Shogi is a cool game

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********hehe hai again, This chapter is about Mayuri having to spend time in the sand siblings temporary place for a week. This is her first night there. Enjoy :D
I saw my bestie! Other than Hina of course…
“TEMARI!” I squealed jumping to her.
“MAY-SAN! I am soooo glad you got punished! You get to be here for a week!”
“Hmph, sucks for Mayuri-san.” Kankuro stated with a smirk, while Temari smacked him upside the head.  She led me into her room which was way more decorative then when last time I came here with them. Even though she isn’t staying that long she sure knows how to make a room come alive.
“Like what you’ve done to the place” I said looking around at the hanging fans all over the walls. She jumped on the made bed and grew a wide smirk.
“Speaking of like……….I saw you and Sasuke outside the house..” Blushing furiously I threw a blanket at her and asked her where I was supposed to sleep.
“In Gaara’s room.” My eyes twitched and my face turned bright red. “what?” She started chuckling going behind me tying my hair up into a neat pony tail.
“Haha come on you should, I mean I would let you stay here any time. But you could mess with Gaara. It will be hilarious! He likes you I am pretty sure so imagine if you tease him.” I thought about it, if I did…then I would make the poor guy confused and embarrassed. ALSO, He would be blushing all cute like and-OMG I HAVE to do this!!!!
“OK!” I said grinning at the embarrassed Gaara image in my head.
“Then lets go!” She dragged me to the living room where him and his brother were watching TV.
“Hey Gaara, Mayuri is going to stay in your room, that ok?” Tem asked nudging me lightly.
“WHAT?!?! Why cant she stay in my room!!” Kankuro whined, Temari gave him a ‘get out of here look’. So he left, when we turned back to Gaara he looked emotionless and as if he suspected his sister.
“Why cant she sleep with you?” His cool calm voice melted into the air.
“Psh because….I just sprayed some cleaning things in my room? And there are too much chemicals to be there for about a ….week….I will spend the night on couch, so do you mind?” By the look Gaara gave it seemed as if he was going to ask about my skills to survive chems  -_- , but before he could speak I stopped him.
“P-Please, Gaara-Kun?” I said in a whimpering tone with puppy eyes. He looked at me with cold emotionless eyes. But soon they softened and showed..what do you call it, emotion?
I was trying super hard to hold my laugh in and I could tell Temari was too. But then he finally opened his mouth to speak.
“Hm. Fine.” He said quicly blushing walking off to his room.
“Where did he go?” I asked Tem as she was getting out supplies to make dinner.
“I don’t know, probably to go clean his room for you.” She said with a wink and a giggle. I laughed and  walked over to make desert since she wouldn’t let me make the dinner.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After dinner we all headed for a sleep. Well everyone but me and Gaara. I followed Gaara to his room where he told me “You can have the bed, not like I sleep anyways.” But I know you wish you could Gaara.
“Hehe I cant either,  but I guess I will just sit here.” He looked back at me while pulling out his book.
“You cant sleep?” He said pretty much almost surprised.
“Yeah like you, I am a jinkchuriki. I have the prince of ice in me.” I stated in a matter of fact tone. I know that was some shocking news for him so I used my eyes power to hear his thoughts. ‘she is a jinkchuriki? Another thing I find a liking towards this girl.’ Ahh so he does like me, aww!
“Why so shocked?” I asked cocking my head to the side in a cute way, I see that made him blush.
“Well I heard of you and your clan, but I never knew that you were a…well you say you cant sleep but your eyes show no tiredness. And I am also wondering why you aren’t scared of me.” I laughed at what he said.
“if you heard of my clan you should know that my eyes are special. I am tired I will tell you that. But my eyes can shield out the emotion and tiredness in them. And why would I be scared of you? You are my friend Gaara.” I smiled at him.
“friend….thank you, Mayuri-san.” Though his face didn’t show it I could tell he meant it and was happy.  I went up to him and hugged him tightly, I could feel his blush filling him up completely.  I felt a thin layer of sand separate me from him. Looks like he was scared…hehe.
“u-uh i am going to read right here at this desk, why don’t you…sit on that bed” He said nervously pointing to the bed. I smirked and sat there watching him. I assumed he could feel my eyes on him so he looked up from his book.
“Y-yes?” He asked as if I was some creeper. He held the book up to his face to cover his blush.
“hehe, nothing. You are just really cute.” I said giggling. Even though he was hiding his cheeks, It didn’t help considering his ENTIRE face was red. I could barely see his kanji because it blended in!
“I am bored.” I said getting back to a bored, emotionless expression. He looked pretty sad when I said that, I hope he doesn’t think he is boring me cause he isn’t, he is everything  great.
“ Th-then what do you suggest we should do” He said putting his book away. I grabbed my bag and deep down I grasped onto something I know always entertains me.
“Well, my friend Shika showed me this cool board game. Shogi. Wanna play with me?” I asked getting a smile back on my face. When I pulled it out I could tell her really didn’t want to and he looked super bored.
“Or I will just put it away….” I trailed off with some sadness in my voice.
“N-No no no! I will play with you.” He said quickly rushing over to the edge of the mattress. I giggled at him.
“hehe yay! Get ready to loose hot stuff!” I said putting my game face on.
He just sweat dropped at me and helped me arrange the game board.

********* OOO the game is ON! Haha, so this chapter of Mayuri spending some time with Gaara is also to bring you awareness of my new story ^o^ woohoo! Its called “Arranged marriage with the kazekage” Please check it out, and if you don’t already know. It’s a Gaara fanfic. I will update stpry at a time. SO now that I updated this story, the next chapter will come out only AFTER whenever I decide to update the Gaara story. Its only fair  Hope you like it and also hope you like THIS story so far. Till next time, READ, VOTE, COMMENT :P

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