Finally back home...with trouble

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********So I did a time skip. Right now they just back and met up with the Hokage with the prince and princess still beside them. But there is some not so pleasing news......Read on!

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~


Finally. I really mean finally, we made it home. And my goodness I was about ready to die.

As soon as we got to the gates I knocked the guards down and made a dash to the Hokage's office. When I got there I pushed through his guards as well and tackled the old man with a giant hug. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Thank goodness, we, made, it. Finally. I missed you Sarutobi sama." I said panting between each word.

"Haha, I apologize for the trouble, Mayuri. You have completed your mission, how did it go?"

"Ok first of all you owe me. Big time. But yeah at least it was successful." I shrugged.

"I look forward to reading the mission report. Your team and our guests should be coming any moment now so I should inform you about something."

"Oh ok, what is it?" Right before the Hokage could open his mouth...

"OLD MAN!!!!!! ARE YOU WITH THAT CHICK MAYURI!?!??!" Konohamaru... I sighed.

I closed my eyes and put on a fake twitching smile. "Ohayo, Konohamaru."

"May-san, what took you so long?! While you were on your mission...I was starting to miss you." Konahamaru pouted with a deep blush.

"Heh. That's great, kiddo." I said ruffling his hair. He frowned, and crossed his arms in response. His grandpa told him to leave for a second most likely to discuss whatever information the Hokage was talking about. However being the defiant kid he was, he wouldn't. Luckily Iruka Sensei had come in to take him away.

"Nice to see you again Mayuri." Iruka sensei greeted.

"As to you" I replied, saluting him with two fingers.

"So back to where I was..." the third trailed off. Before he could continue again Naruto interrupted by slamming the door open.

The entire team and the guests all walked in to check in with the Hokage and turn in the mission report. The Hokage welcomed the guests and chatted with them for a bit, as well as going over the mission report with Kakashi sensei. After the check in we were all dismissed.

"Mayuri, you stay here." The hokage called before I could turn to leave. I stood in place as I patiently waited for everyone else to exit the room.

"How come?" Sasuke and Kai asked simultaneously. They both exchanged looks with an expression that was hard to read, but almost as if they were studying each other.

"I have to talk to Mayuri about the remainder of the mission. Sasuke, take the prince outside please."

The boys nodded and left.

"I see you have been working on a new jitsu. How are you feeling after the impact during the mission?"

"Still spying on people with the old crystal ball, huh? I am fine, I guess I am still not used to the amount of chakra it requires, I still have some things to fix." The Hokage gave me a small smile.

"I am impressed at your progress as a ninja, you have come so far at such a young age already. I expected this more from Uchiha Sasuke, since his brother was the most skilled student the village has ever seen. I am pleased to see a rising konoichi around here." I was really taken back by the hokage's kind words. It really means a lot to have my abilities recognized by such an accomplished ninja. I bowed and thanked him before turning to leave the office once again.

"About the guests' temporary home, they will be staying in the Uchiha compound during their trip. Before you ask why, it is because you two have enough room."

I didn't want to argue back, especially after he just hyped me up about my improvement as a student. I just nodded quietly before taking my leave, but internally I was groaning in agony. More on the note that I would be having to share the same roof as Kyoorie. It was almost as if the mission was not enough or something. I envied the other members of team 7 that got to go home and feel the relief of breathing oxygen that wasn't shared by the royal pain in the ass. At least I wasn't completely alone though, I still had Uchiha I suppose.

Outside the office stood Sasuke, Kai, and Kyoorie, but I have a feeling that the princess just stuck around to follow Sasuke. I informed them about the housing situation and although Kai didn't have much of a reaction, the other two were very expressive. Uchiha looked physically pained, while Kyoorie was ecstatic that she wouldn't have to be too far from the duckbutt.

Once we reached our compound, we gave them the grand tour and assigned rooms. Kai got the room closest to mine and Sasuke's which was at the end of the hall. The room was in the middle of Uchiha and I, the old master bedroom. At the very end of the other hall, and I mean way at the end, was Kyoorie's room. Her room was the guest room. She was trying really hard to trade rooms with Kai however she finally let it go and stomped off to the room.

Once the guests were situated I went back to my room to get comfortable. I felt a deep growl that came from my own body that took me by surprise. For a minute I thought it was the demon sealed in my body, but no it was just my stomach. I was damn hungry. Normally Sasuke would volunteer to make some dinner but I could hear his shower turn on so I guess it was my turn to pick up the apron. I decided to head downstairs to start cooking dinner but when I got there I saw.......

****** ooops cliff hanger. Sorry. Wont be long till I update though promise. Sorry it was short and was nothing but dialogue basically. I am tired I made 3 chapters in one day. But was too lazy to publish. I just saved it on word till today. Till next time...READ, RATE, AND COMMENT :P

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