Worried for the one I love

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******** So a couple days later its getting closer to the day of the final examination.  Mayuri finds out who Sasuke’s opponent is and gets quite nervous about it.



It’s been a couple days since I have seen Sasuke. I hope his training payed off. Also spending time with the Suna siblings wasn’t that bad. The worst part was getting hit on by Kankuro. -_- But I got used to that, kinda.

“Kankurou!! Get your butt over here! I have news! Mayuri can you get Gaara?” Temari said holding a letter. I brought Gaara and she began reading it out loud.

“So according to this letter we received. Kankurou, you will be fighting Aburame Shino for the finals.” He began thinking for a while then turned to me.

“Hmm Do you know him Mayuri-san?” I nodded and started to explain how he uses insects during combat. Like how the bugs can sense chakra, they can be used as spies, they can act like shadow traps, etc. All the bug talk made him shudder.

“Eww so I guess I am going to have bugs all over me huh?” I giggled at him and let Tem continue.

“Okk…and I will be against Nara Shikamaru…” PERFECT!!! They are so meant to be together, they can really have some nice bonding time during this fight ^o^ Temari looked at my smiling face and got a bit suspicious. I motioned her to continue.

“Alrighty then, Gaara, you will be against Uchiha Sasuke.” Wut? Ohh no. I know that Gaara is really strong and so is Sasuke but Gaara may have a chance to win. Although I cant underestimate the duck butts skills. I don’t know right now. I hope they both will be ok. My face showed a concern.

“Uchiha Sasuke huh?” Gaara spoke up taking glances at me. Temari noticed how nervous I looked and dragged me to her room.

“Wait where are you girls going?” Kankurou called out.

“We will be right back!” Tem said yanking on my arm.

“What about those chemical fumes?” Gaara asked lifting an imaginary eye-brow, adorable :P

“Temari..Sasuke has to fight Gaara-kun.” Said me in a sad way. She looked at me sadly and put a hand on my shoulder. “It will be fine May-san trust me. After Gaara started talking to you, he is way softer. He is like a love sick puppy.” She laughed.

“But..what if Sasuke ends up like Lee-Kun?”  That was so painful to watch. Lee got hurt massively, sure he is annoying but he really does mean no harm. Lee-kun is in fact really sweet.

“He wont May-san, if it really bothers you why don’t you talk to Gaara about it?” I told her how it wouldn’t be a good idea. All I had to do now was trust Sasuke. Know that he CAN win this. He CAN put up a good fight. I just hope he is safe. Not even I can protect that foolish boy. Itachi was right, he has a foolish little brother. But I don’t care, I love him.

(Sasuke Love Story) MINE FOREVERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora