I-IT HURTS SO MUCH OTOU-SAN!!!” I yelled. He pulled away and looked at me. “D-did you just call me..?” I nodded with my eye shut closed.  I peeked it open andsaw him smiling pulling me in for another hug.
~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~
It was late at night and dad was sleeping. That’s right I live with him now. I packed up all my stuff from the Uchiha compound and Hinata helped. I contacted Temari-chan and told her all about it. It felt nice to talk to my best friends when I needed to. I put the key to the Uchiha house on my necklace of a rose. It’s in the shape of the Uchiha crest.
I was given a spare bedroom that seemed pretty normal but I was sooo going to miss my old room. After dinner, dad went straight to bed and he asked if I needed anything knowing I don’t sleep. I told him I would just be unpacking. While I was unpacking I was looking through all the pictures of me and Sasuke. That Uchiha..we had so much fun.
My body was so tired but my mind told me I couldn’t sleep. I just cant. It hurt so much my head was pounding and it was just so painful. Because Sasuke isn’t here…no longer will I be able to have a good night sleep. Sasuke Please please please come back.
I spent the entire night thinking about Naruto and the guys. It seems it’s going to take them about a month to return. Since its far away, they will be held up by many people. I am pretty sure they will get injured and will need to rest so it should take no longer than month for them to be back. But whats sad is we don’t know if that long month journey is even worth it.
Stupid Duck butt…

******** Ok sorry it was super boring!! It will get interesting later promise k? Love you all keep reading because it’s going to get important. Love you all. Till next time, READ VOTE COMMENT :P

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