A night before the mission

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Authors Note: Ok so every time there is an authors note I will make it bold. So What do you think so far? sucky? thought so... -_-' Can you guys do me a favor? Maybe vote, comment, or message? That way I know what you think. I will try to make it more interesting. I promise :D Enjoy!!!

I was walking back home thinking about the mission and all that needs to be done before it. I was interrupted by Naruto's echoing voice calling for me. When I turned to face him he asked me if I wanted to grab some ramen with him.

"Sorry Naruto, I was going to make some ramen at my house. If you want you can come over" I proposed. Sasuke was not too far behind us when he overheard and did not look too happy about that.

"First of all its my house, and you have to ask my permission if he can come over."I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"Ever since I moved in its MY house too, dumbass. Besides, Naruto is my friend, he can come over anytime he wants." I emphasized the last part and I could tell that I was really pushing the Uchiha's buttons.

"It's okay Mayuri-san, I am really craving Ichiraku's ramen right now. I'm just going to head over there, thank you for the offer though!" Naruto was completely unbothered by Sasuke's behavior and went on his way. I waved to him before turning my attention to the Uchiha so we can have a staring or glaring contest. He lost.

The corner of my lips curled into a small smirk. Ah the Uchiha survivor. The boy known for the power of his eyes lost a blinking competition. Why you ask? By the spine shivering call from a particular pink-head, Sakura.

"Sasuke-Kun!!!" Sasuke peered over to the girl who strolled over, twiddling her fingers and eyes trained to the ground.

"W-We have a big mission tomorrow... I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner. You'll need a good meal for energy. And we can get to know each other better before the mission..." she trailed off with sparkling eyes gleaming with hope. Thanks for the invite, Sakura.

"Hn. I will pass." Sasuke calmly put his hands back in his pocket and began to walk away.

I clearly was not a part of the conversation. I felt bad for Sakura since Sasuke does not know how to talk to any human apparently. But at the same time I felt... relieved? But most importantly I felt hungry. All this talk about dinner plans and yet I am still here. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to follow Sasuke or just stand here, but Sakura took a step forward.

"Aww, why Sasuke-Kun?" She asked looking at him with a little bit of hope. Sasuke stopped and tilted his head over his shoulder.

"Because you are annoying." With that Sasuke walked away towards the Uchiha compund. I frowned at the disappearing figure before me. Sasuke has been acting up all day today. Yeah she can be obsessive and annoying, but he is heartless. Sakura was facing the ground when I took a step towards her.

"Are you okay Sakura?" She immediately picked her head up with tears streaming down her face to shoot me with a death glare.

"I don't want to talk to you, freak! Just me alone." I almost winced at her words.

"...I am so sorry, Sakura. Sure Sasuke didn't want to come over to your place, but why don't you come over to his? After all, I live there too now." Sakura wiped her tears but was obviously still upset.

"Why?! So you and Sasuke-kun can make me feel worse? Just stay away from him!" She seethed with more tears pouring down and took off just like that. I don't know what could have made it worse. It took me a few seconds to process what just happened before finally going back home.

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